7 research outputs found

    Cost-Effective Resource Provisioning for MapReduce in a Cloud

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    This paper presents a new MapReduce cloud service model, Cura, for provisioning cost-effective MapReduce services in a cloud. In contrast to existing MapReduce cloud services such as a generic compute cloud or a dedicated MapReduce cloud, Cura has a number of unique benefits. First, Cura is designed to provide a cost-effective solution to efficiently handle MapReduce production workloads that have a significant amount of interactive jobs. Second, unlike existing services that require customers to decide the resources to be used for the jobs, Cura leverages MapReduce profiling to automatically create the best cluster configuration for the jobs. While the existing models allow only a per-job resource optimization for the jobs, Cura implements a globally efficient resource allocation scheme that significantly reduces the resource usage cost in the cloud. Third, Cura leverages unique optimization opportunities when dealing with workloads that can withstand some slack. By effectively multiplexing the available cloud resources among the jobs based on the job requirements, Cura achieves significantly lower resource usage costs for the jobs. Cura's core resource management schemes include cost-aware resource provisioning, VM-aware scheduling and online virtual machine reconfiguration. Our experimental results using Facebook-like workload traces show that our techniques lead to more than 80 percent reduction in the cloud compute infrastructure cost with upto 65 percent reduction in job response times

    A policy-based architecture for virtual network embedding

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    Network virtualization is a technology that enables multiple virtual instances to coexist on a common physical network infrastructure. This paradigm fostered new business models, allowing infrastructure providers to lease or share their physical resources. Each virtual network is isolated and can be customized to support a new class of customers and applications. To this end, infrastructure providers need to embed virtual networks on their infrastructure. The virtual network embedding is the (NP-hard) problem of matching constrained virtual networks onto a physical network. Heuristics to solve the embedding problem have exploited several policies under different settings. For example, centralized solutions have been devised for small enterprise physical networks, while distributed solutions have been proposed over larger federated wide-area networks. In this thesis we present a policy-based architecture for the virtual network embedding problem. By policy, we mean a variant aspect of any of the three (invariant) embedding mechanisms: physical resource discovery, virtual network mapping, and allocation on the physical infrastructure. Our architecture adapts to different scenarios by instantiating appropriate policies, and has bounds on embedding efficiency, and on convergence embedding time, over a single provider, or across multiple federated providers. The performance of representative novel and existing policy configurations are compared via extensive simulations, and over a prototype implementation. We also present an object model as a foundation for a protocol specification, and we release a testbed to enable users to test their own embedding policies, and to run applications within their virtual networks. The testbed uses a Linux system architecture to reserve virtual node and link capacities

    Coordinating Resource Use in Open Distributed Systems

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    In an open distributed system, computational resources are peer-owned, and distributed over time and space. The system is open to interactions with its environment, and the resources can dynamically join or leave the system, or can be discovered at runtime. This dynamicity leads to opportunities to carry out computations without statically owned resources, harnessing the collective compute power of the resources connected by the Internet. However, realizing this potential requires efficient and scalable resource discovery, coordination, and control, which present challenges in a dynamic, open environment. In this thesis, I present an approach to address these challenges by separating the functionality concerns of concurrent computations from those of coordinating their resource use, with the purpose of reducing programming complexity, and aiding development of correct, efficient, and resource-aware concurrent programs. As a first step towards effectively coordinating distributed resources, I developed DREAM, a Distributed Resource Estimation and Allocation Model, which enables computations to reason about future availability of resources. I then developed a fine-grained resource coordination scheme for distributed computations. The coordination scheme integrates DREAM-based resource reasoning into a distributed scheduler, for deciding and enforcing fine-grained resource-use schedules for distributed computations. To control the overhead caused by the coordination, a tuner is implemented which explicitly balances the overhead of the control mechanisms against the extent of control exercised. The effectiveness and performance of the resource coordination approach have been evaluated using a number of case studies. Experimental results show that the approach can effectively schedule computations for supporting various types of coordination objectives, such as ensuring Quality-of-Service, power-efficient execution, and dynamic load balancing. The overhead caused by the coordination mechanism is relatively modest, and adjustable through the tuner. In addition, the coordination mechanism does not add extra programming complexity to computations

    High occupancy resource allocation for grid and cloud systems, a study with DRIVE

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    Economic models have long been advocated as a means of efficient resource allocation, however they are often criticized due to a lack of performance and high overheads. The widespread adoption of utility computing models as seen in commercial Cloud providers has re-motivated the need for economic allocation mechanisms. The aim of this work is to address some of the performance limitations of existing economic allocation models, by reducing the failure/reallocation rate, increasing occupancy and thereby increasing the obtainable utilization of the system. This paper is a study of high performance resource utilization strategies that can be employed in Grid and Cloud systems. In particular we have implemented and quantified the results for strategies including overbooking, advanced reservation, justin-time bidding and using substitute providers for service delivery. These strategies are analyzed in a meta-scheduling context using synthetic workloads derived from a production Grid trace to quantify the performance benefits obtained

