30,652 research outputs found

    Friends of Musselman Library Newsletter Spring 2020

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    From the Dean (Robin Wagner) Library News Mini-Golf Get Acquainted Day Edible Books Festival Moves Online! (Kim Longfellow \u2716) What do librarians do when a campus suddenly closes? (Janelle Wertzberger) Blotchy Scribblings and Spider-like Initials (Jim Ramos, Carolyn Sautter) Boxed Belongings (Natalie Hinton) Notes from the Field (Kerri Odess-Harnish) Who is helping you via email, chat & text with those questions? Our awesome librarians & sometimes their pets! (Kevin Moore) ZOOM: Teaching Moves Online (Kevin Moore, Mallory Jallas, Clint Baugess) Vietnam (Devin McKinney) Quarantined on Campus (Betsy Bein, Chakriya Ou, ’23, Dung Doan, ’23, Precious Ozoh, ’20) Conservation in the Age of Lock Down (Mary Wootton, Abigail Coakley ’20) Documenting COVID-19: Primary Sources for the Future (Amy Lucadamo ’00, Maci Mark ’21) Campus Quarantines (Carolyn Sautter) Library Bookshelf Reading Without Walls Pandemic Book Club (Janelle Wertzberger) Rev. John Vannorsdall (1924–2020) (Rev. John W. Vannorsdall) Alumni Reminiscences (Edson Whitney ‘70, Rev. Donna Schaper ’69, Mike Hobor ‘69, Richard Hutch ‘67) Focus on Philanthropy: Robert Eastlack (Robert Eastlack \u2770, John Eastlack ‘42, Carolyn Sautter) Through Our Eyes: A Digital Exhibition (R.C. Miessler, Austin Stiegemeier, Emma Lewis ’20) Battlefield Bingo (Kevin Aughinbaugh ’18) Nurses on the Front Lines Can You Piece It Together? (Amy Lucadamo \u2700

    Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak. Updated 18 May 2020

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    Characterizing Partisan Political Narrative Frameworks about COVID-19 on Twitter

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has been testing every society and exposing the critical role of local politics in crisis response. In the United States, there has been a strong partisan divide between the Democratic and Republican party's narratives about the pandemic which resulted in polarization of individual behaviors and divergent policy adoption across regions. As shown in this case, as well as in most major social issues, strongly polarized narrative frameworks facilitate such narratives. To understand polarization and other social chasms, it is critical to dissect these diverging narratives. Here, taking the Democratic and Republican political social media posts about the pandemic as a case study, we demonstrate that a combination of computational methods can provide useful insights into the different contexts, framing, and characters and relationships that construct their narrative frameworks which individual posts source from. Leveraging a dataset of tweets from elite politicians in the U.S., we found that the Democrats' narrative tends to be more concerned with the pandemic as well as financial and social support, while the Republicans discuss more about other political entities such as China. We then perform an automatic framing analysis to characterize the ways in which they frame their narratives, where we found that the Democrats emphasize the government's role in responding to the pandemic, and the Republicans emphasize the roles of individuals and support for small businesses. Finally, we present a semantic role analysis that uncovers the important characters and relationships in their narratives as well as how they facilitate a membership categorization process. Our findings concretely expose the gaps in the "elusive consensus" between the two parties. Our methodologies may be applied to computationally study narratives in various domains.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. To be published in EPJ Data Scienc

    The impact of COVID-19 on library board governance: An analysis of public library board meeting processes and participation in Canada in 2020

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    In March 2020, provincial and municipal governments in Canada implemented measures to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, municipalities had to quickly transition to holding their public meetings in new ways. Some organizations moved to teleconference meetings, while others used videoconferencing software. Public libraries were no exception to this, and library boards began holding their public board meetings electronically. The aims of this study are threefold: First, to identify what methods were used to hold electronic public library board meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, second, to determine whether such methods resulted in a change in public participation, and third, to ascertain whether or not public libraries intend to continue holding meetings electronically after the pandemic is over. To achieve the objectives of this study, the results of a web survey that was distributed electronically to 631 public library systems across Canada have been analyzed. The survey findings indicate that public library began using electronic meeting formats in 2020, and that Zoom was the software most frequently implemented. The findings also indicate that while an increase in attendance by the general public was not reported, libraries did report an increase in the number of staff who attended board meetings. Finally, the findings indicate that about half of libraries in Canada have intentions to continue with some level of electronic participation as part of their board meetings after the COVID-19 pandemic is over

    Tarling Music Virtual Concert Remediation Strategies in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is driving changes in how music concerts are produced, and tarling music is no exception. The government's policy, which included the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKPM), forced the event organizer, which used to hold entertainment stage concerts, including tarling music, to cease operations. Economically, the tarling musicians lose money because they are out of work for too long. Tarling musicians in Cirebon, West Java, are trying to break through in a variety of ways, including holding virtual music concerts. The purpose of this research is to uncover the practice of tarling music production in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as how tarling music agents adapt to their new habits regarding production methods through remediation strategies practiced through virtual and hybrid environments. This is a qualitative study that employs the paradigm of cultural materialism, as defined by Marvin Harris (1980a, p. 277), who believes that the material conditions of society determine human consciousness rather than the other way around. This research uses documentation study, observation, interviews, recording, and literature study as data collection methods. As a result, the Tarling music artist agency aggressively reforms the form of stage performance that is perceived as reality and presents it in the form of virtual and hybrid reality

