5 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Benes/Clos On-Chip Interconnection Networks

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) have emerged as the key on-chip communication architecture for multiprocessor systems-on-chip and chip multiprocessors. Single-hop non-blocking networks have the advantage of providing uniform latency and throughput, which is important for cachecoherent NoC systems. Existing work shows that Benes networks have much lower transistor count and smaller circuit area but longer delay than crossbars. To reduce the delay, we propose to design the Clos network built with larger size switches. Using less than half number of stages than the Benes network, the Clos network with 4x4 switches can significantly reduce the delay. This dissertation focuses on designing high performance Benes/Clos on-chip interconnection networks and implementing the switch setting circuits for these networks. The major contributions are summarized below: The circuit designs of both Benes and Clos networks in different sizes are conducted considering two types of implementation of the configurable switch: with NMOS transistors only and full transmission gates (TGs). The layout and simulation results under 45nm technology show that TG-based Benes networks have much better delay and power performance than their NMOS-based counterparts, though more transistor resources are needed in TG-based designs. Clos networks achieve average 60% lower delay than Benes networks with even smaller area and power consumption. The Lee’s switch setting algorithm is fully implemented in RTL and synthesized. We have refined the algorithm in data structure and initialization/updating of relation values to make it suitable for hardware implementation. The simulation and synthesis results of the switching setting circuits for 4x4 to 64x64 Benes networks under 65nm technology confirm that the trend of delay and area results of the circuit is consistent with that of the Lee’s algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first complete hardware implementation of the parallel switch setting algorithm which can handle all types of permutations including partial ones. The results in this dissertation confirm that the Benes/Clos networks are promising solution to implement on-chip interconnection network

    High Performance Non-blocking Switch Design in 3D Die-Stacking Technology

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    Uniquely Identifiable Tamper-Evident Device Using Coupling between Subwavelength Gratings

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    Reliability and sensitive information protection are critical aspects of integrated circuits. A novel technique using near-field evanescent wave coupling from two subwavelength gratings (SWGs), with the input laser source delivered through an optical fiber is presented for tamper evidence of electronic components. The first grating of the pair of coupled subwavelength gratings (CSWGs) was milled directly on the output facet of the silica fiber using focused ion beam (FIB) etching. The second grating was patterned using e-beam lithography and etched into a glass substrate using reactive ion etching (RIE). The slightest intrusion attempt would separate the CSWGs and eliminate near-field coupling between the gratings. Tampering, therefore, would become evident. Computer simulations guided the design for optimal operation of the security solution. The physical dimensions of the SWGs, i.e. period and thickness, were optimized, for a 650 nm illuminating wavelength. The optimal dimensions resulted in a 560 nm grating period for the first grating etched in the silica optical fiber and 420 nm for the second grating etched in borosilicate glass. The incident light beam had a half-width at half-maximum (HWHM) of at least 7 µm to allow discernible higher transmission orders, and a HWHM of 28 µm for minimum noise. The minimum number of individual grating lines present on the optical fiber facet was identified as 15 lines. Grating rotation due to the cylindrical geometry of the fiber resulted in a rotation of the far-field pattern, corresponding to the rotation angle of moiré fringes. With the goal of later adding authentication to tamper evidence, the concept of CSWGs signature was also modeled by introducing random and planned variations in the glass grating. The fiber was placed on a stage supported by a nanomanipulator, which permitted three-dimensional displacement while maintaining the fiber tip normal to the surface of the glass substrate. A 650 nm diode laser was fixed to a translation mount that transmitted the light source through the optical fiber, and the output intensity was measured using a silicon photodiode. The evanescent wave coupling output results for the CSWGs were measured and compared to the simulation results

