8 research outputs found

    lim+, delta+, and Non-Permutability of beta-Steps

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    Using a human-oriented formal example proof of the (lim+) theorem, i.e. that the sum of limits is the limit of the sum, which is of value for reference on its own, we exhibit a non-permutability of beta-steps and delta+-steps (according to Smullyan's classification), which is not visible with non-liberalized delta-rules and not serious with further liberalized delta-rules, such as the delta++-rule. Besides a careful presentation of the search for a proof of (lim+) with several pedagogical intentions, the main subject is to explain why the order of beta-steps plays such a practically important role in some calculi.Comment: ii + 36 page

    Strategic Issues, Problems and Challenges in Inductive Theorem Proving

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    Abstract(Automated) Inductive Theorem Proving (ITP) is a challenging field in automated reasoning and theorem proving. Typically, (Automated) Theorem Proving (TP) refers to methods, techniques and tools for automatically proving general (most often first-order) theorems. Nowadays, the field of TP has reached a certain degree of maturity and powerful TP systems are widely available and used. The situation with ITP is strikingly different, in the sense that proving inductive theorems in an essentially automatic way still is a very challenging task, even for the most advanced existing ITP systems. Both in general TP and in ITP, strategies for guiding the proof search process are of fundamental importance, in automated as well as in interactive or mixed settings. In the paper we will analyze and discuss the most important strategic and proof search issues in ITP, compare ITP with TP, and argue why ITP is in a sense much more challenging. More generally, we will systematically isolate, investigate and classify the main problems and challenges in ITP w.r.t. automation, on different levels and from different points of views. Finally, based on this analysis we will present some theses about the state of the art in the field, possible criteria for what could be considered as substantial progress, and promising lines of research for the future, towards (more) automated ITP

    Discovering attacks on security protocols by refuting incorrect inductive conjectures

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    How to prove inductive theorems? QUODLIBET

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    QUODLIBET is a tactic-based inductive theorem proving system that meets today’s standard requirements for theorem provers such as a command interpreter, a sophisticated graphical user interface, and a carefully programmed inference machine kernel that guarantees soundness. In essence, it is the synergetic combination of the features presented in the following sections that makes QUODLIBET a system quite useful in practice; and we hope that it is actually as you like it, which is the Latin “quod libet” translated into English. We start by presenting some of the design goals that have guided the development of QUODLIBET. Note that the system is not intended to pursue the push bottom technology for inductive theorem proving, but to manage more complicated proofs by an effective interplay between interaction and automation. 1.1 Design Goals for Specifications Given algebraic specifications of algorithms in the style of abstract data types, we want to prove theorems even if the specification is not (yet) sufficiently complete. As an example, consider the incomplete specification of the subtraction on the natural numbers E = {∀x. x−0=x, ∀x,y. s(x)−s(y)=x−y} and the conjecture ∀x,y. (x−y=0 ∧ y−x=0 ⇒ x=y)

    Automatically Verifying Temporal Properties of Heap Programs with Cyclic Proof

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    This work proposes a deductive reasoning approach to the automatic verification of temporal properties of pointer programs, based on cyclic proof. We present a proof system whose judgements express that a program has a certain temporal property, given a suitable precondition, and whose rules operate directly on the temporal modalities as well as symbolically executing programs. Cyclic proofs in our system are, as elsewhere, finite rooted proof graphs subject to a natural, decidable sound ness condition, encoding a form of proof by infinite descent. We present two variants of our proof system, one for CTL (branching time) properties and one for LTL (linear time) properties, and show them both to be sound. We have implemented both variants in the C YCLIST theorem prover, yielding an automated tool that is capable of automatically discovering proofs of temporal properties of our programs. Evaluation of our tool on well-known benchmarks in the model checking community indicates that our approach is viable, and offers an interesting alternative to traditional model checking techniques