67 research outputs found

    Load-Balancing for Parallel Delaunay Triangulations

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    Computing the Delaunay triangulation (DT) of a given point set in RD\mathbb{R}^D is one of the fundamental operations in computational geometry. Recently, Funke and Sanders (2017) presented a divide-and-conquer DT algorithm that merges two partial triangulations by re-triangulating a small subset of their vertices - the border vertices - and combining the three triangulations efficiently via parallel hash table lookups. The input point division should therefore yield roughly equal-sized partitions for good load-balancing and also result in a small number of border vertices for fast merging. In this paper, we present a novel divide-step based on partitioning the triangulation of a small sample of the input points. In experiments on synthetic and real-world data sets, we achieve nearly perfectly balanced partitions and small border triangulations. This almost cuts running time in half compared to non-data-sensitive division schemes on inputs exhibiting an exploitable underlying structure.Comment: Short version submitted to EuroPar 201

    Spectral Clustering with Imbalanced Data

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    Spectral clustering is sensitive to how graphs are constructed from data particularly when proximal and imbalanced clusters are present. We show that Ratio-Cut (RCut) or normalized cut (NCut) objectives are not tailored to imbalanced data since they tend to emphasize cut sizes over cut values. We propose a graph partitioning problem that seeks minimum cut partitions under minimum size constraints on partitions to deal with imbalanced data. Our approach parameterizes a family of graphs, by adaptively modulating node degrees on a fixed node set, to yield a set of parameter dependent cuts reflecting varying levels of imbalance. The solution to our problem is then obtained by optimizing over these parameters. We present rigorous limit cut analysis results to justify our approach. We demonstrate the superiority of our method through unsupervised and semi-supervised experiments on synthetic and real data sets.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.513

    Graph-based Semi-Supervised & Active Learning for Edge Flows

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    We present a graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) method for learning edge flows defined on a graph. Specifically, given flow measurements on a subset of edges, we want to predict the flows on the remaining edges. To this end, we develop a computational framework that imposes certain constraints on the overall flows, such as (approximate) flow conservation. These constraints render our approach different from classical graph-based SSL for vertex labels, which posits that tightly connected nodes share similar labels and leverages the graph structure accordingly to extrapolate from a few vertex labels to the unlabeled vertices. We derive bounds for our method's reconstruction error and demonstrate its strong performance on synthetic and real-world flow networks from transportation, physical infrastructure, and the Web. Furthermore, we provide two active learning algorithms for selecting informative edges on which to measure flow, which has applications for optimal sensor deployment. The first strategy selects edges to minimize the reconstruction error bound and works well on flows that are approximately divergence-free. The second approach clusters the graph and selects bottleneck edges that cross cluster-boundaries, which works well on flows with global trends

    Dynamic Balanced Graph Partitioning

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    This paper initiates the study of the classic balanced graph partitioning problem from an online perspective: Given an arbitrary sequence of pairwise communication requests between nn nodes, with patterns that may change over time, the objective is to service these requests efficiently by partitioning the nodes into \ell clusters, each of size kk, such that frequently communicating nodes are located in the same cluster. The partitioning can be updated dynamically by migrating nodes between clusters. The goal is to devise online algorithms which jointly minimize the amount of inter-cluster communication and migration cost. The problem features interesting connections to other well-known online problems. For example, scenarios with =2\ell=2 generalize online paging, and scenarios with k=2k=2 constitute a novel online variant of maximum matching. We present several lower bounds and algorithms for settings both with and without cluster-size augmentation. In particular, we prove that any deterministic online algorithm has a competitive ratio of at least kk, even with significant augmentation. Our main algorithmic contributions are an O(klogk)O(k \log{k})-competitive deterministic algorithm for the general setting with constant augmentation, and a constant competitive algorithm for the maximum matching variant

    Clustering and Community Detection with Imbalanced Clusters

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    Spectral clustering methods which are frequently used in clustering and community detection applications are sensitive to the specific graph constructions particularly when imbalanced clusters are present. We show that ratio cut (RCut) or normalized cut (NCut) objectives are not tailored to imbalanced cluster sizes since they tend to emphasize cut sizes over cut values. We propose a graph partitioning problem that seeks minimum cut partitions under minimum size constraints on partitions to deal with imbalanced cluster sizes. Our approach parameterizes a family of graphs by adaptively modulating node degrees on a fixed node set, yielding a set of parameter dependent cuts reflecting varying levels of imbalance. The solution to our problem is then obtained by optimizing over these parameters. We present rigorous limit cut analysis results to justify our approach and demonstrate the superiority of our method through experiments on synthetic and real datasets for data clustering, semi-supervised learning and community detection.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:1309.2303 with new applications. Accepted to IEEE TSIP

    Load-Balancing for Parallel Delaunay Triangulations

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