206 research outputs found


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    High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) can be used to control bleeding, both from individual blood vessels as well as from gross damage to the capillary bed. This process, called acoustic hemostasis, is being studied in the hope that such a method would ultimately provide a lifesaving treatment during the so-called "golden hour", a brief grace period after a severe trauma in which prompt therapy can save the life of an injured person. Thermal effects play a major role in occlusion of small vessels and also appear to contribute to the sealing of punctures in major blood vessels. However, aggressive ultrasound-induced tissue heating can also impact healthy tissue and can lead to deleterious mechanical bioeffects. Moreover, the presence of vascularity can limit one’s ability to elevate the temperature of blood vessel walls owing to convective heat transport. In an effort to better understand the heating process in tissues with vascular structure we have developed a numerical simulation that couples models for ultrasound propagation, acoustic streaming, ultrasound heating and blood cooling in Newtonian viscous media. The 3-D simulation allows for the study of complicated biological structures and insonation geometries. We have also undertaken a series of in vitro experiments, in non-uniform flow-through tissue phantoms, designed to provide a ground truth verification of the model predictions. The calculated and measured results were compared over a range of values for insonation pressure, insonation time, and flow rate; we show good agreement between predictions and measurements. We then conducted a series of simulations that address two limiting problems of interest: hemostasis in small and large vessels. We employed realistic human tissue properties and considered more complex geometries. Results show that the heating pattern in and around a blood vessel is different for different vessel sizes, flow rates and for varying beam orientations relative to the flow axis. Complete occlusion and wall- puncture sealing are both possible depending on the exposure conditions. These results concur with prior clinical observations and may prove useful for planning of a more effective procedure in HIFU treatments.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U. S. Army, and the Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems

    Ultrasound metrology and phantom materials for validation of photoacoustic thermometry

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    High intensity focused ultrasound is an emerging non-invasive cancer therapy during which a focused ultrasound beam is used to destroy cancer cells within a confined volume of tissue. In order to increase its successful implementation in practice, an imaging modality capable of accurately mapping the induced temperature rise in tissue is necessary. Photoacoustic thermometry, a rapidly emerging technique for non-invasive temperature monitoring, exploits the temperature dependence of the Grüneisen parameter of tissues, which leads to changes in the recorded photoacoustic signal amplitude with temperature. However, the implementation of photoacoustic thermometry approaches is hindered by a lack of rigorous validation. This includes both the equipment and methodology used. This work investigates the effect of temperature on ultrasound transducers used in photoacoustic thermometry imaging as well as characterisation of potential phantom materials for its validation. The variation in transducer sensitivity with temperature is investigated using two approaches. The first one utilises a reference transducer whose output power is known as a function of temperature to characterise the sensitivity of the hydrophone. As the knowledge of variability of transducer output with temperature is not readily available, two standard metrology techniques using radiation force balances and laser vibrometry are extended beyond room temperature to characterise the effect of temperature on the output of PZT tranducers. For the second approach to transducer sensitivity calibration, a novel method is developed utilising water as a laser-generated ultrasound source and validated using the self-reciprocity calibration method. The calibrated hydrophone is then used to characterise the relevant temperature-dependent properties of several phantom materials in a custom-built setup. The measurement results are used to determine the most suitable phantom for photoacoustic thermometry. Finally, the phantom is heated and imaged in a proof-of-concept photoacoustic thermometry setup using a linear array. These contributions are of vital importance for allowing the translation of photoacoustic thermometry into clinical practice

    Development and Testing of a System for Controlled Ultrasound Hyperthermia Treatment With a Phantom Device