    A policy-based architecture for virtual network embedding (PhD thesis)

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    Network virtualization is a technology that enables multiple virtual instances to coexist on a common physical network infrastructure. This paradigm fostered new business models, allowing infrastructure providers to lease or share their physical resources. Each virtual network is isolated and can be customized to support a new class of customers and applications. To this end, infrastructure providers need to embed virtual networks on their infrastructure. The virtual network embedding is the (NP-hard) problem of matching constrained virtual networks onto a physical network. Heuristics to solve the embedding problem have exploited several policies under different settings. For example, centralized solutions have been devised for small enterprise physical networks, while distributed solutions have been proposed over larger federated wide-area networks. In this thesis we present a policy-based architecture for the virtual network embedding problem. By policy, we mean a variant aspect of any of the three (invariant) embedding mechanisms: physical resource discovery, virtual network mapping, and allocation on the physical infrastructure. Our architecture adapts to different scenarios by instantiating appropriate policies, and has bounds on embedding enablesciency, and on convergence embedding time, over a single provider, or across multiple federated providers. The performance of representative novel and existing policy configuration are compared via extensive simulations, and over a prototype implementation. We also present an object model as a foundation for a protocol specification, and we release a testbed to enable users to test their own embedding policies, and to run applications within their virtual networks. The testbed uses a Linux system architecture to reserve virtual node and link capacities

    DRIVE: A Distributed Economic Meta-Scheduler for the Federation of Grid and Cloud Systems

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    The computational landscape is littered with islands of disjoint resource providers including commercial Clouds, private Clouds, national Grids, institutional Grids, clusters, and data centers. These providers are independent and isolated due to a lack of communication and coordination, they are also often proprietary without standardised interfaces, protocols, or execution environments. The lack of standardisation and global transparency has the effect of binding consumers to individual providers. With the increasing ubiquity of computation providers there is an opportunity to create federated architectures that span both Grid and Cloud computing providers effectively creating a global computing infrastructure. In order to realise this vision, secure and scalable mechanisms to coordinate resource access are required. This thesis proposes a generic meta-scheduling architecture to facilitate federated resource allocation in which users can provision resources from a range of heterogeneous (service) providers. Efficient resource allocation is difficult in large scale distributed environments due to the inherent lack of centralised control. In a Grid model, local resource managers govern access to a pool of resources within a single administrative domain but have only a local view of the Grid and are unable to collaborate when allocating jobs. Meta-schedulers act at a higher level able to submit jobs to multiple resource managers, however they are most often deployed on a per-client basis and are therefore concerned with only their allocations, essentially competing against one another. In a federated environment the widespread adoption of utility computing models seen in commercial Cloud providers has re-motivated the need for economically aware meta-schedulers. Economies provide a way to represent the different goals and strategies that exist in a competitive distributed environment. The use of economic allocation principles effectively creates an open service market that provides efficient allocation and incentives for participation. The major contributions of this thesis are the architecture and prototype implementation of the DRIVE meta-scheduler. DRIVE is a Virtual Organisation (VO) based distributed economic metascheduler in which members of the VO collaboratively allocate services or resources. Providers joining the VO contribute obligation services to the VO. These contributed services are in effect membership “dues” and are used in the running of the VOs operations – for example allocation, advertising, and general management. DRIVE is independent from a particular class of provider (Service, Grid, or Cloud) or specific economic protocol. This independence enables allocation in federated environments composed of heterogeneous providers in vastly different scenarios. Protocol independence facilitates the use of arbitrary protocols based on specific requirements and infrastructural availability. For instance, within a single organisation where internal trust exists, users can achieve maximum allocation performance by choosing a simple economic protocol. In a global utility Grid no such trust exists. The same meta-scheduler architecture can be used with a secure protocol which ensures the allocation is carried out fairly in the absence of trust. DRIVE establishes contracts between participants as the result of allocation. A contract describes individual requirements and obligations of each party. A unique two stage contract negotiation protocol is used to minimise the effect of allocation latency. In addition due to the co-op nature of the architecture and the use of secure privacy preserving protocols, DRIVE can be deployed in a distributed environment without requiring large scale dedicated resources. This thesis presents several other contributions related to meta-scheduling and open service markets. To overcome the perceived performance limitations of economic systems four high utilisation strategies have been developed and evaluated. Each strategy is shown to improve occupancy, utilisation and profit using synthetic workloads based on a production Grid trace. The gRAVI service wrapping toolkit is presented to address the difficulty web enabling existing applications. The gRAVI toolkit has been extended for this thesis such that it creates economically aware (DRIVE-enabled) services that can be transparently traded in a DRIVE market without requiring developer input. The final contribution of this thesis is the definition and architecture of a Social Cloud – a dynamic Cloud computing infrastructure composed of virtualised resources contributed by members of a Social network. The Social Cloud prototype is based on DRIVE and highlights the ease in which dynamic DRIVE markets can be created and used in different domains