3 research outputs found

    High-speed regular expression matching engine using multi-character NFA,”

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    ABSTRACT An approach is presented for high throughput matching of regular expressions (regexes) by first converting them into corresponding Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFAs) which are then configured onto a FPGA. The key novel feature is a technique that, for any given regex, constructs an NFA that processes multiple characters per clock cycle. An efficient algorithm is proposed that outputs an NFA which processes twice the number of characters as the input one. A technique is also proposed that implements the range match operation (e.g. [a-z]) efficiently. A program has been written that implements above ideas to convert regexes into NFAs specified in a structural Hardware Design Language (HDL), which are then mapped onto a FPGA. Performance is evaluated using real world regexes (Snort ruleset). The results demonstrate the practical utility of the approach. For example, for a set of 2,691 regexes, while the standard 1-character NFA obtains a throughput of 1.25 Gbps, our 4-character NFA achieves a throughput of 3.63 Gbps, while requiring only 20% more LUTs and 6% less flip-flops

    Scalable Algorithms for NFA Multi-Striding and NFA-Based Deep Packet Inspection on GPUs

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    Finite state automata (FSA) are used by many network processing applications to match complex sets of regular expressions in network packets. In order to make FSA-based matching possible even at the ever-increasing speed of modern networks, multi-striding has been introduced. This technique increases input parallelism by transforming the classical FSA that consumes input byte by byte into an equivalent one that consumes input in larger units. However, the algorithms used today for this transformation are so complex that they often result unfeasible for large and complex rule sets. This paper presents a set of new algorithms that extend the applicability of multi-striding to complex rule sets. These algorithms can transform non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) into their multi-stride form with reduced memory and time requirements. Moreover, they exploit the massive parallelism of graphical processing units for NFA-based matching. The final result is a boost of the overall processing speed on typical regex-based packet processing applications, with a speedup of almost one order of magnitude compared to the current state-of-the-art algorithms

    FPGA-based High Throughput Regular Expression Pattern Matching for Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Network speeds and bandwidths have improved over time. However, the frequency of network attacks and illegal accesses have also increased as the network speeds and bandwidths improved over time. Such attacks are capable of compromising the privacy and confidentiality of network resources belonging to even the most secure networks. Currently, general-purpose processor based software solutions used for detecting network attacks have become inadequate in coping with the current network speeds. Hardware-based platforms are designed to cope with the rising network speeds measured in several gigabits per seconds (Gbps). Such hardware-based platforms are capable of detecting several attacks at once, and a good candidate is the Field-programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The FPGA is a hardware platform that can be used to perform deep packet inspection of network packet contents at high speed. As such, this thesis focused on studying designs that were implemented with Field-programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Furthermore, all the FPGA-based designs studied in this thesis have attempted to sustain a more steady growth in throughput and throughput efficiency. Throughput efficiency is defined as the concurrent throughput of a regular expression matching engine circuit divided by the average number of look up tables (LUTs) utilised by each state of the engine"s automata. The implemented FPGA-based design was built upon the concept of equivalence classification. The concept helped to reduce the overall table size of the inputs needed to drive the various Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) matching engines. Compared with other approaches, the design sustained a throughput of up to 11.48 Gbps, and recorded an overall reduction in the number of pattern matching engines required by up to 75%. Also, the overall memory required by the design was reduced by about 90% when synthesised on the target FPGA platform