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    Hyperthermia is the process of raising tissue temperatures in the range 40 degrees C-45 degrees C for a prolonged time (up to hours). Unlike in ablation therapy, raising the temperature to such levels does not cause necrosis of the tissue but has been postulated to sensitize the tissue for radiotherapy. The ability to maintain a certain temperature in a target region is key to a hyperthermia delivery system. The aim of this work was to design and characterize a heat delivery system for ultrasound hyperthermia able to generate a uniform power deposition pattern in the target region with a closed-loop control, which would maintain the defined temperature over a defined period. The hyperthermia delivery system presented herein is a flexible design with the ability to strictly control the induced temperature rise with a feedback loop. The system can be reproduced elsewhere with relative ease and is adaptable for various tumor sizes/locations and for other temperature elevation applications, such as ablation therapy. The system was fully characterized and tested on a newly designed custom-built phantom with controlled acoustic and thermal properties and containing embedded thermocouples. Additionally, a layer of thermochromic material was fixed above the thermocouples, and the recorded temperature increase was compared to the red, green, and blue (RGB) color change in the material. The transducer characterization allowed for input voltage to output power curves to be generated, thus allowing for the comparison of power deposition to temperature increase in the phantom. Additionally, the transducer characterization generated a field map of the symmetric field. The system was capable of increasing the temperature of the target area by 6 degrees C above body temperature and maintains the temperature to within +/- 0.5 degrees C over a defined period. The increase in temperature correlated with the RGB image analysis of the thermochromic material. The results of this work have the potential to contribute toward increasing confidence in the delivery of hyperthermia treatment to superficial tumors. The developed system could potentially be used for phantom or small animal proof-of-principle studies. The developed phantom test device may be used for testing other hyperthermia systems

    An anthropomorphic thyroid phantom for ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation of nodules

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    Background: Needle-based procedures such as fine needle aspiration (FNA) and thermal ablation, are often applied for thyroid nodule diagnosis and therapeutic purposes, respectively. With blood vessels and nerves nearby, these procedures can pose risks in damaging surrounding critical structures. Purpose: The development and validation of innovative strategies to manage these risks require a test object with well-characterized physical properties. For this work, we focus on the application of ultrasound-guided thermal radio-frequency ablation (RFA). Methods: We have developed an anthropomorphic phantom mimicking the thyroid and surrounding anatomical and physiological structures that are relevant to ultrasound-guided thermal ablation. The phantom was composed of a mixture of polyacrylamide, water, and egg white extract and was cast using molds in multiple steps. The thermal, acoustical, and electrical characteristics were experimentally validated. The ablation zones were analyzed via non-destructive T2-weighted MRI scans utilizing the relaxometry changes of coagulated egg albumen, and the temperature distribution was monitored using an array of fiber Bragg sensors. Results: The physical properties of the phantom were verified both on ultrasound as well as its response to thermal ablation. The final temperature achieved (92{\deg}C), the median percentage of the nodule ablated (82.1%), the median volume ablated outside the nodule (0.8 mL), and the median number of critical structures affected (0) were quantified. Conclusion: An anthropomorphic phantom that can provide a realistic model for development and training in ultrasound-guided needle-based thermal interventions for thyroid nodules has been presented. In the future, this model can also be extended to novel needle-based diagnostic procedures.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Gold nanoparticle nucleated cavitation for enhanced high intensity focused ultrasound therapy

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    High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) or focused ultrasound surgery is a non-invasive technique for the treatment of cancerous tissue, which is limited by difficulties in getting real-time feedback on treatment progress and long treatment durations. The formation and activity of acoustic cavitation, specifically inertial cavitation, during HIFU exposures has been demonstrated to enhance heating rates. However, without the introduction of external nuclei its formation an activity can be unpredictable, and potentially counter-productive. In this study, a combination of pulse laser illumination (839 nm), HIFU exposures (3.3 MHz) and plasmonic gold nanorods (AuNR) was demonstrated as a new approach for the guidance and enhancement of HIFU treatments. For imaging, short duration HIFU pulses (10 μs) demonstrated broadband acoustic emissions from AuNR nucleated cavitation with a signal-to-noise ranging from 5–35 dB for peak negative pressures between 1.19–3.19  ±  0.01 MPa. In the absence of either AuNR or laser illumination these emissions were either not present or lower in magnitude (e.g. 5 dB for 3.19 MPa). Continuous wave (CW) HIFU exposures for 15 s, were then used to generate thermal lesions for peak negative pressures from 0.2–2.71  ±  0.01 MPa at a fluence of 3.4 mJ cm−2{\rm cm}^{-2} . Inertial cavitation dose (ICD) was monitored during all CW exposures, where exposures combined with both laser illumination and AuNRs resulted in the highest level of detectable emissions. This parameter was integrated over the entire exposure to give a metric to compare with measured thermal lesion area, where it was found that a minimum total ICD of 1.5×1031.5 \times 10^3 a.u. was correlated with the formation of thermal lesions in gel phantoms. Furthermore, lesion area (mm2) was increased for equivalent exposures without either AuNRs or laser illumination. Once combined with cancer targeting AuNRs this approach could allow for the future theranostic use of HIFU, such as providing the ability to identify and treat small multi-focal cancerous regions with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue

