18,955 research outputs found

    Principled Design and Implementation of Steerable Detectors

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    We provide a complete pipeline for the detection of patterns of interest in an image. In our approach, the patterns are assumed to be adequately modeled by a known template, and are located at unknown position and orientation. We propose a continuous-domain additive image model, where the analyzed image is the sum of the template and an isotropic background signal with self-similar isotropic power-spectrum. The method is able to learn an optimal steerable filter fulfilling the SNR criterion based on one single template and background pair, that therefore strongly responds to the template, while optimally decoupling from the background model. The proposed filter then allows for a fast detection process, with the unknown orientation estimation through the use of steerability properties. In practice, the implementation requires to discretize the continuous-domain formulation on polar grids, which is performed using radial B-splines. We demonstrate the practical usefulness of our method on a variety of template approximation and pattern detection experiments

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    White matter and task-switching in young adults: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging study

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    The capacity to flexibly switch between different task rules has been previously associated with distributed fronto-parietal networks, predominantly in the left hemisphere for phasic switching sub-processes, and in the right hemisphere for more tonic aspects of task-switching, such as rule maintenance and management. It is thus likely that the white matter (WM) connectivity between these regions is critical in sustaining the flexibility required by task-switching. This study examined the relationship between WM microstructure in young adults and task-switching performance in different paradigms: classical shape-color, spatial and grammatical tasks. The main results showed an association between WM integrity in anterior portions of the corpus callosum (genu and body) and a sustained measure of task-switching performance. In particular, a higher fractional anisotropy and a lower radial diffusivity in these WM regions were associated with smaller mixing costs both in the spatial task-switching paradigm and in the shape-color one, as confirmed by a conjunction analysis. No association was found with behavioral measures obtained in the grammatical task-switching paradigm. The switch costs, a measure of phasic switching processes, were not correlated with WM microstructure in any task. This study shows that a more efficient inter-hemispheric connectivity within the frontal lobes favors sustained task-switching processes, especially with task contexts embedding non-verbal components

    An Experimental Study on Speech Enhancement Based on a Combination of Wavelets and Deep Learning

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    The purpose of speech enhancement is to improve the quality of speech signals degraded by noise, reverberation, or other artifacts that can affect the intelligibility, automatic recognition, or other attributes involved in speech technologies and telecommunications, among others. In such applications, it is essential to provide methods to enhance the signals to allow the understanding of the messages or adequate processing of the speech. For this purpose, during the past few decades, several techniques have been proposed and implemented for the abundance of possible conditions and applications. Recently, those methods based on deep learning seem to outperform previous proposals even on real-time processing. Among the new explorations found in the literature, the hybrid approaches have been presented as a possibility to extend the capacity of individual methods, and therefore increase their capacity for the applications. In this paper, we evaluate a hybrid approach that combines both deep learning and wavelet transformation. The extensive experimentation performed to select the proper wavelets and the training of neural networks allowed us to assess whether the hybrid approach is of benefit or not for the speech enhancement task under several types and levels of noise, providing relevant information for future implementations.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctric

    Storage and retrieval of vector beams of light in a multiple-degree-of-freedom quantum memory

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    The full structuration of light in the transverse plane, including intensity, phase and polarization, holds the promise of unprecedented capabilities for applications in classical optics as well as in quantum optics and information sciences. Harnessing special topologies can lead to enhanced focusing, data multiplexing or advanced sensing and metrology. Here we experimentally demonstrate the storage of such spatio-polarization-patterned beams into an optical memory. A set of vectorial vortex modes is generated via liquid crystal cell with topological charge in the optic axis distribution, and preservation of the phase and polarization singularities is demonstrated after retrieval, at the single-photon level. The realized multiple-degree-of-freedom memory can find applications in classical data processing but also in quantum network scenarios where structured states have been shown to provide promising attributes, such as rotational invariance

    White matter differences between healthy young ApoE4 carriers and non-carriers identified with tractography and support vector machines.

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    The apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) is an established risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Previous work has shown that this allele is associated with functional (fMRI) changes as well structural grey matter (GM) changes in healthy young, middle-aged and older subjects. Here, we assess the diffusion characteristics and the white matter (WM) tracts of healthy young (20-38 years) ApoE4 carriers and non-carriers. No significant differences in diffusion indices were found between young carriers (ApoE4+) and non-carriers (ApoE4-). There were also no significant differences between the groups in terms of normalised GM or WM volume. A feature selection algorithm (ReliefF) was used to select the most salient voxels from the diffusion data for subsequent classification with support vector machines (SVMs). SVMs were capable of classifying ApoE4 carrier and non-carrier groups with an extremely high level of accuracy. The top 500 voxels selected by ReliefF were then used as seeds for tractography which identified a WM network that included regions of the parietal lobe, the cingulum bundle and the dorsolateral frontal lobe. There was a non-significant decrease in volume of this WM network in the ApoE4 carrier group. Our results indicate that there are subtle WM differences between healthy young ApoE4 carriers and non-carriers and that the WM network identified may be particularly vulnerable to further degeneration in ApoE4 carriers as they enter middle and old age

    Broadcasting Convolutional Network for Visual Relational Reasoning

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    In this paper, we propose the Broadcasting Convolutional Network (BCN) that extracts key object features from the global field of an entire input image and recognizes their relationship with local features. BCN is a simple network module that collects effective spatial features, embeds location information and broadcasts them to the entire feature maps. We further introduce the Multi-Relational Network (multiRN) that improves the existing Relation Network (RN) by utilizing the BCN module. In pixel-based relation reasoning problems, with the help of BCN, multiRN extends the concept of `pairwise relations' in conventional RNs to `multiwise relations' by relating each object with multiple objects at once. This yields in O(n) complexity for n objects, which is a vast computational gain from RNs that take O(n^2). Through experiments, multiRN has achieved a state-of-the-art performance on CLEVR dataset, which proves the usability of BCN on relation reasoning problems.Comment: Accepted paper at ECCV 2018. 24 page
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