10 research outputs found

    Fine-Grained Expression Manipulation via Structured Latent Space

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    Fine-grained facial expression manipulation is a challenging problem, as fine-grained expression details are difficult to be captured. Most existing expression manipulation methods resort to discrete expression labels, which mainly edit global expressions and ignore the manipulation of fine details. To tackle this limitation, we propose an end-to-end expression-guided generative adversarial network (EGGAN), which utilizes structured latent codes and continuous expression labels as input to generate images with expected expressions. Specifically, we adopt an adversarial autoencoder to map a source image into a structured latent space. Then, given the source latent code and the target expression label, we employ a conditional GAN to generate a new image with the target expression. Moreover, we introduce a perceptual loss and a multi-scale structural similarity loss to preserve identity and global shape during generation. Extensive experiments show that our method can manipulate fine-grained expressions, and generate continuous intermediate expressions between source and target expressions

    LEED: Label-Free Expression Editing via Disentanglement

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    Recent studies on facial expression editing have obtained very promising progress. On the other hand, existing methods face the constraint of requiring a large amount of expression labels which are often expensive and time-consuming to collect. This paper presents an innovative label-free expression editing via disentanglement (LEED) framework that is capable of editing the expression of both frontal and profile facial images without requiring any expression label. The idea is to disentangle the identity and expression of a facial image in the expression manifold, where the neutral face captures the identity attribute and the displacement between the neutral image and the expressive image captures the expression attribute. Two novel losses are designed for optimal expression disentanglement and consistent synthesis, including a mutual expression information loss that aims to extract pure expression-related features and a siamese loss that aims to enhance the expression similarity between the synthesized image and the reference image. Extensive experiments over two public facial expression datasets show that LEED achieves superior facial expression editing qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 202

    BioGAN: An unpaired GAN-based image to image translation model for microbiological images

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    Background and objective: A diversified dataset is crucial for training a well-generalized supervised computer vision algorithm. However, in the field of microbiology, generation and annotation of a diverse dataset including field-taken images are time-consuming, costly, and in some cases impossible. Image to image translation frameworks allow us to diversify the dataset by transferring images from one domain to another. However, most existing image translation techniques require a paired dataset (original image and its corresponding image in the target domain), which poses a significant challenge in collecting such datasets. In addition, the application of these image translation frameworks in microbiology] is rarely discussed . In this study, we aim to develop an unpaired GAN-based (Generative Adversarial Network) image to image translation model for microbiological images, and study how it can improve generalization ability of object detection models. Methods: In this paper, we present an unpaired and unsupervised image translation model to translate laboratory-taken microbiological images to field images, building upon the recent advances in GAN networks and Perceptual loss function. We propose a novel design for a GAN model, BioGAN, by utilizing Adversarial and Perceptual loss in order to transform high level features of laboratory-taken images of Prototheca bovis into field images, while keeping their spatial features. Results: We studied the contribution of Adversarial and Perceptual loss in the generation of realistic field images. We used the synthetic field images, generated by BioGAN, to train an object-detection framework, and compared the results with those of an object-detection framework trained with laboratory images; this resulted in up to 68.1% and 75.3% improvement on F1score and mAP, respectively. We also present the results of a qualitative evaluation test, performed by experts, of the similarity of BioGAN synthetic images with field images