16 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Zonotopal Power Ideals

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    Zonotopal algebra deals with ideals and vector spaces of polynomials that are related to several combinatorial and geometric structures defined by a finite sequence of vectors. Given such a sequence XX, an integer k≥−1k \geq -1 and an upper set in the lattice of flats of the matroid defined by XX, we define and study the associated hierarchical zonotopal power ideal\textit{hierarchical zonotopal power ideal}. This ideal is generated by powers of linear forms. Its Hilbert series depends only on the matroid structure of XX. It is related to various other matroid invariants, e. g.\textit{e. g.} the shelling polynomial and the characteristic polynomial. This work unifies and generalizes results by Ardila-Postnikov on power ideals and by Holtz-Ron and Holtz-Ron-Xu on (hierarchical) zonotopal algebra. We also generalize a result on zonotopal Cox modules due to Sturmfels-Xu

    Interpolation, box splines, and lattice points in zonotopes

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    Given a finite list of vectors X⊆RdX \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d, one can define the box spline BXB_X. Box splines are piecewise polynomial functions that are used in approximation theory. They are also interesting from a combinatorial point of view and many of their properties solely depend on the structure of the matroid defined by the list XX. The support of the box spline is the zonotope Z(X)Z(X). We show that if the list XX is totally unimodular, any real-valued function defined on the set of lattice points in the interior of Z(X)Z(X) can be extended to a function on Z(X)Z(X) of the form p(D)BXp(D)B_X in a unique way, where p(D)p(D) is a differential operator that is contained in the so-called internal P\mathcal{P}-space. This was conjectured by Olga Holtz and Amos Ron. We also point out connections between this interpolation problem and matroid theory, including a deletion-contraction decomposition

    Ehrhart polynomial and multiplicity Tutte polynomial

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    We prove that the Ehrhart polynomial of a zonotope is a specialization of the multiplicity Tutte polynomial. We derive some formulae for the volume and the number of integer points of the zonotope.Comment: 6 pages, 1 pictur

    A Tutte polynomial for toric arrangements

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    We introduce a multiplicity Tutte polynomial M(x,y), with applications to zonotopes and toric arrangements. We prove that M(x,y) satisfies a deletion-restriction recurrence and has positive coefficients. The characteristic polynomial and the Poincare' polynomial of a toric arrangement are shown to be specializations of the associated polynomial M(x,y), likewise the corresponding polynomials for a hyperplane arrangement are specializations of the ordinary Tutte polynomial. Furthermore, M(1,y) is the Hilbert series of the related discrete Dahmen-Micchelli space, while M(x,1) computes the volume and the number of integral points of the associated zonotope.Comment: Final version, to appear on Transactions AMS. 28 pages, 4 picture

    Lattice points in polytopes, box splines, and Todd operators

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    Let XX be a list of vectors that is totally unimodular. In a previous article the author proved that every real-valued function on the set of interior lattice points of the zonotope defined by XX can be extended to a function on the whole zonotope of the form p(D)BXp(D)B_X in a unique way, where p(D)p(D) is a differential operator that is contained in the so-called internal \Pcal-space. In this paper we construct an explicit solution to this interpolation problem in terms of Todd operators. As a corollary we obtain a slight generalisation of the Khovanskii-Pukhlikov formula that relates the volume and the number of integer points in a smooth lattice polytope.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Geometric realizations and duality for Dahmen-Micchelli modules and De Concini-Procesi-Vergne modules

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    We give an algebraic description of several modules and algebras related to the vector partition function, and we prove that they can be realized as the equivariant K-theory of some manifolds that have a nice combinatorial description. We also propose a more natural and general notion of duality between these modules, which corresponds to a Poincar\'e duality-type correspondence for equivariant K-theory.Comment: Final version, to appear on Discrete and Computational Geometr

    Splines, lattice points, and (arithmetic) matroids

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    Let XX be a (d×N)(d \times N)-matrix. We consider the variable polytope ΠX(u)={w≥0:Xw=u}\Pi_X(u) = \left\{ w \geq 0 : Xw = u \right\}. It is known that the function TXT_X that assigns to a parameter u∈RNu \in \mathbb{R}^N the volume of the polytope ΠX(u)\Pi_X(u) is piecewise polynomial. Formulas of Khovanskii-Pukhlikov and Brion-Vergne imply that the number of lattice points in ΠX(u)\Pi_X(u) can be obtained by applying a certain differential operator to the function TXT_X. In this extended abstract we slightly improve the formulas of Khovanskii-Pukhlikov and Brion-Vergne and we study the space of differential operators that are relevant for TXT_X (ıe operators that do not annihilate TXT_X) and the space of nice differential operators (ıe operators that leave TXT_X continuous). These two spaces are finite-dimensional homogeneous vector spaces and their Hilbert series are evaluations of the Tutte polynomial of the (arithmetic) matroid defined by XX