141,632 research outputs found

    Ensemble Transport Adaptive Importance Sampling

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are a powerful and commonly used family of numerical methods for sampling from complex probability distributions. As applications of these methods increase in size and complexity, the need for efficient methods increases. In this paper, we present a particle ensemble algorithm. At each iteration, an importance sampling proposal distribution is formed using an ensemble of particles. A stratified sample is taken from this distribution and weighted under the posterior, a state-of-the-art ensemble transport resampling method is then used to create an evenly weighted sample ready for the next iteration. We demonstrate that this ensemble transport adaptive importance sampling (ETAIS) method outperforms MCMC methods with equivalent proposal distributions for low dimensional problems, and in fact shows better than linear improvements in convergence rates with respect to the number of ensemble members. We also introduce a new resampling strategy, multinomial transformation (MT), which while not as accurate as the ensemble transport resampler, is substantially less costly for large ensemble sizes, and can then be used in conjunction with ETAIS for complex problems. We also focus on how algorithmic parameters regarding the mixture proposal can be quickly tuned to optimise performance. In particular, we demonstrate this methodology's superior sampling for multimodal problems, such as those arising from inference for mixture models, and for problems with expensive likelihoods requiring the solution of a differential equation, for which speed-ups of orders of magnitude are demonstrated. Likelihood evaluations of the ensemble could be computed in a distributed manner, suggesting that this methodology is a good candidate for parallel Bayesian computations

    The Physics of the Colloidal Glass Transition

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    As one increases the concentration of a colloidal suspension, the system exhibits a dramatic increase in viscosity. Structurally, the system resembles a liquid, yet motions within the suspension are slow enough that it can be considered essentially frozen. This kinetic arrest is the colloidal glass transition. For several decades, colloids have served as a valuable model system for understanding the glass transition in molecular systems. The spatial and temporal scales involved allow these systems to be studied by a wide variety of experimental techniques. The focus of this review is the current state of understanding of the colloidal glass transition. A brief introduction is given to important experimental techniques used to study the glass transition in colloids. We describe features of colloidal systems near and in glassy states, including tremendous increases in viscosity and relaxation times, dynamical heterogeneity, and ageing, among others. We also compare and contrast the glass transition in colloids to that in molecular liquids. Other glassy systems are briefly discussed, as well as recently developed synthesis techniques that will keep these systems rich with interesting physics for years to come.Comment: 56 pages, 18 figures, Revie

    Parameter Tuning Using Gaussian Processes

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    Most machine learning algorithms require us to set up their parameter values before applying these algorithms to solve problems. Appropriate parameter settings will bring good performance while inappropriate parameter settings generally result in poor modelling. Hence, it is necessary to acquire the “best” parameter values for a particular algorithm before building the model. The “best” model not only reflects the “real” function and is well fitted to existing points, but also gives good performance when making predictions for new points with previously unseen values. A number of methods exist that have been proposed to optimize parameter values. The basic idea of all such methods is a trial-and-error process whereas the work presented in this thesis employs Gaussian process (GP) regression to optimize the parameter values of a given machine learning algorithm. In this thesis, we consider the optimization of only two-parameter learning algorithms. All the possible parameter values are specified in a 2-dimensional grid in this work. To avoid brute-force search, Gaussian Process Optimization (GPO) makes use of “expected improvement” to pick useful points rather than validating every point of the grid step by step. The point with the highest expected improvement is evaluated using cross-validation and the resulting data point is added to the training set for the Gaussian process model. This process is repeated until a stopping criterion is met. The final model is built using the learning algorithm based on the best parameter values identified in this process. In order to test the effectiveness of this optimization method on regression and classification problems, we use it to optimize parameters of some well-known machine learning algorithms, such as decision tree learning, support vector machines and boosting with trees. Through the analysis of experimental results obtained on datasets from the UCI repository, we find that the GPO algorithm yields competitive performance compared with a brute-force approach, while exhibiting a distinct advantage in terms of training time and number of cross-validation runs. Overall, the GPO method is a promising method for the optimization of parameter values in machine learning

