1,678 research outputs found

    Excluded minors in cubic graphs

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    Let G be a cubic graph, with girth at least five, such that for every partition X,Y of its vertex set with |X|,|Y|>6 there are at least six edges between X and Y. We prove that if there is no homeomorphic embedding of the Petersen graph in G, and G is not one particular 20-vertex graph, then either G\v is planar for some vertex v, or G can be drawn with crossings in the plane, but with only two crossings, both on the infinite region. We also prove several other theorems of the same kind.Comment: 62 pages, 17 figure

    Spanning trees without adjacent vertices of degree 2

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    Albertson, Berman, Hutchinson, and Thomassen showed in 1990 that there exist highly connected graphs in which every spanning tree contains vertices of degree 2. Using a result of Alon and Wormald, we show that there exists a natural number dd such that every graph of minimum degree at least dd contains a spanning tree without adjacent vertices of degree 2. Moreover, we prove that every graph with minimum degree at least 3 has a spanning tree without three consecutive vertices of degree 2

    Constrained Ramsey Numbers

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    For two graphs S and T, the constrained Ramsey number f(S, T) is the minimum n such that every edge coloring of the complete graph on n vertices, with any number of colors, has a monochromatic subgraph isomorphic to S or a rainbow (all edges differently colored) subgraph isomorphic to T. The Erdos-Rado Canonical Ramsey Theorem implies that f(S, T) exists if and only if S is a star or T is acyclic, and much work has been done to determine the rate of growth of f(S, T) for various types of parameters. When S and T are both trees having s and t edges respectively, Jamison, Jiang, and Ling showed that f(S, T) <= O(st^2) and conjectured that it is always at most O(st). They also mentioned that one of the most interesting open special cases is when T is a path. In this work, we study this case and show that f(S, P_t) = O(st log t), which differs only by a logarithmic factor from the conjecture. This substantially improves the previous bounds for most values of s and t.Comment: 12 pages; minor revision