3 research outputs found

    How to Price Shared Optimizations in the Cloud

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    Data-management-as-a-service systems are increasingly being used in collaborative settings, where multiple users access common datasets. Cloud providers have the choice to implement various optimizations, such as indexing or materialized views, to accelerate queries over these datasets. Each optimization carries a cost and may benefit multiple users. This creates a major challenge: how to select which optimizations to perform and how to share their cost among users. The problem is especially challenging when users are selfish and will only report their true values for different optimizations if doing so maximizes their utility. In this paper, we present a new approach for selecting and pricing shared optimizations by using Mechanism Design. We first show how to apply the Shapley Value Mechanism to the simple case of selecting and pricing additive optimizations, assuming an offline game where all users access the service for the same time-period. Second, we extend the approach to online scenarios where users come and go. Finally, we consider the case of substitutive optimizations. We show analytically that our mechanisms induce truth- fulness and recover the optimization costs. We also show experimentally that our mechanisms yield higher utility than the state-of-the-art approach based on regret accumulation.Comment: VLDB201

    Mechanism Design Approach for Energy Efficiency

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    In this work we deploy a mechanism design approach for allocating a divisible commodity (electricity in our example) among consumers. We consider each consumer with an associated personal valuation function of the energy resource during a certain time interval. We aim to select the optimal consumption profile for every user avoiding consumption peaks when the total required energy could exceed the energy production. The mechanism will be able to drive users in shifting energy consumptions in different hours of the day. We start by presenting a very basic Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism, we discuss its weakness and propose several more complex variants.Comment: Techical repor