    Embedded dynamic programming networks for networks-on-chip

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    PhD ThesisRelentless technology downscaling and recent technological advancements in three dimensional integrated circuit (3D-IC) provide a promising prospect to realize heterogeneous system-on-chip (SoC) and homogeneous chip multiprocessor (CMP) based on the networks-onchip (NoCs) paradigm with augmented scalability, modularity and performance. In many cases in such systems, scheduling and managing communication resources are the major design and implementation challenges instead of the computing resources. Past research efforts were mainly focused on complex design-time or simple heuristic run-time approaches to deal with the on-chip network resource management with only local or partial information about the network. This could yield poor communication resource utilizations and amortize the benefits of the emerging technologies and design methods. Thus, the provision for efficient run-time resource management in large-scale on-chip systems becomes critical. This thesis proposes a design methodology for a novel run-time resource management infrastructure that can be realized efficiently using a distributed architecture, which closely couples with the distributed NoC infrastructure. The proposed infrastructure exploits the global information and status of the network to optimize and manage the on-chip communication resources at run-time. There are four major contributions in this thesis. First, it presents a novel deadlock detection method that utilizes run-time transitive closure (TC) computation to discover the existence of deadlock-equivalence sets, which imply loops of requests in NoCs. This detection scheme, TC-network, guarantees the discovery of all true-deadlocks without false alarms in contrast to state-of-the-art approximation and heuristic approaches. Second, it investigates the advantages of implementing future on-chip systems using three dimensional (3D) integration and presents the design, fabrication and testing results of a TC-network implemented in a fully stacked three-layer 3D architecture using a through-silicon via (TSV) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Testing results demonstrate the effectiveness of such a TC-network for deadlock detection with minimal computational delay in a large-scale network. Third, it introduces an adaptive strategy to effectively diffuse heat throughout the three dimensional network-on-chip (3D-NoC) geometry. This strategy employs a dynamic programming technique to select and optimize the direction of data manoeuvre in NoC. It leads to a tool, which is based on the accurate HotSpot thermal model and SystemC cycle accurate model, to simulate the thermal system and evaluate the proposed approach. Fourth, it presents a new dynamic programming-based run-time thermal management (DPRTM) system, including reactive and proactive schemes, to effectively diffuse heat throughout NoC-based CMPs by routing packets through the coolest paths, when the temperature does not exceed chip’s thermal limit. When the thermal limit is exceeded, throttling is employed to mitigate heat in the chip and DPRTM changes its course to avoid throttled paths and to minimize the impact of throttling on chip performance. This thesis enables a new avenue to explore a novel run-time resource management infrastructure for NoCs, in which new methodologies and concepts are proposed to enhance the on-chip networks for future large-scale 3D integration.Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR)

    Méthodologies de conception ASIC pour des systèmes sur puce 3D hétérogènes à base de réseaux sur puce 3D

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les architectures 3D NoC grâce à des implémentations de conception physiques en utilisant la technologie 3D réel mis en oeuvre dans l'industrie. Sur la base des listes d'interconnexions en déroute, nous procédons à l'analyse des performances d'évaluer le bénéfice de l'architecture 3D par rapport à sa mise en oeuvre 2D. Sur la base du flot de conception 3D proposé en se concentrant sur la vérification temporelle tirant parti de l'avantage du retard négligeable de la structure de microbilles pour les connexions verticales, nous avons mené techniques de partitionnement de NoC 3D basé sur l'architecture MPSoC y compris empilement homogène et hétérogène en utilisant Tezzaron 3D IC technlogy. Conception et mise en oeuvre de compromis dans les deux méthodes de partitionnement est étudiée pour avoir un meilleur aperçu sur l'architecture 3D de sorte qu'il peut être exploitée pour des performances optimales. En utilisant l'approche 3D homogène empilage, NoC topologies est explorée afin d'identifier la meilleure topologie entre la topologie 2D et 3D pour la mise en œuvre MPSoC 3D sous l'hypothèse que les chemins critiques est fondée sur les liens inter-routeur. Les explorations architecturales ont également examiné les différentes technologies de traitement. mettant en évidence l'effet de la technologie des procédés à la performance d'architecture 3D en particulier pour l'interconnexion dominant du design. En outre, nous avons effectué hétérogène 3D d'empilage pour la mise en oeuvre MPSoC avec l'approche GALS de style et présenté plusieurs analyses de conception physiques connexes concernant la conception 3D et la mise en œuvre MPSoC utilisant des outils de CAO 2D. Une analyse plus approfondie de l'effet microbilles pas à la performance de l'architecture 3D à l'aide face-à-face d'empilement est également signalé l'identification des problèmes et des limitations à prendre en considération pendant le processus de conception.In this thesis, we study the exploration 3D NoC architectures through physical design implementations using real 3D technology used in the industry. Based on the proposed 3D design flow focusing on timing verification by leveraging the benefit of negligible delay of microbumps structure for vertical connections, we have conducted partitioning techniques for 3D NoC-based MPSoC architecture including homogeneous and heterogeneous stacking using Tezzaron 3D IC technlogy. Design and implementation trade-off in both partitioning methods is investigated to have better insight about 3D architecture so that it can be exploited for optimal performance. Using homogeneous 3D stacking approach, NoC architectures are explored to identify the best topology between 2D and 3D topology for 3D MPSoC implementation. The architectural explorations have also considered different process technologies highlighting the wire delay effect to the 3D architecture performance especially for interconnect-dominated design. Additionally, we performed heterogeneous 3D stacking of NoC-based MPSoC implementation with GALS style approach and presented several physical designs related analyses regarding 3D MPSoC design and implementation using 2D EDA tools. Finally we conducted an exploration of 2D EDA tool on different 3D architecture to evaluate the impact of 2D EDA tools on the 3D architecture performance. Since there is no commercialize 3D design tool until now, the experiment is important on the basis that designing 3D architecture using 2D EDA tools does not have a strong and direct impact to the 3D architecture performance mainly because the tools is dedicated for 2D architecture design.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF