6,849 research outputs found

    Ego-Downward and Ambient Video based Person Location Association

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    Using an ego-centric camera to do localization and tracking is highly needed for urban navigation and indoor assistive system when GPS is not available or not accurate enough. The traditional hand-designed feature tracking and estimation approach would fail without visible features. Recently, there are several works exploring to use context features to do localization. However, all of these suffer severe accuracy loss if given no visual context information. To provide a possible solution to this problem, this paper proposes a camera system with both ego-downward and third-static view to perform localization and tracking in a learning approach. Besides, we also proposed a novel action and motion verification model for cross-view verification and localization. We performed comparative experiments based on our collected dataset which considers the same dressing, gender, and background diversity. Results indicate that the proposed model can achieve 18.32%18.32 \% improvement in accuracy performance. Eventually, we tested the model on multi-people scenarios and obtained an average 67.767%67.767 \% accuracy

    What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment

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    In computer vision, video-based approaches have been widely explored for the early classification and the prediction of actions or activities. However, it remains unclear whether this modality (as compared to 3D kinematics) can still be reliable for the prediction of human intentions, defined as the overarching goal embedded in an action sequence. Since the same action can be performed with different intentions, this problem is more challenging but yet affordable as proved by quantitative cognitive studies which exploit the 3D kinematics acquired through motion capture systems. In this paper, we bridge cognitive and computer vision studies, by demonstrating the effectiveness of video-based approaches for the prediction of human intentions. Precisely, we propose Intention from Motion, a new paradigm where, without using any contextual information, we consider instantaneous grasping motor acts involving a bottle in order to forecast why the bottle itself has been reached (to pass it or to place in a box, or to pour or to drink the liquid inside). We process only the grasping onsets casting intention prediction as a classification framework. Leveraging on our multimodal acquisition (3D motion capture data and 2D optical videos), we compare the most commonly used 3D descriptors from cognitive studies with state-of-the-art video-based techniques. Since the two analyses achieve an equivalent performance, we demonstrate that computer vision tools are effective in capturing the kinematics and facing the cognitive problem of human intention prediction.Comment: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop

    PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention

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    Generating 3D point clouds is challenging yet highly desired. This work presents a novel autoregressive model, PointGrow, which can generate diverse and realistic point cloud samples from scratch or conditioned on semantic contexts. This model operates recurrently, with each point sampled according to a conditional distribution given its previously-generated points, allowing inter-point correlations to be well-exploited and 3D shape generative processes to be better interpreted. Since point cloud object shapes are typically encoded by long-range dependencies, we augment our model with dedicated self-attention modules to capture such relations. Extensive evaluations show that PointGrow achieves satisfying performance on both unconditional and conditional point cloud generation tasks, with respect to realism and diversity. Several important applications, such as unsupervised feature learning and shape arithmetic operations, are also demonstrated

    Learning activity progression in LSTMs for activity detection and early detection

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    In this work we improve training of temporal deep models to better learn activity progression for activity detection and early detection tasks. Conventionally, when training a Recurrent Neural Network, specifically a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model, the training loss only considers classification error. However, we argue that the detection score of the correct activity category, or the detection score margin between the correct and incorrect categories, should be monotonically non-decreasing as the model observes more of the activity. We design novel ranking losses that directly penalize the model on violation of such monotonicities, which are used together with classification loss in training of LSTM models. Evaluation on ActivityNet shows significant benefits of the proposed ranking losses in both activity detection and early detection tasks.https://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/html/Ma_Learning_Activity_Progression_CVPR_2016_paper.htmlPublished versio

    Egocentric Vision-based Action Recognition: A survey

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    [EN] The egocentric action recognition EAR field has recently increased its popularity due to the affordable and lightweight wearable cameras available nowadays such as GoPro and similars. Therefore, the amount of egocentric data generated has increased, triggering the interest in the understanding of egocentric videos. More specifically, the recognition of actions in egocentric videos has gained popularity due to the challenge that it poses: the wild movement of the camera and the lack of context make it hard to recognise actions with a performance similar to that of third-person vision solutions. This has ignited the research interest on the field and, nowadays, many public datasets and competitions can be found in both the machine learning and the computer vision communities. In this survey, we aim to analyse the literature on egocentric vision methods and algorithms. For that, we propose a taxonomy to divide the literature into various categories with subcategories, contributing a more fine-grained classification of the available methods. We also provide a review of the zero-shot approaches used by the EAR community, a methodology that could help to transfer EAR algorithms to real-world applications. Finally, we summarise the datasets used by researchers in the literature.We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Basque Govern-ment's Department of Education for the predoctoral funding of the first author. This work has been supported by the Spanish Government under the FuturAAL-Context project (RTI2018-101045-B-C21) and by the Basque Government under the Deustek project (IT-1078-16-D)
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