2,752 research outputs found

    Fiber Optics

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    Optical fibers in metrology, telecommunications, sensors, manufacturing, and health science have gained massive research interest. The number of applications is increasing at a fast pace. This book aims to present a collection of recent advances in fiber optics, addressing both fundamental and industrial applications. It covers the current progress and latest breakthroughs in emergent applications of fiber optics. The book includes five chapters on recent developments in optical fiber communications and fiber sensors, as well as the design, simulation, and fabrication of novel fiber concepts

    High-Performance On-Chip Microwave Photonic Signal Processing Using Linear and Nonlinear Optics

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    Manipulating and processing radio-frequency (RF) signals using integrated photonic devices has recently emerged as a paradigm-shifting technology for future microwave applications. This emerging technique is referred to as integrated microwave photonics (IMWP) which enables the high-frequency processing and unprecedentedly wideband tunability in compact photonic circuits, with significantly enhanced stability and robustness. However, to find widespread applications, the performance of IMWP devices must meet or exceed the achievable performance of conventional electronic counterparts. The work presented in this thesis investigates high-performance IMWP signal processing from two aspects: the optimized IMWP processing schemes and the photonic integration. Firstly, we explore novel schemes to improve the performance of chip-based microwave photonic subsystems, such as RF delay lines and RF filters which are basic building blocks of RF systems. A phase amplification technique is demonstrated to achieve a Si3N4 chip-based RF time delay with a delay tuning speed at gigahertz level. A new scheme to achieve an all-optimized RF photonic notch filter is demonstrated, producing a record-high RF link performance and complete functionalities. To unlock the potential of RF signal processing, we investigate a new filter concept of pairing linear and nonlinear optics for a high-performance RF photonic filter. To reduce the footprint of the novel IMWP filter, the photonic integration of both the ring resonators and Brillouin-active circuits on the same photonic chip is achieved. To eliminate the use of integrated optical circulators for on-chip SBS, on-chip backward inter-modal stimulated Brillouin scattering is predicted and experimentally demonstrated in a Si-Chalcogenide hybrid integrated photonic platform. The study and demonstrations presented in this thesis make the first viable step towards high-performance IMWP signal processing for real-world RF applications

    Radio beam steering in indoor fibre-wireless networks

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    Radio beam steering in indoor fibre-wireless networks

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    Ultrafast pulse dynamics in low noise Tm/Ho doped mode-locked fiber lasers

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    Mode-locked fiber lasers have attracted significant scientific and commercial interest since they offer a compact and highly stable platform with straightforward operation for exploiting ultrafast and nonlinear phenomena. They have enabled a vast range of applications that span from distinct disciplines such as medical diagnostics, molecular spectroscopy, and high-power precise mechanical cutting, to optical metrology. Various gain media have been utilized to achieve laser emission at different wavelengths. We have developed unique thulium/holmium (Tm/Ho) doped mode-locked fiber laser systems to address the needs of low-noise ultrafast optical sources in the wavelength vicinity of 2 μm at higher repetition rates. Since the 2 μm wavelength regime has recently attracted more attention with the emergence of thulium gain fibers, the rich underlying cavity dynamics, novel pulse operation regimes and nonlinear phenomena in compact fiber configurations have not been fully explored yet. In this thesis, research is conducted on novel Tm fiber laser cavity configurations and on the formation of unique, polarization-based pulsing regimes. Particularly, this research is focused on the exploration of novel ultrafast and nonlinear phenomena, and the development of optical sources emitting unprecedented ultrafast pulse trains beyond conventional equal-intensity distribution using Tm/Ho doped gain media. The research presented features four main results: 1) development of a high repetition rate and low-noise Tm/Ho doped mode-locked fiber laser platform as an attractive optical source for a wide variety of applications 2) investigation of a novel mode-locked state in which the ultrafast pulse train is composed of co-generated, consecutive, equal intensity and orthogonally polarized pulses in order to achieve dual RF comb generation for dual-comb spectroscopy applications, 3) exploration of controllable ultrafast waveform generation utilizing vector soliton and harmonic mode-locking mechanisms for optical telecommunication applications, and 4) demonstration of unique transitional mode-locked states showing exceptional features such as powerful irregular bursts of ultrafast pulses and rogue wave behavior without damaging the laser elements. The aim of these projects has been to explore the novel optical properties of Tm/Ho co-doped fiber lasers in order to achieve advanced functionalities in commonly practiced applications such as telecommunication, metrology and spectroscopic applications.2019-10-22T00:00:00

    Broadband access networks using hybrid radio/fiber systems

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    Developing broadband access networks is one of the most urgent needs in the telecommunications world. The wireless systems provide an efficient solution to address the requirements for last mile connectivity of data, Internet and voice services Radio systems using millimetre-wave frequencies can supply home users with capacities in the order of 50-200 Mbit/s Such bit rates allow the transmission of broadband applications including digital TV, video-on-demand etc In order to provide the massive capacities that are required for the distribution of such broadband data between Central Station and Base Stations, optical fiber can be employed The enormous transmission bandwidth and low loss of the fiber ensure that high capacity microwave signals can be encoded on an optical carrier and successfully transmitted from a Central to Base Station. The goal of this project was to develop and test a radio over fiber communication system This involved investigating the generation of microwave optical signals for transmission in optical fiber, followed by an examination of the effect of fiber propagation on the microwave optical signals

    Performance issues in hybrid fiber radio communication systems due to nonlinear distortion effects in laser transmitters

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    With the increasing demand for broadband services, it is expected that hybrid fiber radio systems may be employed to provide high capacity access networks for both mobile and fixed users. In these systems, the radio frequency data signals are modulated onto an optical carrier at a mobile switching centre and then sent over fiber to a number of base stations, before being transmitted over air to the users. A possible method of generating the optical radio frequency data signals for distribution over fiber is to directly modulate the electrical signal onto an optical carrier using a laser diode. The major problem with this technique is that nonlinearities in electncal-to-optical conversion may seriously degrade the system performance. In this work we initially examined the distribution of a wideband code division multiple access signal (centered around 6 GHz) through an optically fed microwave system. Our results show that the adjacent channel leakage ratio is degraded from -52 to -32 dBc after passing through the optical system. We then examined the technique of externally injecting light into the directly modulated laser, to extend the bandwidth of the laser diode and hence, increase it’s linear region to beyond the frequency of interest With this technique an improvement of over 10 dB in the adjacent channel leakage ratio of the signal was achieved. We subsequently went on to examine the distribution of a 5-channel radio frequency signal (each channel carrying 10 Mbit/s) through a hybrid fiber system As in the previous work, we examined how external light injection into the directly modulated laser could be used to improve system performance, and our results show an improvement of up to 5 dB. Finally a model was designed using Matlab, which simulated the 5-channel system mentioned above. It used the laser rate equations to mimic the nonlinear effects of the laser diode Good correlation was observed between experimental and simulated results