83 research outputs found

    On the Okounkov-Olshanski formula for standard tableaux of skew shapes

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    The classical hook length formula counts the number of standard tableaux of straight shapes. In 1996, Okounkov and Olshanski found a positive formula for the number of standard Young tableaux of a skew shape. We prove various properties of this formula, including three determinantal formulas for the number of nonzero terms, an equivalence between the Okounkov-Olshanski formula and another skew tableaux formula involving Knutson-Tao puzzles, and two qq-analogues for reverse plane partitions, which complements work by Stanley and Chen for semistandard tableaux. We also give several reformulations of the formula, including two in terms of the excited diagrams appearing in a more recent skew tableaux formula by Naruse. Lastly, for thick zigzag shapes we show that the number of nonzero terms is given by a determinant of the Genocchi numbers and improve on known upper bounds by Morales-Pak-Panova on the number of standard tableaux of these shapes.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, v2 has a shorter proof of Lemma 8.10 and updated reference

    Enumeration of Standard Young Tableaux

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    A survey paper, to appear as a chapter in a forthcoming Handbook on Enumeration.Comment: 65 pages, small correction

    Hook formulas for skew shapes III. Multivariate and product formulas

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    We give new product formulas for the number of standard Young tableaux of certain skew shapes and for the principal evaluation of the certain Schubert polynomials. These are proved by utilizing symmetries for evaluations of factorial Schur functions, extensively studied in the first two papers in the series "Hook formulas for skew shapes" [arxiv:1512.08348, arxiv:1610.04744]. We also apply our technology to obtain determinantal and product formulas for the partition function of certain weighted lozenge tilings, and give various probabilistic and asymptotic applications.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures. This is the third paper in the series "Hook formulas for skew shapes"; v2 added reference to [KO1] (arxiv:1409.1317) where the formula in Corollary 1.1 had previously appeared; v3 Corollary 5.10 added, resembles published versio

    A generalization of the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials

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    Combinatorial objects called rigged configurations give rise to q-analogues of certain Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. The Kostka-Foulkes polynomials and two-column Macdonald-Kostka polynomials occur as special cases. Conjecturally these polynomials coincide with the Poincare polynomials of isotypic components of certain graded GL(n)-modules supported in a nilpotent conjugacy class closure in gl(n).Comment: 37 page