3 research outputs found

    Highly accurate fast methods for extraction and sparsification of substrate coupling based on low-rank approximation

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    More aggressive design practices have created renewed interest in techniques for analyzing substrate coupling problems. Most previous work has focused primarily on faster techniques for extracting coupling resistances, but has offered little help for reducing the resulting resistance matrix, whose number of nonzero entries grows quadratically with the number of contacts. Wavelet-like methods have been applied to sparsifying the resistance matrix representing the substrate coupling, but the accuracy of the method is very sensitive to the particulars of the contact layout. In this paper we show that for the substrate problem it is possible to improve considerably on the wavelet-like methods by making use of the algorithmic structure common to the fast multipole and wavelet-like algorithms, but making judicious use of low-rank approximations. The approach, motivated by the hierarchical SVD algorithm, can achieve more than an order of magnitude better accuracy for commensurate sparsity, or can achieve much better sparsity at commensurate accuracy, when compared to the wavelet-like algorithm. 1

    Fast methods for extraction and sparsification of substrate coupling

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-111).Substrate coupling effects have had an increasing impact on circuit performance in recent years. As a result, there is strong demand for substrate simulation tools. Past work has concentrated on fast substrate solvers that are applied once per contact to get the dense conductance matrix G. We develop a method of using any underlying substrate solver a near-constant number of times to obtain a sparse approximate representation G [approximately equal to] QGwtQ' in a new basis. This method differs from previous matrix sparsification techniques in that it requires only a "black box" which can apply G quickly; it doesn't need an analytical representation of the underlying kernel or access to individual entries of G. The change-of-basis matrix Q is also sparse. For our largest example, with 10240 contacts, we obtained a Gwt with 130 times fewer nonzeros than the dense G (and Q more than twice as sparse as Gwt), with 20 times fewer solves than the naive method, and fewer than 4 percent of the QGwtQ' entries had relative error more than 10% compared to the exact G.by Joseph Daniel Kanapka.Ph.D

    Parallel VLSI Circuit Analysis and Optimization

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    The prevalence of multi-core processors in recent years has introduced new opportunities and challenges to Electronic Design Automation (EDA) research and development. In this dissertation, a few parallel Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit analysis and optimization methods which utilize the multi-core computing platform to tackle some of the most difficult contemporary Computer-Aided Design (CAD) problems are presented. The first CAD application that is addressed in this dissertation is analyzing and optimizing mesh-based clock distribution network. Mesh-based clock distribution network (also known as clock mesh) is used in high-performance microprocessor designs as a reliable way of distributing clock signals to the entire chip. The second CAD application addressed in this dissertation is the Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) like circuit simulation. SPICE simulation is often regarded as the bottleneck of the design flow. Recently, parallel circuit simulation has attracted a lot of attention. The first part of the dissertation discusses circuit analysis techniques. First, a combination of clock network specific model order reduction algorithm and a port sliding scheme is presented to tackle the challenges in analyzing large clock meshes with a large number of clock drivers. Our techniques run much faster than the standard SPICE simulation and existing model order reduction techniques. They also provide a basis for the clock mesh optimization. Then, a hierarchical multi-algorithm parallel circuit simulation (HMAPS) framework is presented as an novel technique of parallel circuit simulation. The inter-algorithm parallelism approach in HMAPS is completely different from the existing intra-algorithm parallel circuit simulation techniques and achieves superlinear speedup in practice. The second part of the dissertation talks about parallel circuit optimization. A modified asynchronous parallel pattern search (APPS) based method which utilizes the efficient clock mesh simulation techniques for the clock driver size optimization problem is presented. Our modified APPS method runs much faster than a continuous optimization method and effectively reduces the clock skew for all test circuits. The third part of the dissertation describes parallel performance modeling and optimization of the HMAPS framework. The performance models and runtime optimization scheme improve the speed of HMAPS further more. The dynamically adapted HMAPS becomes a complete solution for parallel circuit simulation