12,938 research outputs found

    Simple Load Balancing for Distributed Hash Tables

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    Distributed hash tables have recently become a useful building block for a variety of distributed applications. However, current schemes based upon consistent hashing require both considerable implementation complexity and substantial storage overhead to achieve desired load balancing goals. We argue in this paper that these goals can b e achieved more simply and more cost-effectively. First, we suggest the direct application of the "power of two choices" paradigm, whereby an item is stored at the less loaded of two (or more) random alternatives. We then consider how associating a small constant number of hash values with a key can naturally b e extended to support other load balancing methods, including load-stealing or load-shedding schemes, as well as providing natural fault-tolerance mechanisms

    Parallel Balanced Allocations: The Heavily Loaded Case

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    We study parallel algorithms for the classical balls-into-bins problem, in which mm balls acting in parallel as separate agents are placed into nn bins. Algorithms operate in synchronous rounds, in each of which balls and bins exchange messages once. The goal is to minimize the maximal load over all bins using a small number of rounds and few messages. While the case of m=nm=n balls has been extensively studied, little is known about the heavily loaded case. In this work, we consider parallel algorithms for this somewhat neglected regime of m≫nm\gg n. The naive solution of allocating each ball to a bin chosen uniformly and independently at random results in maximal load m/n+Θ(m/n⋅log⁥n)m/n+\Theta(\sqrt{m/n\cdot \log n}) (for m≄nlog⁥nm\geq n \log n) w.h.p. In contrast, for the sequential setting Berenbrink et al (SIAM J. Comput 2006) showed that letting each ball join the least loaded bin of two randomly selected bins reduces the maximal load to m/n+O(log⁥log⁥m)m/n+O(\log\log m) w.h.p. To date, no parallel variant of such a result is known. We present a simple parallel threshold algorithm that obtains a maximal load of m/n+O(1)m/n+O(1) w.h.p. within O(log⁥log⁥(m/n)+log⁡∗n)O(\log\log (m/n)+\log^* n) rounds. The algorithm is symmetric (balls and bins all "look the same"), and balls send O(1)O(1) messages in expectation per round. The additive term of O(log⁡∗n)O(\log^* n) in the complexity is known to be tight for such algorithms (Lenzen and Wattenhofer Distributed Computing 2016). We also prove that our analysis is tight, i.e., algorithms of the type we provide must run for Ω(min⁥{log⁥log⁥(m/n),n})\Omega(\min\{\log\log (m/n),n\}) rounds w.h.p. Finally, we give a simple asymmetric algorithm (i.e., balls are aware of a common labeling of the bins) that achieves a maximal load of m/n+O(1)m/n + O(1) in a constant number of rounds w.h.p. Again, balls send only a single message per round, and bins receive (1+o(1))m/n+O(log⁥n)(1+o(1))m/n+O(\log n) messages w.h.p

    The Raincore API for clusters of networking elements

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    Clustering technology offers a way to increase overall reliability and performance of Internet information flow by strengthening one link in the chain without adding others. We have implemented this technology in a distributed computing architecture for network elements. The architecture, called Raincore, originated in the Reliable Array of Independent Nodes, or RAIN, research collaboration between the California Institute of Technology and the US National Aeronautics and Space Agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The RAIN project focused on developing high-performance, fault-tolerant, portable clustering technology for spaceborne computing . The technology that emerged from this project became the basis for a spinoff company, Rainfinity, which has the exclusive intellectual property rights to the RAIN technology. The authors describe the Raincore conceptual architecture and distributed services, which are designed to make it easy for developers to port their applications to run on top of a cluster of networking elements. We include two applications: a Web server prototype that was part of the original RAIN research project and a commercial firewall cluster product from Rainfinity

    A Matrix-Analytic Solution for Randomized Load Balancing Models with Phase-Type Service Times

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    In this paper, we provide a matrix-analytic solution for randomized load balancing models (also known as \emph{supermarket models}) with phase-type (PH) service times. Generalizing the service times to the phase-type distribution makes the analysis of the supermarket models more difficult and challenging than that of the exponential service time case which has been extensively discussed in the literature. We first describe the supermarket model as a system of differential vector equations, and provide a doubly exponential solution to the fixed point of the system of differential vector equations. Then we analyze the exponential convergence of the current location of the supermarket model to its fixed point. Finally, we present numerical examples to illustrate our approach and show its effectiveness in analyzing the randomized load balancing schemes with non-exponential service requirements.Comment: 24 page

    Locally Optimal Load Balancing

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    This work studies distributed algorithms for locally optimal load-balancing: We are given a graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta, and each node has up to LL units of load. The task is to distribute the load more evenly so that the loads of adjacent nodes differ by at most 11. If the graph is a path (Δ=2\Delta = 2), it is easy to solve the fractional version of the problem in O(L)O(L) communication rounds, independently of the number of nodes. We show that this is tight, and we show that it is possible to solve also the discrete version of the problem in O(L)O(L) rounds in paths. For the general case (Δ>2\Delta > 2), we show that fractional load balancing can be solved in poly⁡(L,Δ)\operatorname{poly}(L,\Delta) rounds and discrete load balancing in f(L,Δ)f(L,\Delta) rounds for some function ff, independently of the number of nodes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Introducing Competition in the French Electricity Supply Industry: The Destabilisation of a Public Hierarchy in an Open Institutional Environment

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    The French electricity supply industry is characterized by a vertically integrated monopoly and public ownership and when the government introduced market rules, it was with the aim of preserving the integration of the public incumbent as a national champion. This had two paradoxical effects in favour of competition development and the building of safeguards for entrants: 1/ the creation of a credible regulatory governance structure with effective power of control on network access which promoted market-rules, and the creation of a power exchange for balancing the incumbent’s dominant position; 2/ the credibility of the regulatory framework by the self-control of the incumbent in the use of its dominant position and on the capture of the regulator. These two effects result from the influence of the European institutional environment, in particular the intensive scrutiny of the European Commission, which is superposed on the national one.regulation, electricity
