15,295 research outputs found


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    Home automation offers convenience in enhancing the quality of life. Its specialty in having centralized control system with capability to solve complex problems in controlling and monitoring home environment and appliances draws the attention of the researchers and home industries to create home automation products with consideration of many aspects such as low cost home automation system, easy access system and etc. The implementation type of home automation system can be either wired or wireless. The wired types are power line and wired home automation while wireless home automation comes with different technologies. The technologies used in wireless home automation such as Wi-Fi, Infrared (IR), Bluetooth, Zigbee and Global System for Mobile communication (GSM). Each of these technologies offers advantages in term of flexibility and reliability but limited to their communication range

    Automatic Electrical Appliances Control Panel Based on Infrared and Wi-Fi: A Framework for Electrical Energy Conservation

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    -Today, proprietary home automation targets very specific applications which operate mostly on a cable based infrastructure. In contrast to that, our implementation builds on a wireless platform for the automatic control of house hold electrical appliances. The nodes gather sensor readings in a home and transmit them to a central automation server. There, the readings are matched against a list of script statements. When there is a match, a specific action is performed. An important property of the system is that the control of all home appliances is done by means of the ubiquitous Infrared and Wi-Fi wireless technologies. This way, the co-operation between manufacturers is not a necessity in order to connect devices to the home automation network

    Smart Home Solutions Using Wi-Fi-based Hardware

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    Home automation technology has been increasingly important in our lives, since it offers numerous advantages, e.g., greater comfort, safety, security and energy efficiency. A smart home automation system usually includes a central computer with deployed home automation software and several distributed sensors and actuators. Wired connections between a central computer and sensor/actuator nodes are already well established, however, wireless solutions are an emerging trend. This work addresses smart home automation solutions that are based on wireless Wi-Fi network. Such solutions enable an upgrade of an existing house into a smart house without modifications of hardware installations. The article includes an overview of related works in this research field, and a case study of cost effective home automation solution that is based on open source home automation software and wireless, custom developed, Wi-Fi based hardware

    Home-Automation System

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    Nuestro proyecto trata de obtener un sistema centralizado para el manejo y monitorización de un conjunto de aparatos eléctricos del hogar, tales como luces, cámaras, sensores, y otros aparatos mediante una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android. También se facilita una herramienta web para administrar dichos aparatos. Nuestro sistema da soporte al manejo individual y manual de estos aparatos, por ejemplo encender una lámpara, así como la posibilidad de incluir programas que se ejecuten a una determinada hora, y con una determinada recurrencia. Por ejemplo, se puede programar el encendido de una luz todos los días a las 20:00. Además, también se pueden crear reglas que, dado una determinada situación, realicen una serie de acciones. Por ejemplo, si se detecta que la luminosidad baja de cierto valor (detectado mediante un sensor de luz), se encienda una lámpara. Para conseguir esto se ha realizado una aplicación centralizada, a modo de servidor, que se comunica con los aparatos eléctricos mediante diferentes protocolos de comunicación, así como con el dispositivo móvil Android, y una aplicación web administrativa, a través de un portal de servicios web