    The role of acoustic cavitation in enhanced ultrasound-induced heating in a tissue-mimicking phantom

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    A complete understanding of high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced temperature changes in tissue requires insight into all potential mechanisms for heat deposition. Applications of therapeutic ultrasound often utilize acoustic pressures capable of producing cavitation activity. Recognizing the ability of bubbles to transfer acoustic energy into heat generation, a study of the role bubbles play in tissue hyperthermia becomes necessary. These bubbles are typically less than 50μm. This dissertation examines the contribution of bubbles and their motion to an enhanced heating effect observed in a tissue-mimicking phantom. A series of experiments established a relationship between bubble activity and an enhanced temperature rise in the phantom by simultaneously measuring both the temperature change and acoustic emissions from bubbles. It was found that a strong correlation exists between the onset of the enhanced heating effect and observable cavitation activity. In addition, the likelihood of observing the enhanced heating effect was largely unaffected by the insonation duration for all but the shortest of insonation times, 0.1 seconds. Numerical simulations were used investigate the relative importance of two candidate mechanisms for heat deposition from bubbles as a means to quantify the number of bubbles required to produce the enhanced temperature rise. The energy deposition from viscous dissipation and the absorption of radiated sound from bubbles were considered as a function of the bubble size and the viscosity of the surrounding medium. Although both mechanisms were capable of producing the level of energy required for the enhanced heating effect, it was found that inertial cavitation, associated with high acoustic radiation and low viscous dissipation, coincided with the the nature of the cavitation best detected by the experimental system. The number of bubbles required to account for the enhanced heating effect was determined through the numerical study to be on the order of 150 or less


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    The study of applications based on the use of ultrasound in medicine and biology for therapeutic purposes is under strong development at international level and joins the notoriously well-established and widespread use of diagnostic applications [1]. In the past few years, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has developed from a scientific curiosity to an accepted therapeutic modality. HIFU is a non invasive technique for the treatment of various types of cancer, as well as non-malignant pathologies, by inducing localized hyperthermia that causes necrosis of the tissue. Beside HIFU technology, other innovative therapeutic modalities to treat cancer are emerging. Among them, an extremely innovative technique is represented by oxygen loaded nanobubbles (OLNs): gas cavities confined by an appropriately functionalized coating. This is an oxygenating drugs aimed at re-oxygenation of cancerous tissue. Oxygen deficiency, in fact, is the main hallmark of cancerous solid tumors and a major factor limiting the effectiveness of radiotherapy. In this work, these two approaches to treat tumours are under study from a metrological point of view. In particular, a complete characterization of an HIFU fields regarding power, pressure and temperature is provided while oxygen load nanobubbles are synthesized, characterized and applied in in vitro and in vivo experiments

    Magnetic resonance thermal imaging combined with SMASH navigators in the presence of motion

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    This study develops and tests an MR thermometry method combined with SMASH navigators in phantom experiments mimicking human liver motion with the purpose of detecting and correcting motion artifacts in thermal MR images. Experimental data were acquired on a 3T MRI scanner. Motion artifacts of mobile phantoms mimicking human liver motion were detected and corrected using the SMASH navigators and then MR temperature maps were obtained using a proton resonant frequency (PRF) shift method with complex image subtraction. Temperature acquired by MR thermal imaging was compared to that measured via thermocouples. MR thermal imaging combined with the SMASH navigator technique resulted in accurate temperature maps of the mobile phantoms compared to temperatures measured using the thermocouples. The differences between the obtained and measured temperatures varied from 8.2°C to 14.2°C and 2.2°C to 4.9°C without and with motion correction, respectively. Motion correction improved the temperature acquired by MR thermal imaging by > 55%. The combination of the MR thermal imaging and SMASH navigator technique will enable monitoring and controlling heat distribution and temperature change in tissues during thermal therapies and will be a very important tool for cancer treatment in mobile organs.Published versio
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