42,258 research outputs found

    High-Performance Transactional Event Processing

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    Abstract. This paper presents a transactional framework for low-latency, high-performance, concurrent event processing in Java. At the heart of our framework lies Reflexes, a restricted programming model for highly responsive systems. A Reflex task is an event processor that can run at a higher priority and preempt any other Java thread, including the garbage collector. It runs in an obstruction-free manner with time-oblivious code. We extend Reflexes with a publish/subscribe communication system, itself based on an optimistic transactional event processing scheme, that provides efficient coordination between time-critical, low-latency tasks.We report on the comparison with a commercial JVM, and show that it is possible for tasks to achieve 50 µs response times with way less than 1% of the executions failing to meet their deadlines.

    S-Store: Streaming Meets Transaction Processing

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    Stream processing addresses the needs of real-time applications. Transaction processing addresses the coordination and safety of short atomic computations. Heretofore, these two modes of operation existed in separate, stove-piped systems. In this work, we attempt to fuse the two computational paradigms in a single system called S-Store. In this way, S-Store can simultaneously accommodate OLTP and streaming applications. We present a simple transaction model for streams that integrates seamlessly with a traditional OLTP system. We chose to build S-Store as an extension of H-Store, an open-source, in-memory, distributed OLTP database system. By implementing S-Store in this way, we can make use of the transaction processing facilities that H-Store already supports, and we can concentrate on the additional implementation features that are needed to support streaming. Similar implementations could be done using other main-memory OLTP platforms. We show that we can actually achieve higher throughput for streaming workloads in S-Store than an equivalent deployment in H-Store alone. We also show how this can be achieved within H-Store with the addition of a modest amount of new functionality. Furthermore, we compare S-Store to two state-of-the-art streaming systems, Spark Streaming and Storm, and show how S-Store matches and sometimes exceeds their performance while providing stronger transactional guarantees

    HeTM: Transactional Memory for Heterogeneous Systems

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    Modern heterogeneous computing architectures, which couple multi-core CPUs with discrete many-core GPUs (or other specialized hardware accelerators), enable unprecedented peak performance and energy efficiency levels. Unfortunately, though, developing applications that can take full advantage of the potential of heterogeneous systems is a notoriously hard task. This work takes a step towards reducing the complexity of programming heterogeneous systems by introducing the abstraction of Heterogeneous Transactional Memory (HeTM). HeTM provides programmers with the illusion of a single memory region, shared among the CPUs and the (discrete) GPU(s) of a heterogeneous system, with support for atomic transactions. Besides introducing the abstract semantics and programming model of HeTM, we present the design and evaluation of a concrete implementation of the proposed abstraction, which we named Speculative HeTM (SHeTM). SHeTM makes use of a novel design that leverages on speculative techniques and aims at hiding the inherently large communication latency between CPUs and discrete GPUs and at minimizing inter-device synchronization overhead. SHeTM is based on a modular and extensible design that allows for easily integrating alternative TM implementations on the CPU's and GPU's sides, which allows the flexibility to adopt, on either side, the TM implementation (e.g., in hardware or software) that best fits the applications' workload and the architectural characteristics of the processing unit. We demonstrate the efficiency of the SHeTM via an extensive quantitative study based both on synthetic benchmarks and on a porting of a popular object caching system.Comment: The current work was accepted in the 28th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT'19

    Optimizing simulation on shared-memory platforms: The smart cities case

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    Modern advancements in computing architectures have been accompanied by new emergent paradigms to run Parallel Discrete Event Simulation models efficiently. Indeed, many new paradigms to effectively use the available underlying hardware have been proposed in the literature. Among these, the Share-Everything paradigm tackles massively-parallel shared-memory machines, in order to support speculative simulation by taking into account the limits and benefits related to this family of architectures. Previous results have shown how this paradigm outperforms traditional speculative strategies (such as data-separated Time Warp systems) whenever the granularity of executed events is small. In this paper, we show performance implications of this simulation-engine organization when the simulation models have a variable granularity. To this end, we have selected a traffic model, tailored for smart cities-oriented simulation. Our assessment illustrates the effects of the various tuning parameters related to the approach, opening to a higher understanding of this innovative paradigm

    Knowledge Representation Concepts for Automated SLA Management

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    Outsourcing of complex IT infrastructure to IT service providers has increased substantially during the past years. IT service providers must be able to fulfil their service-quality commitments based upon predefined Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with the service customer. They need to manage, execute and maintain thousands of SLAs for different customers and different types of services, which needs new levels of flexibility and automation not available with the current technology. The complexity of contractual logic in SLAs requires new forms of knowledge representation to automatically draw inferences and execute contractual agreements. A logic-based approach provides several advantages including automated rule chaining allowing for compact knowledge representation as well as flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing business requirements. We suggest adequate logical formalisms for representation and enforcement of SLA rules and describe a proof-of-concept implementation. The article describes selected formalisms of the ContractLog KR and their adequacy for automated SLA management and presents results of experiments to demonstrate flexibility and scalability of the approach.Comment: Paschke, A. and Bichler, M.: Knowledge Representation Concepts for Automated SLA Management, Int. Journal of Decision Support Systems (DSS), submitted 19th March 200

    Locality-Adaptive Parallel Hash Joins Using Hardware Transactional Memory

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    Previous work [1] has claimed that the best performing implementation of in-memory hash joins is based on (radix-)partitioning of the build-side input. Indeed, despite the overhead of partitioning, the benefits from increased cache-locality and synchronization free parallelism in the build-phase outweigh the costs when the input data is randomly ordered. However, many datasets already exhibit significant spatial locality (i.e., non-randomness) due to the way data items enter the database: through periodic ETL or trickle loaded in the form of transactions. In such cases, the first benefit of partitioning — increased locality — is largely irrelevant. In this paper, we demonstrate how hardware transactional memory (HTM) can render the other benefit, freedom from synchronization, irrelevant as well. Specifically, using careful analysis and engineering, we develop an adaptive hash join implementation that outperforms parallel radix-partitioned hash joins as well as sort-merge joins on data with high spatial locality. In addition, we show how, through lightweight (less than 1% overhead) runtime monitoring of the transaction abort rate, our implementation can detect inputs with low spatial locality and dynamically fall back to radix-partitioning of the build-side input. The result is a hash join implementation that is more than 3 times faster than the state-of-the-art on high-locality data and never more than 1% slower
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