26 research outputs found

    Multiple Differential Cryptanalysis using \LLR and χ2\chi^2 Statistics

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    Recent block ciphers have been designed to be resistant against differential cryptanalysis. Nevertheless it has been shown that such resistance claims may not be as tight as wished due to recent advances in this field. One of the main improvements to differential cryptanalysis is the use of many differentials to reduce the data complexity. In this paper we propose a general model for understanding multiple differential cryptanalysis and propose new attacks based on tools used in multidimensional linear cryptanalysis (namely \LLR and \CHI statistical tests). Practical cases are considered on a reduced version of the cipher PRESENT to evaluate different approaches for selecting and combining the differentials considered. We also consider the tightness of the theoretical estimates corresponding to these attacks

    High Saturation Complete Graph Approach for EC Point Decomposition and ECDL Problem

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    One of the key questions in contemporary applied cryptography is whether there exist an efficient algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm problem in elliptic curves. The primary approach for this problem is to try to solve a certain system of polynomial equations. Current attempts try to solve them directly with existing software tools which does not work well due to their very loosely connected topology and illusory reliance on degree falls. A deeper reflection on what makes systems of algebraic equations efficiently solvable is missing. In this paper we propose a new approach for solving this type of polynomial systems which is radically different than current approaches. We carefully engineer systems of equations with excessively dense topology obtained from a complete clique/biclique graphs and hypergraphs and unique special characteristics. We construct a sequence of systems of equations with a parameter K and argue that asymptotically when K grows the system of equations achieves a high level of saturation with lim_{K\to\infty} F/T = 1 which allows to reduce the regularity degree and makes that polynomial equations over finite fields may become efficiently solvable

    Autoguess: A Tool for Finding Guess-and-Determine Attacks and Key Bridges

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    The guess-and-determine technique is one of the most widely used techniques in cryptanalysis to recover unknown variables in a given system of relations. In such attacks, a subset of the unknown variables is guessed such that the remaining unknowns can be deduced using the information from the guessed variables and the given relations. This idea can be applied in various areas of cryptanalysis such as finding the internal state of stream ciphers when a sufficient amount of output data is available, or recovering the internal state and the secret key of a block cipher from very few known plaintexts. Another important application is the key-bridging technique in key-recovery attacks on block ciphers, where the attacker aims to find the minimum number of required sub-key guesses to deduce all involved sub-keys via the key schedule. Since the complexity of the guess-and-determine technique directly depends on the number of guessed variables, it is essential to find the smallest possible guess basis, i.e., the subset of guessed variables from which the remaining variables can be deduced. In this paper, we present Autoguess, an easy-to-use general tool to search for a minimal guess basis. We propose several new modeling techniques to harness SAT/SMT, MILP, and Gröbner basis solvers. We demonstrate their usefulness in guess-and-determine attacks on stream ciphers and block ciphers, as well as finding key-bridges in key recovery attacks on block ciphers. Moreover, integrating our CP models for the key-bridging technique into the previous CP-based frameworks to search for distinguishers, we propose a unified and general CP model to search for key recovery friendly distinguishers which supports both linear and nonlinear key schedules

    Variants of LWE: Reductions, Attacks and a Construction

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    Machine learning applications for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers

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    Quantum machine learning (QML) has proven to be a fruitful area in which to search for applications of quantum computers. This is particularly true for those available in the near term, so called noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. In this thesis, we develop and study QML algorithms in three application areas. We focus our attention towards heuristic algorithms of a variational (meaning hybrid quantum-classical) nature, using parameterised quantum circuits as the underlying quantum machine learning model. The variational nature of these models makes them especially suited for NISQ computers. We order these applications in terms of the increasing complexity of the data presented to them. Firstly, we study a variational quantum classifier in supervised machine learning, and focus on how (classical) data, feature vectors, may be encoded in such models in a way that is robust to the inherent noise on NISQ computers. We provide a framework for studying the robustness of these classification models, prove theoretical results relative to some common noise channels, and demonstrate extensive numerical results reinforcing these findings. Secondly, we move to a variational generative model called the Born machine, where the data becomes a (classical or quantum) probability distribution. Now, the problem falls into the category of unsupervised machine learning. Here, we develop new training methods for the Born machine which outperform the previous state of the art, discuss the possibility of quantum advantage in generative modelling, and perform a systematic comparison of the Born machine relative to a classical competitor, the restricted Boltzmann machine. We also demonstrate the largest scale implementation (28 qubits) of such a model on real quantum hardware to date, using the Rigetti superconducting platform. Finally, for our third QML application, the data becomes purely quantum in nature. We focus on the problem of approximately cloning quantum states, an important primitive in the foundations of quantum mechanics. For this, we develop a variational quantum algorithm which can learn to clone such states, and show how this algorithm can be used to improve quantum cloning fidelities on NISQ hardware. Interestingly, this application can be viewed as either supervised or unsupervised in nature. Furthermore, we demonstrate how this can algorithm can be used to discover novel implementable attacks on quantum cryptographic protocols, focusing on quantum coin flipping and key distribution as examples. For the algorithm, we derive differentiable cost functions, prove theoretical guarantees such as faithfulness, and incorporate state of the art methods such as quantum architecture search

