4 research outputs found

    A Higher-Order Colon Translation

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    A lambda-encoding such as the CPS transformation gives rise to administrative redexes. In his seminal article "Call-by-name, call-by-value and the lambda-calculus", 25 years ago, Plotkin tackled administrative reductions using a so-called colon translation. In "Representing control,a study of the CPS transformation", 15 years later, Danvy and Filinski integrated administrative reductions in the CPS transformation, making it operate in one pass. This one-pass transformation is higher-order, and can be used for other lambda-encodings, but we do not see its associated proof technique used in practice - instead, Plotkin's colon translation appears to be favored. Therefore, in an attempt to link the higher-order transformation and Plotkin's proof technique, we recast Plotkin's proof of Indifference and Simulation in a higher-order setting. To this end, we extend the colon translation from first order to higher order.Keywords: Call by name, call by value, lambda-calculus, continuation-passing style(CPS), CPS transformation, administrative reductions, colon translation, one-pass CPS transformation, Indifference, Simulation.

    Higher-Order Rewriting and Partial Evaluation

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    We demonstrate the usefulness of higher-order rewriting techniques for specializing programs, i.e., for partial evaluation. More precisely, we demonstrate how casting program specializers as combinatory reduction systems (CRSs) makes it possible to formalize the corresponding program transformations as meta-reductions, i.e., reductions in the internal "substitution calculus." For partial-evaluation problems, this means that instead of having to prove on a case-by-case basis that one's "two-level functions" operate properly, one can concisely formalize them as a combinatory reduction system and obtain as a corollary that static reduction does not go wrong and yields a well-formed residual program

    Higher-Order Rewriting and Partial Evaluation

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    Higher-order rewriting and partial evaluation

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