    Remote Court: Principles for Virtual Proceedings During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

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    Across the country, courts at every level have relied on remote technology to adapt the justice system to a once-a-century global pandemic. This Essay describes and assesses this unprecedented journey into virtual justice, paying particular attention to eviction proceedings. While many judges have touted remote court as a revolutionary innovation, the reality is more complex. Remote court has brought substantial time savings and convenience to those who are able to access and use the required technology, but it has also posed hurdles to individuals on the other side of the digital divide, particularly self-represented litigants. The remote court experience has varied substantially depending on the nature of the proceedings, the rules and procedures courts put in place, and the relevant court users’ resources and tech savvy. Critically, the challenges posed by remote court have often been less visible to judges than the efficiency benefits. Drawing on these lessons, this Essay identifies a series of principles that should inform future uses of remote technology. Ultimately, new technology should be embraced when—and only when—it is consistent with fair proceedings and access to justice for all

    Revenge of the Sixth: The Constitutional Reckoning of Pandemic Justice

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    The Sixth Amendment’s criminal jury right is integral to the United States criminal justice system. While this right is also implicated by the Due Process Clause, Equal Protection Clause, and several federal and state statutes, criminal jury trial rates have been declining for decades, down from approximately 20% to 2% between 1988 to 2018. This dramatic drop in the rate of criminal jury trials is an effective measure of the decreased access to fair and constitutional criminal jury trials

    The challenges of business tourism with the greater digitisation of economic activity

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    Tudo apontava para que 2020 fosse um ano de forte crescimento do turismo a nível mundial, incluindo em Portugal. O seu contributo para o desenvolvimento económico e social dos países é muito elevado. Nos últimos anos, Portugal investiu muito nesta indústria, criando infraestruturas de qualidade para responder à procura. O retorno, em termos de receitas e empregos criados, tem sido elevado. Em 2019, representou cerca de 9% do produto interno bruto e foi responsável por 336.800 empregos apenas nas áreas de catering, alojamento e agência de viagens. Mas, de forma inesperada, no final de 2019, surgiu um vírus, causador da doença Covid-19, que quase paralisou o mundo e alterou a forma como trabalhamos e vivemos, e talvez tenha mudado para sempre a indústria do turismo e outras. Com a pandemia, boa parte do setor do turismo ficou suspenso. De acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Estatística, no segundo trimestre de 2020, no setor do alojamento turístico as dormidas totais recuaram 92,5%. Um dos seguementos com crescente peso na economia nacional, o do turismo de negócios, foi dos mais atingidos, e poderá ser o que demorará mais tempo a recuperar. Trata-se de um subsetor que vive de pequenos e grandes eventos, como congressos, conferências e feiras, muitos deles com dimensão internacional, basta lembrarmo-nos da Web Summit. Contribui fortemente para a divulgação da imagem do país, incluindo como destino de lazer, compensando a sazonalidade de outras ofertas, nomeadamente a de sol e praia. O Turismo de negócios é o tema que será desenvolvido nesta dissertação, procurando perceber como poderá evoluir a curto e médio prazo. Uma tarefa difícil dada a elevada incerteza sobre a capacidade de controlo da pandemia, nomeadamente através do uso generalizado de vacinas. Ainda assim, é possível identificar algumas tentativas para dar a volta à atual crise.Everything pointed out that 2020 was a year of strong growth in tourism worldwide, including Portugal. The contribution of this sector to the economic and social development of countries is very high. In recent years, Portugal has invested a lot in this industry, creating quality infrastructure to meet demand. The return, in terms of revenues raised and jobs created, has been high. In 2019, it accounted for about 9% of gross domestic product and contributed for 336,800 jobs in catering, accommodation and travel agencies. However, unexpectedly, at the end of 2019, a virus emerged, causing the disease Covid-19, which almost paralyzed the world and changed the way we work and live, and perhaps changed forever the tourism industry and others. With the pandemic, much of the tourism sector has been suspended. According to Instituto Nacional de Estatística, in the second quarter of 2020, in the tourism accommodation sector total number of nights fell by 92.5%. One of the increasingly essential segments in the national economy, business tourism, was one of the hardest hits, and may be the one that will take longer to recover. It is a subsector that lives on small and large events, such as congresses, conferences and fairs, many of them with an international dimension, just remember the Web Summit. It contributes strongly to the dissemination of the image of the country, including as a leisure destination and others, offsetting the seasonality of other offerings, namely sun and beach. Business tourism is the theme that is going to be developed in this dissertation, trying to understand how it can evolve in the short and medium-term. A difficult task given the high uncertainty about the ability to control the pandemic, notably through the widespread use of vaccines. Still, it is possible to identify some attempts to turn around the current crisis
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