32 research outputs found

    Deterministic Rendezvous at a Node of Agents with Arbitrary Velocities

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    We consider the task of rendezvous in networks modeled as undirected graphs. Two mobile agents with different labels, starting at different nodes of an anonymous graph, have to meet. This task has been considered in the literature under two alternative scenarios: weak and strong. Under the weak scenario, agents may meet either at a node or inside an edge. Under the strong scenario, they have to meet at a node, and they do not even notice meetings inside an edge. Rendezvous algorithms under the strong scenario are known for synchronous agents. For asynchronous agents, rendezvous under the strong scenario is impossible even in the two-node graph, and hence only algorithms under the weak scenario were constructed. In this paper we show that rendezvous under the strong scenario is possible for agents with restricted asynchrony: agents have the same measure of time but the adversary can arbitrarily impose the speed of traversing each edge by each of the agents. We construct a deterministic rendezvous algorithm for such agents, working in time polynomial in the size of the graph, in the length of the smaller label, and in the largest edge traversal time.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.0888

    Rendezvous of Distance-aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs

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    We study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size and to depend only on the initial distance between the agents and some local parameters such as the degree of the vertices, and the size of the agent's label. It is well known that even for simple graphs of degree Δ\Delta, the rendezvous time can be exponential in Δ\Delta in the worst case. In this paper, we introduce a new version of the rendezvous problem where the agents are equipped with a device that measures its distance to the other agent after every step. We show that these \emph{distance-aware} agents are able to rendezvous in any unknown graph, in time polynomial in all the local parameters such the degree of the nodes, the initial distance DD and the size of the smaller of the two agent labels l=min(l1,l2)l = \min(l_1, l_2). Our algorithm has a time complexity of O(Δ(D+logl))O(\Delta(D+\log{l})) and we show an almost matching lower bound of Ω(Δ(D+logl/logΔ))\Omega(\Delta(D+\log{l}/\log{\Delta})) on the time complexity of any rendezvous algorithm in our scenario. Further, this lower bound extends existing lower bounds for the general rendezvous problem without distance awareness

    Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-weighted Networks

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    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal times for the other agent. The goal of the agents is to meet on an edge or a node of the graph. In this scenario, we study the time required by the agents to meet, compared to the meeting time TOPTT_{OPT} in the offline scenario in which the agents have complete knowledge about each others speed characteristics. When no additional assumptions are made, we show that rendezvous in our model can be achieved after time O(nTOPT)O(n T_{OPT}) in a nn-node graph, and that such time is essentially in some cases the best possible. However, we prove that the rendezvous time can be reduced to Θ(TOPT)\Theta (T_{OPT}) when the agents are allowed to exchange Θ(n)\Theta(n) bits of information at the start of the rendezvous process. We then show that under some natural assumption about the traversal times of edges, the hardness of the heterogeneous rendezvous problem can be substantially decreased, both in terms of time required for rendezvous without communication, and the communication complexity of achieving rendezvous in time Θ(TOPT)\Theta (T_{OPT})

    Time Versus Cost Tradeoffs for Deterministic Rendezvous in Networks

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    Two mobile agents, starting from different nodes of a network at possibly different times, have to meet at the same node. This problem is known as rendezvous\mathit{rendezvous}. Agents move in synchronous rounds. Each agent has a distinct integer label from the set {1,,L}\{1,\dots,L\}. Two main efficiency measures of rendezvous are its time\mathit{time} (the number of rounds until the meeting) and its cost\mathit{cost} (the total number of edge traversals). We investigate tradeoffs between these two measures. A natural benchmark for both time and cost of rendezvous in a network is the number of edge traversals needed for visiting all nodes of the network, called the exploration time. Hence we express the time and cost of rendezvous as functions of an upper bound EE on the time of exploration (where EE and a corresponding exploration procedure are known to both agents) and of the size LL of the label space. We present two natural rendezvous algorithms. Algorithm Cheap\mathtt{Cheap} has cost O(E)O(E) (and, in fact, a version of this algorithm for the model where the agents start simultaneously has cost exactly EE) and time O(EL)O(EL). Algorithm Fast\mathtt{Fast} has both time and cost O(ElogL)O(E\log L). Our main contributions are lower bounds showing that, perhaps surprisingly, these two algorithms capture the tradeoffs between time and cost of rendezvous almost tightly. We show that any deterministic rendezvous algorithm of cost asymptotically EE (i.e., of cost E+o(E)E+o(E)) must have time Ω(EL)\Omega(EL). On the other hand, we show that any deterministic rendezvous algorithm with time complexity O(ElogL)O(E\log L) must have cost Ω(ElogL)\Omega (E\log L)

    Gathering in Dynamic Rings

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    The gathering problem requires a set of mobile agents, arbitrarily positioned at different nodes of a network to group within finite time at the same location, not fixed in advanced. The extensive existing literature on this problem shares the same fundamental assumption: the topological structure does not change during the rendezvous or the gathering; this is true also for those investigations that consider faulty nodes. In other words, they only consider static graphs. In this paper we start the investigation of gathering in dynamic graphs, that is networks where the topology changes continuously and at unpredictable locations. We study the feasibility of gathering mobile agents, identical and without explicit communication capabilities, in a dynamic ring of anonymous nodes; the class of dynamics we consider is the classic 1-interval-connectivity. We focus on the impact that factors such as chirality (i.e., a common sense of orientation) and cross detection (i.e., the ability to detect, when traversing an edge, whether some agent is traversing it in the other direction), have on the solvability of the problem. We provide a complete characterization of the classes of initial configurations from which the gathering problem is solvable in presence and in absence of cross detection and of chirality. The feasibility results of the characterization are all constructive: we provide distributed algorithms that allow the agents to gather. In particular, the protocols for gathering with cross detection are time optimal. We also show that cross detection is a powerful computational element. We prove that, without chirality, knowledge of the ring size is strictly more powerful than knowledge of the number of agents; on the other hand, with chirality, knowledge of n can be substituted by knowledge of k, yielding the same classes of feasible initial configurations

    Rendezvous in Networks in Spite of Delay Faults

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    Two mobile agents, starting from different nodes of an unknown network, have to meet at the same node. Agents move in synchronous rounds using a deterministic algorithm. Each agent has a different label, which it can use in the execution of the algorithm, but it does not know the label of the other agent. Agents do not know any bound on the size of the network. In each round an agent decides if it remains idle or if it wants to move to one of the adjacent nodes. Agents are subject to delay faults: if an agent incurs a fault in a given round, it remains in the current node, regardless of its decision. If it planned to move and the fault happened, the agent is aware of it. We consider three scenarios of fault distribution: random (independently in each round and for each agent with constant probability 0 < p < 1), unbounded adver- sarial (the adversary can delay an agent for an arbitrary finite number of consecutive rounds) and bounded adversarial (the adversary can delay an agent for at most c consecutive rounds, where c is unknown to the agents). The quality measure of a rendezvous algorithm is its cost, which is the total number of edge traversals. For random faults, we show an algorithm with cost polynomial in the size n of the network and polylogarithmic in the larger label L, which achieves rendezvous with very high probability in arbitrary networks. By contrast, for unbounded adversarial faults we show that rendezvous is not feasible, even in the class of rings. Under this scenario we give a rendezvous algorithm with cost O(nl), where l is the smaller label, working in arbitrary trees, and we show that \Omega(l) is the lower bound on rendezvous cost, even for the two-node tree. For bounded adversarial faults, we give a rendezvous algorithm working for arbitrary networks, with cost polynomial in n, and logarithmic in the bound c and in the larger label L