4 research outputs found

    Homological tree-based strategies for image analysis

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    Homological characteristics of digital objects can be obtained in a straightforward manner computing an algebraic map φ over a finite cell complex K (with coefficients in the finite field F2={0,1}) which represents the digital object [9]. Computable homological information includes the Euler characteristic, homology generators and representative cycles, higher (co)homology operations, etc. This algebraic map φ is described in combinatorial terms using a mixed three-level forest. Different strategies changing only two parameters of this algorithm for computing φ are presented. Each one of those strategies gives rise to different maps, although all of them provides the same homological information for K. For example, tree-based structures useful in image analysis like topological skeletons and pyramids can be obtained as subgraphs of this forest

    Homological computation using spanning trees

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    We introduce here a new F2 homology computation algorithm based on a generalization of the spanning tree technique on a finite 3-dimensional cell complex K embedded in ℝ3. We demonstrate that the complexity of this algorithm is linear in the number of cells. In fact, this process computes an algebraic map φ over K, called homology gradient vector field (HGVF), from which it is possible to infer in a straightforward manner homological information like Euler characteristic, relative homology groups, representative cycles for homology generators, topological skeletons, Reeb graphs, cohomology algebra, higher (co)homology operations, etc. This process can be generalized to others coefficients, including the integers, and to higher dimension

    P systems and computational algebraic topology

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    Membrane Computing is a paradigm inspired from biological cellular communication. Membrane computing devices are called P systems. In this paper we calculate some algebraic-topological information of 2D and 3D images in a general and parallel manner using P systems. First, we present a new way to obtain the homology groups of 2D digital images in time logarithmic with respect to the input data involving an improvement with respect to the algorithms development by S. Peltier et al. Second, we obtain an edge-segmentation of 2D and 3D digital images in constant time with respect to the input data

    Membrane parallelism for discrete Morse theory applied to digital images

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    In this paper, we propose a bio-inspired membrane computational framework for constructing discrete Morse complexes for binary digital images. Our approach is based on the discrete Morse theory and we work with cubical complexes. As example, a parallel algorithm for computing homology groups of binary 3D digital images is designed