    The Hash Function Fugue

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    We describe Fugue, a hash function supporting inputs of length upto 2^{64}-1 bits and hash outputs of length upto 512 bits. Notably, Fugue is not based on a compression function. Rather, it is directly a hash function that supports variable-length inputs. The starting point for Fugue is the hash function Grindahl, but it extends that design to protect against the kind of attacks that were developed for Grindahl, as well as earlier hash functions like SHA-1. A key enhancement is the design of a much stronger round function which replaces the AES round function of Grindahl, using better codes (over longer words) than the AES 4 X 4 MDS matrix. Also, Fugue makes judicious use of this new round function on a much larger internal state. The design of Fugue is proof-oriented: the various components are designed in such a way as to allow proofs of security, and yet be efficient to implement. As a result, we can prove that current attack methods cannot find collisions in Fugue any faster than the trivial birthday attack. Although the proof is computer assisted, the assistance is limited to computing ranks of various matrices

    Sécurité étendue de la cryptographie fondée sur les réseaux euclidiens

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    Lattice-based cryptography is considered as a quantum-safe alternative for the replacement of currently deployed schemes based on RSA and discrete logarithm on prime fields or elliptic curves. It offers strong theoretical security guarantees, a large array of achievable primitives, and a competitive level of efficiency. Nowadays, in the context of the NIST post-quantum standardization process, future standards may ultimately be chosen and several new lattice-based schemes are high-profile candidates. The cryptographic research has been encouraged to analyze lattice-based cryptosystems, with a particular focus on practical aspects. This thesis is rooted in this effort.In addition to black-box cryptanalysis with classical computing resources, we investigate the extended security of these new lattice-based cryptosystems, employing a broad spectrum of attack models, e.g. quantum, misuse, timing or physical attacks. Accounting that these models have already been applied to a large variety of pre-quantum asymmetric and symmetric schemes before, we concentrate our efforts on leveraging and addressing the new features introduced by lattice structures. Our contribution is twofold: defensive, i.e. countermeasures for implementations of lattice-based schemes and offensive, i.e. cryptanalysis.On the defensive side, in view of the numerous recent timing and physical attacks, we wear our designer’s hat and investigate algorithmic protections. We introduce some new algorithmic and mathematical tools to construct provable algorithmic countermeasures in order to systematically prevent all timing and physical attacks. We thus participate in the actual provable protection of the GLP, BLISS, qTesla and Falcon lattice-based signatures schemes.On the offensive side, we estimate the applicability and complexity of novel attacks leveraging the lack of perfect correctness introduced in certain lattice-based encryption schemes to improve their performance. We show that such a compromise may enable decryption failures attacks in a misuse or quantum model. We finally introduce an algorithmic cryptanalysis tool that assesses the security of the mathematical problem underlying lattice-based schemes when partial knowledge of the secret is available. The usefulness of this new framework is demonstrated with the improvement and automation of several known classical, decryption-failure, and side-channel attacks.La cryptographie fondée sur les réseaux euclidiens représente une alternative prometteuse à la cryptographie asymétrique utilisée actuellement, en raison de sa résistance présumée à un ordinateur quantique universel. Cette nouvelle famille de schémas asymétriques dispose de plusieurs atouts parmi lesquels de fortes garanties théoriques de sécurité, un large choix de primitives et, pour certains de ses représentants, des performances comparables aux standards actuels. Une campagne de standardisation post-quantique organisée par le NIST est en cours et plusieurs schémas utilisant des réseaux euclidiens font partie des favoris. La communauté scientifique a été encouragée à les analyser car ils pourraient à l’avenir être implantés dans tous nos systèmes. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à cet effort.Nous étudions la sécurité de ces nouveaux cryptosystèmes non seulement au sens de leur résistance à la cryptanalyse en “boîte noire” à l’aide de moyens de calcul classiques, mais aussi selon un spectre plus large de modèles de sécurité, comme les attaques quantiques, les attaques supposant des failles d’utilisation, ou encore les attaques par canaux auxiliaires. Ces différents types d’attaques ont déjà été largement formalisés et étudiés par le passé pour des schémas asymétriques et symétriques pré-quantiques. Dans ce mémoire, nous analysons leur application aux nouvelles structures induites par les réseaux euclidiens. Notre travail est divisé en deux parties complémentaires : les contremesures et les attaques.La première partie regroupe nos contributions à l’effort actuel de conception de nouvelles protections algorithmiques afin de répondre aux nombreuses publications récentes d’attaques par canaux auxiliaires. Les travaux réalisés en équipe auxquels nous avons pris part on abouti à l’introduction de nouveaux outils mathématiques pour construire des contre-mesures algorithmiques, appuyées sur des preuves formelles, qui permettent de prévenir systématiquement les attaques physiques et par analyse de temps d’exécution. Nous avons ainsi participé à la protection de plusieurs schémas de signature fondés sur les réseaux euclidiens comme GLP, BLISS, qTesla ou encore Falcon.Dans une seconde partie consacrée à la cryptanalyse, nous étudions dans un premier temps de nouvelles attaques qui tirent parti du fait que certains schémas de chiffrement à clé publique ou d’établissement de clé peuvent échouer avec une faible probabilité. Ces échecs sont effectivement faiblement corrélés au secret. Notre travail a permis d’exhiber des attaques dites « par échec de déchiffrement » dans des modèles de failles d’utilisation ou des modèles quantiques. Nous avons d’autre part introduit un outil algorithmique de cryptanalyse permettant d’estimer la sécurité du problème mathématique sous-jacent lorsqu’une information partielle sur le secret est donnée. Cet outil s’est avéré utile pour automatiser et améliorer plusieurs attaques connues comme des attaques par échec de déchiffrement, des attaques classiques ou encore des attaques par canaux auxiliaires

