5 research outputs found

    How cloud computing impacts stock market prices

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    Cloud computing is an evolution of computing technology and reflects a shift in the way it is delivered to businesses and individuals. Enterprises can significantly lower their cost of ownership, reduce time to value and faster adapt to changing needs in a globalized economy. Despite research and practice predict productivity increases and cost savings when migrating to the cloud one question remains unanswered: Does the adoption of cloud computing increase the market value of the firm? We try to answer this question by applying the event study methodology on companies that recently announced the deployment of cloud computing. Overall, we find significant positive abnormal returns. We find that investors specifically reward innovative and strategically motivated adoption of cloud computing. As a key implication of our results, we recommend in particular IT executives in large companies within the service industry to reassess their portfolio and foster the adoption of strategic and innovative cloud services

    Impact of Cloud Computing Adoption on Firm Stock Price – An Empirical Research

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    In this paper, we investigate how cloud computing adoption impacts publicly traded 26 cloud&adopting companies\u27 stocks. In an effort to perform a valid assessment of a firm\u27s cloud adoption initiatives, we also evaluate the stocks of 26 companies, which did not adopt cloud computing and operate in the same industry with similar market capitalization. Our study differs from the previous studies in the area because it uses Fama&French three factor model to d erive the stock abnormal returns for both adopters and non&adopters. Furthermore, given the announced risks of cloud computing in the literature, we analyzed the stock risk between adopters and non&ad opters. Our preliminary analysis implies that businesses adopting cloud computing experience positive cumulative abnormal returns during the time the event was announced. Our research also indicates that both cloud adopting and non&cloud adopting companies suffer from higher stock risk during the announcement but this risk is not statistically significant

    Proceedings der 11. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013) - Band 1

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    The two volumes represent the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik WI2013 (Business Information Systems). They include 118 papers from ten research tracks, a general track and the Student Consortium. The selection of all submissions was subject to a double blind procedure with three reviews for each paper and an overall acceptance rate of 25 percent. The WI2013 was organized at the University of Leipzig between February 27th and March 1st, 2013 and followed the main themes Innovation, Integration and Individualization.:Track 1: Individualization and Consumerization Track 2: Integrated Systems in Manufacturing Industries Track 3: Integrated Systems in Service Industries Track 4: Innovations and Business Models Track 5: Information and Knowledge ManagementDie zweibändigen Tagungsbände zur 11. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2013) enthalten 118 Forschungsbeiträge aus zehn thematischen Tracks der Wirtschaftsinformatik, einem General Track sowie einem Student Consortium. Die Selektion der Artikel erfolgte nach einem Double-Blind-Verfahren mit jeweils drei Gutachten und führte zu einer Annahmequote von 25%. Die WI2013 hat vom 27.02. - 01.03.2013 unter den Leitthemen Innovation, Integration und Individualisierung an der Universität Leipzig stattgefunden.:Track 1: Individualization and Consumerization Track 2: Integrated Systems in Manufacturing Industries Track 3: Integrated Systems in Service Industries Track 4: Innovations and Business Models Track 5: Information and Knowledge Managemen