21 research outputs found

    Deploying Process Innovation in Manufacturing

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    Manufacturing companies are increasingly under pressure to innovate due primarily to the intense competition they face, particularly under global market conditions. Innovation is recognised as a precondition for survival. Implementation of innovative initiatives in manufacturing is an important and challenging phase of process innovation. This is more so in the pre-implementation phase, in which manufacturing organisations need to prepare and be appropriately ready to deploy their process innovation initiative. This thesis focuses on the methodology of deploying process innovation in manufacturing to identify the factors influencing deployment readiness, evaluate hypothesised influences of some of the factors on deployment readiness, and provide an accessible method of assessing deployment readiness levels. Several important results and significant contributions to knowledge are arising from the research reported in this thesis. The thesis reports on the findings that several factors can influence deployment process innovation which is characterised along the dimensions of context for process innovation, performance, capability and capacity, resources, and collaboration. Through developing and evaluating a conceptual framework for process innovation deployment readiness, the thesis found a significant positive link between process innovation deployment preparedness and being fully ready to deploy. It was also found that having a deployment plan has a significant positive influence on being fully ready to deploy process innovation. These results have important implications for manufacturing managers, especially regarding the need for a deployment plan, ensuring a good climate for innovation, and being prepared to deploy process innovation in manufacturing. Perspectives of manufacturing managers reported in the thesis indicate that manufacturing companies do not necessarily need to attain a 100% deployment readiness level. On average, the companies appear satisfied with about 70% deployment readiness level. A fuzzy logic method for assessing manufacturing process innovation deployment readiness level presented in this thesis will help manufacturing companies gauge their readiness level and identify areas of improvement should they wish to increase their deployment readiness level prior to implementation. The method was validated in a case study company and found useful. The thesis concludes by reinforcing the need for manufacturing companies to rely more on appropriate techniques, such as those arising from this research, for use in successfully managing the deployment of their process innovation initiatives

    Kreative acts of strategy (kaos): a business plan for a new type of small consultancy

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    M310: Marketing Z100: Cultural Economics; Economic Sociology; Economic AnthropologyThe proposed business is designed as a small Creative Brand Consulting and Collaborative Innovation firm that caters to Small-to-Medium sized (SME) consumer goods/services producing enterprises. It derives its innovative approach from a proprietary framework, which is implemented as an analysis tool to audit a client’s business in a strategically new way. The ASP framework draws its pillars, Authenticity, Sustainability, and Product Functionality from the condensation of contemporary discourse about these topics. All of the pillar traits can be found in many of today’s successful, global brands, which encourages to manifest them as a strategically applicable tool. The overall goal is hereby to reduce so-called negative externalities, that is, to reduce environmental/societal harm and to enhance outcomes’ functional value to eventually create a more friendly but efficient co-living environment. It is believed that doing so increases a brands’ intrinsic value through claiming a socially beneficial purpose apart from the purpose to grow infinitely. Apart from offering Management Consulting services for small businesses within the respective context, the proposed plan stipulates a risk diversification through the offer of additional business services. The innovative approach focuses on a lean business structure, which entails to form a “temporary” enterprise by collaborating with contractors only when needed, that is, project based. The proposed business aims to grow slowly and organically, as it is demanded by its values and its mission to successfully shape a consumption environment that both grows and produces positive societal outcomes.O negócio proposto é designado como uma pequena consultoria criativa de marca e firma de inovação colaborativa que presta serviços a pequenas e médias empresas (PME) produtoras de bens consumíveis (englobando também, nesta categoria, bens perecíveis) e/ou serviços. As estratégias inovadoras, na qual os serviços propostos neste negócio são baseados, derivam de um framework da empresa que é implementado como uma ferramenta de análise, de modo a auditar o negócio do cliente duma nova forma estratégica, na qual foi dada a definição de ASP framework. O ASP framework cria os seus pilares, Autenticidade, Sustentabilidade, e funcionalidade do Produto, como um resultado da condensação de discursos contemporâneos referentes aos mesmos. Todas as características dos pilares podem ser encontrados em inúmeras marcas globais de sucesso, pelo que encoraja a manifestá-las como uma estratégia aplicável.Tendo por base de aplicação o meio retratado precedentemente, o objetivo é reduzir as negatividades externas, ou seja, reduzir perigos ambientais e sociais de modo a aprimorar o valor funcional (resultados) com o intuito de criar um ambiente eficiente de coabitação societal e, eventualmente, mais amigável. A sua aplicação é espectável na medida que contribui para um incremento no valor intrínseco da marca, reivindicando uma proposta de benefício social e contrariando a proposta comum de crescimento infinito. Para além de oferecer consultoria de gestão de serviços para pequenas empresas (PE), englobadas no respetivo contexto, o plano proposto estipula uma diversificação de riscos através duma oferta adicional de serviços de negócios. Esta aproximação inovadora foca-se numa estrutura de aprendizagem do negócio, que consiste na formação de uma empresa temporária, colaborando com contratantes apenas quando preciso consoante o projeto. Em suma, o negócio proposto procura um crescimento vagaroso e orgânico, tal como é exigido através dos seus valores e missão para moldar, com sucesso, um ambiente de consumismo que não só cresce mas também contribui positivamente para resultados sociais