    Quantum Analysis of AES

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    Quantum computing is considered among the next big leaps in computer science. While a fully functional quantum computer is still in the future, there is an ever-growing need to evaluate the security of the symmetric key ciphers against a potent quantum adversary. Keeping this in mind, our work explores the key recovery attack using the Grover\u27s search on the three variants of AES (-128, -192, -256). In total, we develop a pool of 20 implementations per AES variant (thus totaling in 60), by taking the state-of-the-art advancements in the relevant fields into account. In a nutshell, we present the least Toffoli depth and full depth implementations of AES, thereby improving from Zou et al.\u27s Asiacrypt\u2720 paper by more than 97 percent for each variant of AES. We show that the qubit count - Toffoli depth product is reduced from theirs by more than 86 percent. Furthermore, we analyze the Jaques et al.\u27s Eurocrypt\u2720 implementations in details, fix the bugs (arising from some problem of the quantum computing tool used and not related to their coding) and report corrected benchmarks. To the best of our finding, our work improves from all the previous works (including the Asiacrypt\u2722 paper by Huang and Sun and the Asiacrypt\u2723 paper by Liu et al.) in terms of various quantum circuit complexity metrics (Toffoli depth, full depth, Toffoli/full depth - qubit count product, full depth - gate count product, etc.). Also, our bug-fixing of Jaques et al.\u27s Eurocrypt\u2720 implementations seem to improve from the authors\u27 own bug-fixing, thanks to our architecture consideration. Equipped with the basic AES implementations, we further investigate the prospect of the Grover\u27s search. We also propose three new implementations of the S-box, one new implementation of the MixColumn; as well as five new architecture (one is motivated by the architecture by Jaques et al. in Eurocrypt’20, and the rest four are entirely our innovation). Under the MAXDEPTH constraint (specified by NIST), the circuit depth metrics (Toffoli depth, T-depth and full depth) become crucial factors and parallelization for often becomes necessary. We provide the least depth implementation in this respect, that offers the best performance in terms of metrics for circuit complexity (like, depth-squared - qubit count product, depth - gate count product)

    Fast Practical Lattice Reduction through Iterated Compression

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    We introduce a new lattice basis reduction algorithm with approximation guarantees analogous to the LLL algorithm and practical performance that far exceeds the current state of the art. We achieve these results by iteratively applying precision management techniques within a recursive algorithm structure and show the stability of this approach. We analyze the asymptotic behavior of our algorithm, and show that the heuristic running time is O(nω(C+n)1+ε)O(n^{\omega}(C+n)^{1+\varepsilon}) for lattices of dimension nn, ω(2,3]\omega\in (2,3] bounding the cost of size reduction, matrix multiplication, and QR factorization, and CC bounding the log of the condition number of the input basis BB. This yields a running time of O(nω(p+n)1+ε)O\left(n^\omega (p + n)^{1 + \varepsilon}\right) for precision p=O(logBmax)p = O(\log \|B\|_{max}) in common applications. Our algorithm is fully practical, and we have published our implementation. We experimentally validate our heuristic, give extensive benchmarks against numerous classes of cryptographic lattices, and show that our algorithm significantly outperforms existing implementations