    Revealing modified gravity signal in matter and halo hierarchical clustering

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    We use a set of N-body simulations employing a modified gravity (MG) model with Vainshtein screening to study matter and halo hierarchical clustering. As test-case scenarios we consider two normal branch Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (nDGP) gravity models with mild and strong growth rate enhancement. We study higher-order correlation functions ξn(R)\xi_n(R) up to n=9n=9 and associated hierarchical amplitudes Sn(R)ξn(R)/σ(R)2n2S_n(R)\equiv\xi_n(R)/\sigma(R)^{2n-2}. We find that the matter PDFs are strongly affected by the fifth-force on scales up to 50h150h^{-1}Mpc, and the deviations from GR are maximised at z=0z=0. For reduced cumulants SnS_n, we find that at small scales R10h1R\leq10h^{-1}Mpc the MG is characterised by lower values, with the deviation growing from 7%7\% in the reduced skewness up to even 40%40\% in S5S_5. To study the halo clustering we use a simple abundance matching and divide haloes into thee fixed number density samples. The halo two-point functions are weakly affected, with a relative boost of the order of a few percent appearing only at the smallest pair separations (r5h1r\leq 5h^{-1}Mpc). In contrast, we find a strong MG signal in Sn(R)S_n(R)'s, which are enhanced compared to GR. The strong model exhibits a >3σ>3\sigma level signal at various scales for all halo samples and in all cumulants. In this context, we find that the reduced kurtosis to be an especially promising cosmological probe of MG. Even the mild nDGP model leaves a 3σ3\sigma imprint at small scales R3h1R\leq3h^{-1}Mpc, while the stronger model deviates from a GR-signature at nearly all scales with a significance of >5σ>5\sigma. Since the signal is persistent in all halo samples and over a range of scales, we advocate that the reduced kurtosis estimated from galaxy catalogues can potentially constitute a strong MG-model discriminatory as well as GR self-consistency test.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, comments are welcom

    Space Warps: I. Crowd-sourcing the Discovery of Gravitational Lenses

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    We describe Space Warps, a novel gravitational lens discovery service that yields samples of high purity and completeness through crowd-sourced visual inspection. Carefully produced colour composite images are displayed to volunteers via a web- based classification interface, which records their estimates of the positions of candidate lensed features. Images of simulated lenses, as well as real images which lack lenses, are inserted into the image stream at random intervals; this training set is used to give the volunteers instantaneous feedback on their performance, as well as to calibrate a model of the system that provides dynamical updates to the probability that a classified image contains a lens. Low probability systems are retired from the site periodically, concentrating the sample towards a set of lens candidates. Having divided 160 square degrees of Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) imaging into some 430,000 overlapping 82 by 82 arcsecond tiles and displaying them on the site, we were joined by around 37,000 volunteers who contributed 11 million image classifications over the course of 8 months. This Stage 1 search reduced the sample to 3381 images containing candidates; these were then refined in Stage 2 to yield a sample that we expect to be over 90% complete and 30% pure, based on our analysis of the volunteers performance on training images. We comment on the scalability of the SpaceWarps system to the wide field survey era, based on our projection that searches of 105^5 images could be performed by a crowd of 105^5 volunteers in 6 days.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS accepted, minor to moderate changes in this versio

    Accelerated Parameter Estimation with DALEχ\chi

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    We consider methods for improving the estimation of constraints on a high-dimensional parameter space with a computationally expensive likelihood function. In such cases Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) can take a long time to converge and concentrates on finding the maxima rather than the often-desired confidence contours for accurate error estimation. We employ DALEχ\chi (Direct Analysis of Limits via the Exterior of χ2\chi^2) for determining confidence contours by minimizing a cost function parametrized to incentivize points in parameter space which are both on the confidence limit and far from previously sampled points. We compare DALEχ\chi to the nested sampling algorithm implemented in MultiNest on a toy likelihood function that is highly non-Gaussian and non-linear in the mapping between parameter values and χ2\chi^2. We find that in high-dimensional cases DALEχ\chi finds the same confidence limit as MultiNest using roughly an order of magnitude fewer evaluations of the likelihood function. DALEχ\chi is open-source and available at https://github.com/danielsf/Dalex.git