3 research outputs found

    HomeTree: an art inspired mobile eco-feedback visualization

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    This paper presents HomeTree a prototype of an art-inspired mobile eco feedback system. The system is implemented on a tablet PC and relies on a non intrusive energy-monitoring infrastructure to access consumption and power event information. Our prototype addresses an important problem in eco feedback, which is the fact that users loose interest about their energy consump tion after a period of several weeks. To accomplish this HomeTree implements a dual visualization strategy. Initially HomeTree presents users with a screensa ver that shows energy consumption mapped in a dynamic illustration of the lo cal forest. Through this strategy we leverage the emotional connection between the short-term energy consumption and the long-term effects on nature through the local depicted landscape. In a second mode of operation users can interact with HomeTree directly by checking the historical records of their consumption data, and check which days or weeks they have reduced or increased consump tion. Furthermore a comparison with a more objective baseline, such as the city of Funchal energy consumption is provided, in order to give users a sense of the level of their consumption in a wider context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hardware and software platforms to deploy and evaluate non-intrusive load monitoring systems

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    The work in this PhD thesis addresses the practical implications of deploying and testing Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) and eco-feedback solutions in real-world scenarios. The contributions to this topic are centered around the design and development of NILM frameworks that have been deployed in the wild, supporting long-term research in ecofeedback and also serving the purpose of producing real-world datasets and furthering the state of the art regarding the performance metrics used to evaluate NILM algorithms. This thesis consists of three main parts: i) the development of tools and datasets for NILM and eco-feedback research, ii) the design, implementation and deployment of NILM and eco-feedback technologies in real world scenarios, and iii) an experimental comparison of performance metrics for event detection and event classification algorithms. In the first part we describe the Energy Monitoring and Disaggregation Data Format (EMD-DF) and the SustData and SustDataED public datasets. In second part we discuss the development and deployment of two hardware and software platforms in real households, to support eco-feedback research. We then report on more than five years of experience in deploying and maintaining such platforms. Our findings suggest that the main practical issues can be divided in two categories, technological (e.g., system installation) and social (e.g., maintaining a steady sample throughout the whole study). In the final part of this thesis we analyze experimentally the behavior of a number of performance metrics for event detection and event classification, identifying clusters and relationships between the different measures. Our results evidence some considerable differences in the behavior of the performance metrics when applied to the different problems.O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese de doutoramento aborda as implicações praticas da instalação e avaliação de soluções de monitorização não intrusiva de cargas elétricas (NILM) e eco-feedback em cenários reais. As contribuições para este tópico estão centradas em torno da concepção e desenvolvimento de plataformas NILM que foram instaladas em ambientes não controlados, suportando a pesquisa de longo termo em eco-feedback e servindo também o propósito de produzir conjuntos de dados científicos, bem como promover o avanço do estado da arte acerca das métricas de desempenho utilizadas para avaliar algoritmos NILM. Esta tese é constituída por três partes principais: i) o desenvolvimento de ferramentas e conjuntos de dados científicos para investigação em NILM e eco-feedback, ii) a concepção, desenho e instalação de tecnologias NILM e eco-feedback em cenários reais, e iii) uma comparação experimental de métricas de desempenho para algoritmos de detecção e de classificação de eventos. Na primeira parte descrevemos o Energy Monitoring and Disaggregation Data Format (EMD-DF) e os conjuntos de dados científicos SustData e SustDataED. Na segunda parte discutimos o desenvolvimento e instalação de duas plataformas de hardware e software em residências atuais com a finalidade de suportar a investigação em eco-feedback. Aqui, reportamos sobre mais de cinco anos de experiência na instalação e manutenção destes sistemas. Os nossos resultados sugerem que as principais implicações práticas podem ser divididas em duas categorias, físicas (e.g., instalação do sistema) e sociais (e.g., manter uma amostra constante ao longo de todo o estudo). Na terceira parte analisamos experimentalmente o comportamento de uma série de métricas de desempenho quando estas são utilizadas para avaliar algoritmos de detecção e de classificação de eventos. Calculamos as correlações lineares e não lineares entre os vários pares de métricas, e com base nesses valores procuramos agrupar as métricas que evidenciam um comportamento semelhante. Os nossos resultados sugerem a existência de diferenças evidentes no comportamento das métricas quando aplicadas a ambos dos problemas.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Street Furniture and the Nation State: A Global Process

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    In the popular imagination, street furniture has traditionally been understood as evoking a sense of national or local identity. From Paris’ metro entrances, DDR lampposts in Berlin, and London’s york stone pavements, the designed environment has been able to contribute to the unique qualities of a place. In some instances this was deliberate. In postwar Britain for instance, the Council of Industrial Design – a state-funded design organization - often appeared to measure the quality of street furniture on the basis of its national characteristics. On other occasions, the relationship between such objects and identity emerged accidentally. In Britain during the 1980s, for example, the replacement of Gilbert Scott's red telephone box with an alternative BT model provoked considerable debate. For many people, this act was not just a Conservative attack on nationalization and state-ownership, but also on the very fabric of British identity. This understanding of street furniture has retained its currency for many years, and cities across the world have used street furniture to provide a sense of visual coherency for neighbourhoods in need of new identities, strengthening their character and improving the public's relationship to them. In this way, street furniture has been employed as a cipher for the narrative of regeneration, in which - as a means of altering the identity of a space - street furniture can project a new face upon the street. Increasingly however, advertising companies are able to lever themselves into the street furniture market by offering to provide the service to the local authorities for free in return for advertising space. In offering this service, global companies like JC Decaux, Wall and Clear Channel command a huge amount of commercial power within the city. The excessive homogenization of street furniture coupled with the overwhelming presence of advertising which is increasingly sanctioned by local authorities keen to reduce costs, has resulted in the perception of poorer quality streets. Thus, the irony of regeneration is that by seeking to promote the unique identity of a city, many places often end up looking more and more alike. This paper will examine recent developments in the process by which the street is furnished and the agents responsible. It will specifically look at how these changes have affected the relationship between street furniture and identity, and equally the effect this process has had on understandings of national design histories. Clearly, evaluating contemporary street furniture through the lens of the nation-state is of very little value, since the international differences between street furniture are considerably less marked than they used to be. This extraordinary aesthetic convergence is partly linked to economies of scale - after all, just how many different kinds of bus stop can Europe afford to have? Yet it also reflects some of the challenges posed by globalization and privatization of public space. This paper will reflect upon that process, and how these bigger narratives increasingly affect the landscape of the street