166,111 research outputs found

    Topological Censorship

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    All three-manifolds are known to occur as Cauchy surfaces of asymptotically flat vacuum spacetimes and of spacetimes with positive-energy sources. We prove here the conjecture that general relativity does not allow an observer to probe the topology of spacetime: any topological structure collapses too quickly to allow light to traverse it. More precisely, in a globally hyperbolic, asymptotically flat spacetime satisfying the null energy condition, every causal curve from \scri^- to {\scri}^+ is homotopic to a topologically trivial curve from \scri^- to {\scri}^+. (If the Poincar\'e conjecture is false, the theorem does not prevent one from probing fake 3-spheres).Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX; 1 postscript figure in a separate uuencoded file. Our earlier version (PRL 71, 1486 (1993)) contained a secondary result, mistakenly attributed to Schoen and Yau, regarding ``passive topological censorship'' of a certain class of topologies. As Gregory Burnett has pointed out (gr-qc/9504012), this secondary result is false. The main topological censorship theorem is unaffected by the erro

    Direct Search for Dark Matter - Striking the Balance - and the Future

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    Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are among the main candidates for the relic dark matter (DM). The idea of the direct DM detection relies on elastic spin-dependent (SD) and spin-independent (SI) interaction of WIMPs with target nuclei. In this review paper the relevant formulae for WIMP event rate calculations are collected. For estimations of the WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron SD and SI cross sections the effective low-energy minimal supersymmetric standard model is used. The traditional one-coupling-dominance approach for evaluation of the exclusion curves is described. Further, the mixed spin-scalar coupling approach is discussed. It is demonstrated, taking the high-spin Ge-73 dark matter experiment HDMS as an example, how one can drastically improve the sensitivity of the exclusion curves within the mixed spin-scalar coupling approach, as well as due to a new procedure of background subtraction from the measured spectrum. A general discussion on the information obtained from exclusion curves is given. The necessity of clear WIMP direct detection signatures for a solution of the dark matter problem, is pointed out.Comment: LaTeX, 49 pages, 14 figures, 185 reference

    Photometric type Ia supernova surveys in narrow band filters

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    We study the characteristics of a narrow band type Ia supernova survey through simulations based on the upcoming Javalambre Physics of the accelerating universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS). This unique survey has the capabilities of obtaining distances, redshifts, and the SN type from a single experiment thereby circumventing the challenges faced by the resource-intensive spectroscopic follow-up observations. We analyse the flux measurements signal-to-noise ratio and bias, the supernova typing performance, the ability to recover light curve parameters given by the SALT2 model, the photometric redshift precision from type Ia supernova light curves and the effects of systematic errors on the data. We show that such a survey is not only feasible but may yield large type Ia supernova samples (up to 250 supernovae at z<0.5z<0.5 per month of search) with low core collapse contamination (1.5\sim 1.5 per cent), good precision on the SALT2 parameters (average σmB=0.063\sigma_{m_B}=0.063, σx1=0.47\sigma_{x_1}=0.47 and σc=0.040\sigma_c=0.040) and on the distance modulus (average σμ=0.16\sigma_{\mu}=0.16, assuming an intrinsic scatter σint=0.14\sigma_{\mathrm{int}}=0.14), with identified systematic uncertainties σsys0.10σstat\sigma_{\mathrm{sys}}\lesssim 0.10 \sigma_{\mathrm{stat}}. Moreover, the filters are narrow enough to detect most spectral features and obtain excellent photometric redshift precision of σz=0.005\sigma_z=0.005, apart from \sim 2 per cent of outliers. We also present a few strategies for optimising the survey's outcome. Together with the detailed host galaxy information, narrow band surveys can be very valuable for the study of supernova rates, spectral feature relations, intrinsic colour variations and correlations between supernova and host galaxy properties, all of which are important information for supernova cosmological applications.Comment: 20 pages, 12 tables and 26 figures. Version accepted by MNRAS, with results slightly different from previous on

    Detection of Small-Scale Granular Structures in the Quiet Sun with the New Solar Telescope

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    Results of a statistical analysis of solar granulation are presented. A data set of 36 images of a quiet Sun area on the solar disk center was used. The data were obtained with the 1.6 m clear aperture New Solar Telescope (NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) and with a broad-band filter centered at the TiO (705.7 nm) spectral line. The very high spatial resolution of the data (diffraction limit of 77 km and pixel scale of 0.""0375) augmented by the very high image contrast (15.5±\pm0.6%) allowed us to detect for the first time a distinct subpopulation of mini-granular structures. These structures are dominant on spatial scales below 600 km. Their size is distributed as a power law with an index of -1.8 (which is close to the Kolmogorov's -5/3 law) and no predominant scale. The regular granules display a Gaussian (normal) size distribution with a mean diameter of 1050 km. Mini-granular structures contribute significantly to the total granular area. They are predominantly confined to the wide dark lanes between regular granules and often form chains and clusters, but different from magnetic bright points. A multi-fractality test reveals that the structures smaller than 600 km represent a multi-fractal, whereas on larger scales the granulation pattern shows no multi-fractality and can be considered as a Gaussian random field. The origin, properties and role of the newly discovered population of mini-granular structures in the solar magneto-convection are yet to be explored.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Peculiar double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars of the OGLE collection. I. Long-period stars with dominant radial fundamental mode

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    We present the discovery of a new, peculiar form of double-periodic pulsation in RR Lyrae stars. In four, long-period (P>0.6P>0.6 d) stars observed by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, and classified as fundamental mode pulsators (RRab), we detect additional, low-amplitude variability, with period shorter than fundamental mode period. The period ratios fall in a range similar to double-mode fundamental and first overtone RR Lyrae stars (RRd), with the exception of one star, in which the period ratio is significantly lower and nearly exactly equals 0.7. Although period ratios are fairly different for the four stars, the light curve shapes corresponding to the dominant, fundamental mode are very similar. The peak-to-peak amplitudes and amplitude ratios (Fourier parameters R21R_{21} and R31R_{31}) are among the highest observed in RRab stars of similar period, while Fourier phases (φ21\varphi_{21} and φ31\varphi_{31}) are among the lowest observed in RRab stars. If the additional variability is interpreted as due to radial first overtone, then, the four stars are the most extreme RRd variables of the longest pulsation periods known. Indeed, the observed period ratios can be well modelled with high metallicity pulsation models. However, at such long pulsation periods, first overtone is typically damped. Five other candidates, with weak signature of additional variability, sharing the same characteristics, were also detected and are briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA