4 research outputs found

    The Impact of Market Orientation to SMEs Performance with Mediation of Creation Value

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    SMEs or Small Medium Enterprises are businesses that keep growing in Indonesia. The resilience of SMEs to economic shock makes a lot of people choose this type of business. This study aims to review the correlation between market orientation,value creation and entrepreneur’s commitment to improving SMEs performance. The study conducted through a mediation model of value creation and commitment as the power of the entrepreneur. Respondents of this study are 133 entrepreneurs of creative industry SMEs in Bandung City. Data collection is carried out through questionnaires and processed by path analysis using Lisrel software. The research findings show that market orientation correlates with the improvement of SMEs performance directly and through the mediation of value creation. It is different from entrepreneurs’ commitment that cannot mediate the correlation to SMEs performance. The research results strengthen the control of market orientation on the improvement of SMEs performance with support of value creation

    Big data reduction framework for value creation in sustainable enterprises

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    Value creation is a major sustainability factor for enterprises, in addition to profit maximization and revenue generation. Modern enterprises collect big data from various inbound and outbound data sources. The inbound data sources handle data generated from the results of business operations, such as manufacturing, supply chain management, marketing, and human resource management, among others. Outbound data sources handle customer-generated data which are acquired directly or indirectly from customers, market analysis, surveys, product reviews, and transactional histories. However, cloud service utilization costs increase because of big data analytics and value creation activities for enterprises and customers. This article presents a novel concept of big data reduction at the customer end in which early data reduction operations are performed to achieve multiple objectives, such as a) lowering the service utilization cost, b) enhancing the trust between customers and enterprises, c) preserving privacy of customers, d) enabling secure data sharing, and e) delegating data sharing control to customers. We also propose a framework for early data reduction at customer end and present a business model for end-to-end data reduction in enterprise applications. The article further presents a business model canvas and maps the future application areas with its nine components. Finally, the article discusses the technology adoption challenges for value creation through big data reduction in enterprise applications

    How social shopping retains customers? Capturing the essence of website quality and relationship quality

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    Social shopping as a result of the advancement of social media applications is increasing considerably in e-commerce. As a consequence of the multi-faceted phenomenon of social shopping, website managers encounter a lot of challenges in providing their quality website experience to satisfy their customers’ needs and in developing relationships among participants, and community. In short, providing excellent quality website experience is crucial to support online customers. Therefore, it is necessary to offer further theoretical conceptualizations as well as detailed empirical evidence for such phenomena in which social shopping are supported and enabled. Thus, this paper attempts to investigate the factors affecting purchase intention of social shopping including two constructs: website quality (i.e., system, information, and service quality) and relationship quality (i.e., satisfaction, commitment, and trust). Additionally we aim to identify the mediating roles of commitment and trust. The empirical results show that the perceived system and service quality are important antecedents of customer satisfaction, but not for the effect of perceived information quality on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it shows that customer satisfaction significantly influences commitment, trust, and purchase intention, and trust in turn significantly affect commitment. Our empirical results confirm that commitment and trust partially mediate the relationship between satisfaction and purchase intention in social shopping context

    Omni-kanalshandel för ett ökat konsumentvärde? - En kvantitativ studie om konsumtionsbeteende och kanalval i köpprocessen inom klädesbranschen

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    Background: The use of different purchasing channels when looking for a piece of clothing has increased in recent years. Companies adapt to a greater extent to consumers’ growing need for accessibility and flexibility. The purchase process, from discovering needs to the decision of purchase, could be performed through physical store, online on a laptop and desktop computer, or through a mobile device. Consumers have now become accustomed to make available all information and shop freely through different channels independently of context. Today's consumption behaviour that oscillate between different channels have developed the phenomenon of omni-channel. The issue in this study is based on whether the omni-channel really adds consumer value for everyone in the clothing industry. Consumer value can still have different meanings depending on the individual motives of utilitarian or hedonistic character within the different steps of the purchasing process. Purpose: The study aims to examine how the value of consumption appears for people who adopt different behaviours during the purchase process at the integration between physical store, online and mobile commerce. Method: The study is based on a quantitative method where the empirical material consists of 203 web surveys completed by consumers aged 18-60 years. The empirical data has been encoded to acquire the frequency and cross tables, different charts, and tested for significance to ensure relationships in the statistical program SPSS. The empirical data is interpreted and then analyzed together with theories of value creation of utilitarian and hedonistic character, the different stages of the purchasing process and theories of demographic factors of age and gender. Conclusion: The survey shows that the examined consumer groups value omni-channel, but in different ways depending on buying motives. The result shows that age and gender affect the channels being used and the general attitude to channel integration. Women assume a hedonistic motive for omni-channel, while men are more utilitarian. Furthermore is noted that the younger consumers are more positive and values channel integration. They also use the combination of multiple channels to a greater extent, resulting in better conditions for the use of omni-channel.Bakgrund: Användning av olika handelskanaler vid köp av ett klädesplagg har ökat de senaste åren. Företag anpassar sig mer efter konsumenters växande behov av tillgänglighet och flexibilitet. Köpprocessen, från behovsupptäckt till köpbeslut, utförs bland annat i fysisk butik, online på bärbara och stationära datorer eller via mobila enheter. Konsumenter har numera blivit vana att oberoende av kontext kunna tillgängliggöra sig information och shoppa obehindrat. Dagens konsumtionsbeteende som pendlar mellan olika kanaler har utvecklat fenomenet omni-kanalshandel. Problematiken i studien utgår från ifall omni-kanalshandel verkligen tillför ökat konsumentvärde för alla inom klädeshandeln. Konsumentvärde kan nämligen ha olika innebörd beroende på individuella motiv av utilitaristisk eller hedonistisk karaktär i köpprocessens olika steg. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur konsumentvärde ser ut för personer som antar konsumtionsbeteenden av utilitaristisk eller hedonistisk karaktär under köpprocessen vid kanalintegrering mellan fysisk butik, online- och mobilhandel. Metod: Studien är baserad på en kvantitativ metod där det empiriska materialet består av 203 stycken webbenkäter som fyllts i av konsumenter i åldrarna 18-60 år. Empirin har kodats för framtagande av frekvens- och korstabeller, olika diagram samt signifikanstestad för säkerhet i sambanden i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Det empiriska materialet har tolkats och sedan analyserats tillsammans med teorier inom området för värdeskapande av utilitaristisk och hedonistisk karaktär, köpprocessens olika steg samt teorier kring de demografiska faktorerna ålder och kön. Slutsatser: Undersökningen visar att de studerade konsumentgrupperna värdesätter omni-kanalshandel på olika sätt beroende på vilket köpmotiv de har. Det kan konstateras att det finns ett samband mellan kön respektive ålder och vilka kanaler som används samt attityder till kanalintegration. Kvinnor antar ett hedonistiskt motiv till omni-kanalshandel, medan män är mer benägna att anta det utilitaristiska. Dessutom kan konstateras att ju yngre konsumenter är, desto mer värderas kanalintegration i köpprocessen. Yngre konsumenter använder även flera kanaler i större utsträckning, vilket ökar förutsättningarna för användandet av omni-kanalshandel