2,751 research outputs found

    Ramsey expansions of metrically homogeneous graphs

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    We discuss the Ramsey property, the existence of a stationary independence relation and the coherent extension property for partial isometries (coherent EPPA) for all classes of metrically homogeneous graphs from Cherlin's catalogue, which is conjectured to include all such structures. We show that, with the exception of tree-like graphs, all metric spaces in the catalogue have precompact Ramsey expansions (or lifts) with the expansion property. With two exceptions we can also characterise the existence of a stationary independence relation and the coherent EPPA. Our results can be seen as a new contribution to Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il's classification programme of Ramsey classes and as empirical evidence of the recent convergence in techniques employed to establish the Ramsey property, the expansion (or lift or ordering) property, EPPA and the existence of a stationary independence relation. At the heart of our proof is a canonical way of completing edge-labelled graphs to metric spaces in Cherlin's classes. The existence of such a "completion algorithm" then allows us to apply several strong results in the areas that imply EPPA and respectively the Ramsey property. The main results have numerous corollaries on the automorphism groups of the Fra\"iss\'e limits of the classes, such as amenability, unique ergodicity, existence of universal minimal flows, ample generics, small index property, 21-Bergman property and Serre's property (FA).Comment: 57 pages, 14 figures. Extends results of arXiv:1706.00295. Minor revisio

    Maximum gradient embeddings and monotone clustering

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    Let (X,d_X) be an n-point metric space. We show that there exists a distribution D over non-contractive embeddings into trees f:X-->T such that for every x in X, the expectation with respect to D of the maximum over y in X of the ratio d_T(f(x),f(y)) / d_X(x,y) is at most C (log n)^2, where C is a universal constant. Conversely we show that the above quadratic dependence on log n cannot be improved in general. Such embeddings, which we call maximum gradient embeddings, yield a framework for the design of approximation algorithms for a wide range of clustering problems with monotone costs, including fault-tolerant versions of k-median and facility location.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures. Final version, minor revision of the previous one. To appear in "Combinatorica

    Total embedding distributions of Ringel ladders

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    The total embedding distributions of a graph is consisted of the orientable embeddings and non- orientable embeddings and have been know for few classes of graphs. The genus distribution of Ringel ladders is determined in [Discrete Mathematics 216 (2000) 235-252] by E.H. Tesar. In this paper, the explicit formula for non-orientable embeddings of Ringel ladders is obtained

    Characterization and enumeration of toroidal K_{3,3}-subdivision-free graphs

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    We describe the structure of 2-connected non-planar toroidal graphs with no K_{3,3}-subdivisions, using an appropriate substitution of planar networks into the edges of certain graphs called toroidal cores. The structural result is based on a refinement of the algorithmic results for graphs containing a fixed K_5-subdivision in [A. Gagarin and W. Kocay, "Embedding graphs containing K_5-subdivisions'', Ars Combin. 64 (2002), 33-49]. It allows to recognize these graphs in linear-time and makes possible to enumerate labelled 2-connected toroidal graphs containing no K_{3,3}-subdivisions and having minimum vertex degree two or three by using an approach similar to [A. Gagarin, G. Labelle, and P. Leroux, "Counting labelled projective-planar graphs without a K_{3,3}-subdivision", submitted, arXiv:math.CO/0406140, (2004)].Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures and 4 table

    The random graph

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    Erd\H{o}s and R\'{e}nyi showed the paradoxical result that there is a unique (and highly symmetric) countably infinite random graph. This graph, and its automorphism group, form the subject of the present survey.Comment: Revised chapter for new edition of book "The Mathematics of Paul Erd\H{o}s