3 research outputs found

    Goal-oriented requirements engineering for business processes

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    Central to the development of BPMS technology was the promotion of a new language, Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN). The primary goal of BPMN is to provide a common language for describing process behaviour, shareable by business and IT, which includes business users, business analysts, and technical developers. What seems to be missing in the way that business users are supposed to use BPMN, is an explicit consideration of the strategic rationale of having certain business processes as well as support for describing business processes in terms familiar to business people. We extended current work on Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) for business process design, i.e., B-SCP framework [1] and the work of Lapouchnian et al. [2], in order to obtain an appropriate GORE for BPMN modelling method. Our first contribution is the introduction of a B-SCP metamodel, which has been implemented by means of the Eclipse Modelling Framework. Our second contribution is an Eclipse-based B-SCP editor that enables business users to specify their strategic requirements and operational tasks. Our third contribution consists of model transformations to generate BPMN skeletons out of the B-SCP model, which were implemented by means of the Atlas Transformation Language

    Renshaw v. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Clerk\u27s Record v. 2 Dckt. 40512

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    Economic organisation of Polynesian societies: wealth and work of the Maori

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    This thesis is a study in economic anthropology. Opening with a critical estimate of the work previously done in the subject, it proceeds to an analysis of the economic life of the Maori, the method of functional observation and the correlation being followed. An account is first given of the environmental conditions of the native and the natural resources at his command. The social structure of the Maori community is then analysed and its relation to the economic organisation shown, special consideration being given to the problem of the position of the family in native life. By following the sequence of operation in a typical industry - bird snaring - it is shown how complex is the psychology of the Maori in his work, how motives of pleasure, pride, vanity and ambition round off the more purely utilitarian interests. Reference to other activities again proves that the native is capable of steady and industrious labour, when the proper stimuli are provided. The different forms of organisation in production are next described, with attention to the nature of leadership. The place of magic in economic life is reviewed at length, owing to its vital importance in assisting the stability and organisation of the work. A further set of problems is opened by consideration of the methods and principles of sharing out the product of labour as well as those of the ownership of the property, and the tenure of land. The nature of primitive economic values and of the system of exchange examined, while with the aid of maps the extensive nature of communication in oldern times is revealed. The radical alteration in the Maori economic structure consequent upon the coming of the European is analysed with its phases of initial impact, enthusiastic adoption of new culture forms, reaction, and renewed acceptance of the ways of white man. Finally it is emphasised how economic activity enlists forces of other social types to promote its own efficiency