17 research outputs found

    Key Issues in Expansion of End-User Mobile Communication in China

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    China’s mobile communications market presents unique market challenges. With a high subscriber growth rate but polarized and stratified consumer adoption trends, an investigation into the current status of this market will improve our understanding on how adoption of mobile communications is evolving. In this descriptive paper we analyze key issues relating to market characteristics of mobile communications with an objective to better comprehend the dynamics of this largest mobile subscribers market. Using secondary data we identify mobile industry and end-user related trends to infer our conclusions for the industry.China;mobile communication;mobile subscribers market

    Adoption of Mobile Service UpgradeL New and Current Users

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    The third generation (3G) mobile channels allow individuals to download digital content in anytime, at anywhere. The 3G mobile services include services like peer chatting, mobile games and movie download. While many studies explore why individuals adopt 3G mobile services, most of them consider 3G adoption to be a new technology adoption. Will users’ experience on older version of mobile services (e.g. 2G and 2.5G) influence their adoption decision on their 3G adoption? Hypotheses linking variables based on diffusion innovation technology and user’s mobile services usage background were developed. We conducted a survey and collected 175 responses. Our findings establish that different factors affecting users who have used the older version of mobile services and users’ decision to use or not to use 3G mobile services is a service upgrade decision, rather than an adoption decision

    Diffusion of Mobile Phones in China

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    Diffusion of mobile communication has induced great societal changes in China. Factors at global market, communications industry and end-user market levels are driving the adoption at a high rate. Firstly, China’s economic emergence together with e.g. accession to WTO has led to foreign investment increase in telecom and communications industry. Secondly, a parallel deregulation and reengineering of the telecom industry ensured an introduction of competition in the domestic terminals market and facilitated manufacturing in China. Finally, overall growth in China has increased purchasing power enabling consumers to adopt new technologies. At the market level, challenges and future growth depends on a favorable business environment both for local and multinationals organizations, operators and service providers, and most importantly to the distribution channels (retailers and resellers). Market mechanisms such as improvement in payment methods, regulations for content providers, branded and low-end mobile phones marketing, applications and support in Chinese language are required for a systematic and not just sporadic adoption of mobile devices. Product development and innovation, improvement in distribution infrastructure, mobile services operators skill enhancement are some measures that can growth of mobile communication and increase in average consumer spending

    Key Issues in Expansion of End-User Mobile Communication in China

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    China’s mobile communications market presents unique market challenges. With a high subscriber growth rate but polarized and stratified consumer adoption trends, an investigation into the current status of this market will improve our understanding on how adoption of mobile communications is evolving. In this descriptive paper we analyze key issues relating to market characteristics of mobile communications with an objective to better comprehend the dynamics of this largest mobile subscribers market. Using secondary data we identify mobile industry and end-user related trends to infer our conclusions for the industry

    Strategies for Influencing the Standardization Process: Examples from Within

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    Moving Towards Mobile Third Generation Telecommunications Standards: The Good and Bad of the \u27Anytime/Anywhere\u27 Solutions

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    Mobile communication technologies are changing every aspect of the daily life, bringing new opportunities in many areas. Several converging mobile systems can potentially change organizations significantly by shifting the traditional boundaries of work-life and the workplace. Mobile telephony, combining satellite and terrestrial cellular systems, already transformed the way people work by allowing \u27anytime/anywhere\u27 telephone calling and text messaging. Broadband mobile telephony opens additional avenues to provide information conveniently as quickly and easily as possible, when needed and where needed. The evolution of wireless technologies (from Wireless Personal Area Networks to ubiquitous Third Generation/Universal Mobile Telecommunication System - UMTS) increased the number of services available to business organizations and mobile workers. Machine-to-machine, vertical applications, and mobile office applications are increasingly being deployed. Service providers and mobile operators are also changing the way they operate as a result of the increasing availability of mobile broadband communication services. IT departments need to change their systems, upgrade, and adapt their infrastructure and policies to support these mobile services. These changes are both positive and negative. With this progression, some fundamental questions related to privacy, security, and a new concept of work place and work space are raised. The implications for developing economies, such as China, and their potential for leapfrogging are future attention areas

    Les activités d’espionnage électronique et de contrôle d’Internet à l’ère de l’infonuagique : le cas de la Chine

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    Meme si environ quarante gouvernements controlent leur environnement virtuel, peu ont reussi a le faire aussi bien que la Chine. Au cours des dernieres annees, cette realite est devenue preoccupante en raison de la diffusion et du developpement rapide de l’infonuagique, lequel est decrit comme > mecanisme d’espionnage par excellence. Dans cet article, nous proposons un cadre qui permet de definir des contextes clairs et des mecanismes associes aux mesures de controle des regimes autoritaires. Nous developpons le concept de champ institutionnel forme autour du controle d’Internet dans les regimes autoritaires. Le fait de considerer le cybercontrole comme un champ institutionnel nous permet de nous pencher sur l’evolution des institutions cognitives, normatives et regulatrices. Nous proposons un modele qui explique la facn dont un champ institutionnel evolue. Although about forty governments control their online environments, few have done so more skilfully than China. This concern has become especially pronounced in recent years due to a rapid diffusion and development of cloud computing, which is described as the ultimate spying machine. In this paper, I propose a framework for identifying clear contexts and the attendant mechanisms associated with authoritarian regimes? Internet control measures. I build on the concept of an institutional field formed around Internet control in authoritarian regimes. Viewing cyber-control as an institutional field enables me to examine the evolution of regulative, normative and cognitive institutions. I advance a model that explains how an institutional field evolves

    Sport Website Interactivity Effects: An Analysis of the Relationships between Interactivity, Attitudes, and Intentions to Revisit

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the theoretical relationships between three dimensions of interactivity (i.e., active user control, two-way communication, and real-time information) and website effectiveness variables (i.e., attitudes toward the sport website and intentions to revisit). In addition, this study compared the proposed interactivity model with a rival model to identify the role of attitude as a mediating factor. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with a convenience sample of 235 participants revealed that the proposed interactivity model performed better and was more parsimonious than the rival model. The results also indicated that the variable relating to attitudes toward the sport website was a significant mediating element between the three dimensions of interactivity and intentions to revisit the sport website

    Chinese institutions and standardization: The case of government support to domestic third generation cellular standard

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    There are unique and distinct institutional processes associated with the Chinese government's support of the domestically developed third generation (3G) cellular standard, TD-SCDMA. After postponing several times, China awarded three third generation cellular licenses in January 2009: a TD-SCDMA license to China Mobile, a CDMA 2000 license to China Telecom and a WCDMA license to China Unicom. The Chinese government has demonstrated a clear bias in favor of TD-SCDMA. This article examines the role of formal and informal institutions in shaping the Chinese 3G landscape. This paper makes two contributions to the literature. First, this work extends studies on institutional theory focusing on standardization to the context of China. Second, unlike most ICT research which deals with standards originated in the West, this paper's focus on developing country-originated standard provides novel and unique insights related to institutional processes

    Institutional and Economic Factors Affecting the Development of the Chinese Cloud Computing Industry and Market

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    Due to the Chinese government ?s mobilization of massive resources and entrepreneurialactivities of foreign and local firms, the Chinese cloud computing industry and market are growing rapidly. A number of contradictory, conflicting, and paradoxical forces are shaping the Chinese cloud computing industry and market. This paper seeks to analyze these forces. It examines the importance of various economic linkages as well as formal and informal institutions in the development and utilization of the cloud in China and the emergence of country ?s cloud providers as global players