4 research outputs found

    Enhanced group recommender system and visualization

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Requirement of group recommender systems (GRSs) is experiencing a dramatic growth due to intelligent services being applied more broadly and involved in more and more domains. However, effectivity and interpretability are still two challenges in GRSs. A typical scenario is: a group is formed randomly without active organizing in advance and sufficient negotiation between members before recommending, such as e-shopping and e-tourism. Therefore, deeply modeling the group profile is the first key part to generate recommendations. Moreover, accurately predicting should be a problem under biased and limited information provided by users. The interpretability challenge is that most of GRSs are black boxes for providing no necessary explanation of recommendations but only a list. It is quite important to convince members to make them understand why the specific recommendations are reasonable. Thus, explaining the reason generated recommendations and relationships between members needs to be investigated. This research aims to handle these two challenges in both theoretical and practical aspects. A novel group recommendation approach is developed and aims to maximize satisfaction within random groups by modeling the group profiles through the analysis of contributed member ratings alone. First, the Contribution Score is defined to numerically measure each member’s importance in terms of the sub-rating matrix which makes it practical even when the matrix is highly incomplete and sparse. Second, a local collaborative filtering method is developed to address the biased rating problem caused by severe preference conflicting in random groups. An adaptive average rating calculating model is proposed taking into consideration of the target item by reducing the set to those which are highly relevant to it. By integrating these two models, a Contribution Score-based Group Recommendation (CS-GR) approach is developed to efficiently depict groups. Also, a novel hierarchy graph-based visualization method, based on data visualization techniques, which are powerful tools to offer intuitive abstractions of concepts, is suggested to offer explanations for users. First a higher level of abstraction of the overall recommender modules, such as group profile modeling and prediction calculating, is presented using a hierarchy graph. To do this, all the entities involved in a group recommender process are summarized and visualized as nodes in the graph and the edges in the graph represent information inherited. Second, the layout provides detailed information for individual members to track their influences in the system by adding pie charts at each single node to show individual influences for all involved members. This enables members to track and compare their influences with others in every single procedure. This research provides the GRSs effectivity for the biased and sparse information which can be handled to model the group and generate the predictions. The scalability and efficiency are also guaranteed because only rating information is needed and matrix decomposition technique is employed. The visualization is used to provide both overall and detailed explanation for users

    A Collaborative Filtering Probabilistic Approach for Recommendation to Large Homogeneous and Automatically Detected Groups

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    In the collaborative filtering recommender systems (CFRS) field, recommendation to group of users is mainly focused on stablished, occasional or random groups. These groups have a little number of users: relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. Our proposal deals with large numbers of automatically detected groups. Marketing and electronic commerce are typical targets of large homogenous groups. Large groups present a major difficulty in terms of automatically achieving homogeneity, equilibrated size and accurate recommendations. We provide a method that combines diverse machine learning algorithms in an original way: homogeneous groups are detected by means of a clustering based on hidden factors instead of ratings. Predictions are made using a virtual user model, and virtual users are obtained by performing a hidden factors aggregation. Additionally, this paper selects the most appropriate dimensionality reduction for the explained RS aim. We conduct a set of experiments to catch the maximum cumulative deviation of the ratings information. Results show an improvement on recommendations made to large homogeneous groups. It is also shown the desirability of designing specific methods and algorithms to deal with automatically detected groups

    Quais as Melhores Maneiras de Apresentar as Recomendações para os Usuários? Um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura

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    Recommender systems use information about the user to generate a set of personalized items as a suggestion and are applied in contexts where it exists an overload of content available to the user. The way these recommendations are viewed is now the focus of recent studies based on the need to improve the user experience with recommender systems. This paper presents a Systematic Mapping Study aiming to identify the best ways to present recommendations to users. A total of 434 papers were identified, of which 27 were selected for further analysis. The results point to a tendency towards self-explanatory and interactive interfaces.Os sistemas de recomendação utilizam de informações do usuário para gerar um conjunto de itens personalizados como sugestão e são aplicados em contextos onde existe sobrecarga de conteúdo disponível ao usuário. A maneira como a visualização dessas recomendações é realizada passou a ser foco de estudos recentes conforme a necessidade de melhorar a experiência do usuário com os sistemas de recomendação. Este trabalho apresenta um mapeamento sistemático da literatura visando identificar as melhores maneiras de apresentar as recomendações para os usuários. Um total de 434 artigos foram identificados, dos quais 27 foram selecionados para análise. Os resultados apontam uma tendência para as  interfaces autoexplicativas e interativas

    Hierarchy Visualization for Group Recommender Systems

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    © 2013 IEEE. Most recommender systems (RSs), especially group RSs, focus on methods and accuracy but lack explanations, hence users find them difficult to trust. We present a hierarchy visualization method for group recommender (HVGR) systems to provide visual presentation and intuitive explanation. We first use a hierarchy graph to organize all the entities using nodes (e.g., neighbor nodes and recommendation nodes) and illustrate the overall recommender process using edges. Second, a pie chart is attached to every entity node in which each slice represents a single member, which makes it easy to track the influence of each member on a specific entity. HVGR can be extended to adapt different pseudouser modeling methods by resizing group member nodes and pseudouser nodes. It can also be easily extended to individual RSs through the use of a single member group. An implementation has been developed and feasibility is tested using a real data set