678 research outputs found

    Molecular studies on the sweet potato virus disease and its two causal agents

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    The studies presented in this thesis contribute to an increased understanding of the molecular aspects, variability and interaction of the two most important viral pathogens of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L): Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) and Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV), which cause the severe sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) when co-infecting sweet potato plants. SPVD is the most important disease affecting sweet potato in Africa, and may be the most important virus disease of sweet potato globally. The coat protein gene sequences of several African SPFMV isolates were determined and compared by phylogenetic analyses. Results showed that East African SPFMV isolates were genetically distinct. They could furthermore be divided into two serotypes which differed in their ability to systemically infect the sweet potato cultivar Tanzania. The aetiology of SPVD was studied in sweet potato plants co-infected with SPFMV and SPCSV using nucleic acid hybridisation, bioassays, tissue printing and thin section immunohistochemistry. Resistance to SPFMV in East African sweet potato cultivars was found to be due to inhibition of virus replication rather than movement and resistance was suppressed by infection with SPCSV, resulting in a ca. 600-fold increase in titres of SPFMV. Furthermore, in SPVD affected plants SPFMV is detected outside of the phloem, whereas SPCSV is detected only inside the phloem, which suggests novel as yet unknown mechanisms how SPCSV synergises SPFMV. The genomic sequence of SPCSV was determined. It was composed of two RNA molecules (9407 and 8223 nucleotides), representing the second largest (+)ssRNA genome of plant viruses. The genomic organization of SPCSV revealed novel features for the genus Crinivirus, such as i) the presence of a gene putatively encoding an ribonuclease III-like protein, ii) near-identical, 208 nucleotides long 3’-sequences on both viral RNAs, and iii) the placement of the SHP gene at a new position on the genome of SPCSV relative to other closteroviridae. Northern analyses showed the presence of several sub-genomic RNAs, of which the accumulation was temporally regulated in infected tissues. The 5’-ends of seven sub-genomic RNAs were determined using a PCR based method, which indicated that the sgRNAs were capped

    Southern planter

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    LYRASIS Members and Sloan FoundationCollege of William and Mary, Earl Gregg Swem Librar

    Clayton News, 05-11-1918

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    Programmed cell death and genetic stability in conifer embryogenesis

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    Somatic embryogenesis, the generation of embryos from somatic cells, is a valuable tool for studying embryology. In addition, somatic embryos can be used for large-scale vegetative propagation, an application of great interest for forestry. A critical event during early embryo differentiation in conifers is the apical basal polarization, which proceeds through the establishment of two embryonic parts: the proliferating embryonal mass and the terminally differentiated suspensor. The development of both parts is strictly coordinated and imbalance causes embryonic defects. The suspensor cells are eliminated by programmed cell death (PCD). In animals, caspase family proteases are the main executioners of PCD. In this work we have used synthetic peptide substrates containing caspase recognition sites and corresponding specific inhibitors to analyse the role of caspase-like activity during early embryo differentiation in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.). We found that VEIDase is the principal caspase-like activity. This activity is localized specifically in suspensor cells, and its inhibition prevents normal embryo development by blocking the suspensor differentiation. The in vitro VEIDase activity was shown to be highly sensitive to pH, ionic strength, temperature and zinc concentration. In vivo studies with Zinquin, a zinc-specific fluorescent probe, revealed a high accumulation of intracellular free zinc in the embryonal masses and an abrupt decrease in the suspensor. Increased zinc concentration in the culture medium suppresses terminal differentiation and PCD of the suspensor. In accordance, exposure of early embryos to TPEN, a zinc-specific chelator, induces ectopic cell death affecting embryonal masses. This establishes zinc as an important factor affecting cell fate specification during plant embryogenesis. Before somatic embryos can be accepted for clonal propagation it is important to show that the regenerated plants have similar growth to that of seedlings and are genetically uniform. The genetic integrity during zygotic and somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was investigated by comparing the stability of variable nuclear microsatellite loci. The stability varied significantly among families in both species during somatic embryogenesis. Scots pine families showing low genetic stability during establishment of embryogenic cultures had a higher embryogenic potential than those that were genetically more stable. In contrast, embryo development was suppressed in genetically unstable families. The stability of microsatellites was in general higher in zygotic embryos than in somatic embryos. No deviation in growth was observed in somatic embryo plants of Norway spruce carrying mutated microsatellites

    Natural resistance to Potato virus Y in <i>Solanum tuberosum</i> Group Phureja

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    This work was supported by funding from the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division.A new source of genetic resistance derived from Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja against Potato virus Y (PVY) was identified and genetically characterised in three diploid biparental potato populations. Segregation data for two populations (05H1 and 08H1) suggested the presence of a single dominant gene for resistance to PVY which, following DaRT analysis of the 08H1 cross, was mapped to chromosome 9. More detailed genetic analysis of resistance utilised a well-characterised SNP-linkage map for the 06H1 population, together with newly generated marker data. In these plants, which have both S. tuberosum Group Phureja and S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum in their pedigree, the resistance was shown to map to chromosome 9 at a locus not previously associated with PVY resistance, although there is evidence for at least one other genetic factor controlling PVY infection. The resistance factor location on chromosome 9 (named as Ry(o)phu) suggests a potential role of NB-LRR genes in this resistance. Phenotypic analysis using a GUS-tagged virus revealed that a small amount of PVY replication occurred in occasional groups of epidermal cells in inoculated leaves of resistant plants, without inducing any visible hypersensitive response. However, the virus did not enter the vascular system and systemic spread was completely prevented.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Murray Ledger and Times, November 28, 2014

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    The Murray Ledger and Times, October 10, 2014

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