7 research outputs found

    Coins of Three Different Weights

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    We discuss several coin-weighing problems in which coins are known to be of three different weights and only a balance scale can be used. We start with the task of sorting coins when the pans of the scale can fit only one coin. We prove that the optimal number of weighings for nn coins is ⌈3n/2⌉−2\lceil 3n/2\rceil -2. When the pans have an unlimited capacity, we can sort the coins in n+1n+1 weighings. We also discuss variations of this problem, when there is exactly one coin of the middle weight.Comment: 18 page

    Minimum average-case queries of q + 1 -ary search game with small sets

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    Given a search space S={1,2,...,n}, an unknown element x*∈S and fixed integers ℓ≥1 and q≥1, a q+1-ary ℓ-restricted query is of the following form: which one of the set {A 0,A 1,...,A q} is the x* in?, where (A 0,A 1,...,A q) is a partition of S and | Ai|≤ℓ for i=1,2,...,q. The problem of finding x* from S with q+1-ary size-restricted queries is called as a q+1-ary search game with small sets. In this paper, we consider sequential algorithms for the above problem, and establish the minimum number of average-case sequential queries when x* satisfies the uniform distribution on S. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved