8 research outputs found

    Connected Hypergraphs with Small Spectral Radius

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    In 1970 Smith classified all connected graphs with the spectral radius at most 22. Here the spectral radius of a graph is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix. Recently, the definition of spectral radius has been extended to rr-uniform hypergraphs. In this paper, we generalize the Smith's theorem to rr-uniform hypergraphs. We show that the smallest limit point of the spectral radii of connected rr-uniform hypergraphs is ρr=(r1)!4r\rho_r=(r-1)!\sqrt[r]{4}. We discovered a novel method for computing the spectral radius of hypergraphs, and classified all connected rr-uniform hypergraphs with spectral radius at most ρr\rho_r.Comment: 20 pages, fixed a missing class in theorem 2 and other small typo

    On the spectrum of hypergraphs

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    Here we study the spectral properties of an underlying weighted graph of a non-uniform hypergraph by introducing different connectivity matrices, such as adjacency, Laplacian and normalized Laplacian matrices. We show that different structural properties of a hypergrpah, can be well studied using spectral properties of these matrices. Connectivity of a hypergraph is also investigated by the eigenvalues of these operators. Spectral radii of the same are bounded by the degrees of a hypergraph. The diameter of a hypergraph is also bounded by the eigenvalues of its connectivity matrices. We characterize different properties of a regular hypergraph characterized by the spectrum. Strong (vertex) chromatic number of a hypergraph is bounded by the eigenvalues. Cheeger constant on a hypergraph is defined and we show that it can be bounded by the smallest nontrivial eigenvalues of Laplacian matrix and normalized Laplacian matrix, respectively, of a connected hypergraph. We also show an approach to study random walk on a (non-uniform) hypergraph that can be performed by analyzing the spectrum of transition probability operator which is defined on that hypergraph. Ricci curvature on hypergraphs is introduced in two different ways. We show that if the Laplace operator, Δ\Delta, on a hypergraph satisfies a curvature-dimension type inequality CD(m,K)CD (\mathbf{m}, \mathbf{K}) with m>1\mathbf{m}>1 and K>0\mathbf{K}>0 then any non-zero eigenvalue of Δ- \Delta can be bounded below by mKm1 \frac{ \mathbf{m} \mathbf{K}}{ \mathbf{m} -1 } . Eigenvalues of a normalized Laplacian operator defined on a connected hypergraph can be bounded by the Ollivier's Ricci curvature of the hypergraph

    The spectra of Laplace operators on covering simplicial complexes

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    In this paper, by the representation theory of symmetric group, we give a decomposition of the Laplace operator (in matrix form) of a covering simplicial complex into the direct sum of some matrices, including the Laplace operator of the underlying simplicial complex. So, the spectrum of a covering simplicial complex can be expressed into a union of the spectrum of the underlying simplicial complex and the spectra of some other matrices, which implies a result of Horak and Jost. In particular, we show that the spectrum of a 22-fold covering simplicial complex is the union the that of the underlying simplicial complex and that of an incidence-signed simplicial complex, which is an analog of Bilu and Linial's result on graphs. Finally we show that the dimension of the cohomology group of a covering simplicial complex is greater than or equal to that of the underlying simplicial complex