134,736 research outputs found

    An integrated transport solution to big data movement in high-performance networks

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    Extreme-scale e-Science applications in various domains such as earth science and high energy physics among multiple national institutions within the U.S. are generating colossal amounts of data, now frequently termed as “big data”. The big data must be stored, managed and moved to different geographical locations for distributed data processing and analysis. Such big data transfers require stable and high-speed network connections, which are not readily available in traditional shared IP networks such as the Internet. High-performance networking technologies and services featuring high bandwidth and advance reservation are being rapidly developed and deployed across the nation and around the globe to support such scientific applications. However, these networking technologies and services have not been fully utilized, mainly because: i) the use of these technologies and services often requires considerable domain knowledge and many application users are even not aware of their existence; and ii) the end-to-end data transfer performance largely depends on the transport protocol being used on the end hosts. The high-speed network path with reserved bandwidth in High-performance Networks has shifted the data transfer bottleneck from network segments in traditional IP networks to end hosts, which most existing transport protocols are not well suited to handle. In this dissertation, an integrated transport solution is proposed in support of data- and network-intensive applications in various science domains. This solution integrates three major components, i.e., i) transport-support workflow optimization, ii) transport profile generation, and iii) transport protocol design, into a unified framework. Firstly, a class of transport-support workflow optimization problems are formulated, where an appropriate set of resources and services are selected to compose the best transport-support workflow to meet user’s data transfer request in terms of various performance requirements. Secondly, a transport profiler named Transport Profile Generator (TPG) and its extended and accelerated version named FastProf are designed and implemented to characterize and enhance the end-to-end data transfer performance of a selected transport method over an established network path. Finally, several approaches based on rate and error threshold control are proposed to design a suite of data transfer protocols specifically tailored for big data transfer over dedicated connections. The proposed integrated transport solution is implemented and evaluated in: i) a local testbed with a single 10 Gb/s back-to-back connection and dual 10 Gb/s NIC-to-NIC connections; and ii) several wide-area networks with 10 Gb/s long-haul connections at collaborative sites including Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, and University of Chicago

    Scientific Community Transfer Protocols, Tools, and Their Performance Based on Network Capabilities

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    The efficiency of high energy physics workflows relies on the ability to rapidly transfer data among the sites where the data is processed and analyzed. The best data transfer tools should provide a simple and reliable solution for local, regional, national and in some cases intercontinental data transfers. This work outlines the results of data transfer tool tests using internal and external (simulated latency and packet loss) in 100 Gbps testbeds and compares the results among the existing solutions, while also treating the issue of tuning parameters and methods to help optimize the rates of transfers. Many tools have been developed to facilitate data transfers over wide area networks. However, few studies have shown the tools’ requirements, use cases, and reliability through comparative measurements. Here, we were evaluating a variety of high-performance data transfer tools used today in the LHC and other scientific communities, such as FDT, WDT, and NDN in different environments. Furthermore, this test was made to reproduce real-world data transfer examples to analyse each tool’s strengths and weaknesses, including the fault tolerance of the tools when we have packet loss. By comparing the tools in a controlled environment, we can shed light on the tool’s relative reliability and usability for academia and industry. Also, this work highlights the best tuning parameters for WAN and LAN transfers for maximum performance, in several cases

    CASPR: Judiciously Using the Cloud for Wide-Area Packet Recovery

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    We revisit a classic networking problem -- how to recover from lost packets in the best-effort Internet. We propose CASPR, a system that judiciously leverages the cloud to recover from lost or delayed packets. CASPR supplements and protects best-effort connections by sending a small number of coded packets along the highly reliable but expensive cloud paths. When receivers detect packet loss, they recover packets with the help of the nearby data center, not the sender, thus providing quick and reliable packet recovery for latency-sensitive applications. Using a prototype implementation and its deployment on the public cloud and the PlanetLab testbed, we quantify the benefits of CASPR in providing fast, cost effective packet recovery. Using controlled experiments, we also explore how these benefits translate into improvements up and down the network stack
