22 research outputs found

    Hierarchical spacetime control

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    Specifying the motion of an animated linked figure such that it achieves given tasks (e.g., throwing a ball into a basket) and performs the tasks in a realistic fashion (e.g., gracefully, and following physical laws such as gravity) has been an elusive goal for computer animators. The spacetime constraints paradigm has been shown to be a valuable approach to this problem, but it suffers from computational complexity growth as creatures and tasks approach those one would like to animate. The complexity is shown to be, in part, due to the choice of finite basis with which to represent the trajectories of the generalized degrees of freedom. This paper describes new features to the spacetime constraints paradigm to address this problem.The functions through time of the generalized degrees of freedom are reformulated in a hierarchical wavelet representation. This provides a means to automatically add detailed motion only where it is required, thus minimizing the number of discrete variables. In addition the wavelet basis is shown to lead to better conditioned systems of equations and thus faster convergence.Engineering and Applied Science

    "Sticky Hands": learning and generalization for cooperative physical interactions with a humanoid robot

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    "Sticky Hands" is a physical game for two people involving gentle contact with the hands. The aim is to develop relaxed and elegant motion together, achieve physical sensitivity-improving reactions, and experience an interaction at an intimate yet comfortable level for spiritual development and physical relaxation. We developed a control system for a humanoid robot allowing it to play Sticky Hands with a human partner. We present a real implementation including a physical system, robot control, and a motion learning algorithm based on a generalizable intelligent system capable itself of generalizing observed trajectories' translation, orientation, scale and velocity to new data, operating with scalable speed and storage efficiency bounds, and coping with contact trajectories that evolve over time. Our robot control is capable of physical cooperation in a force domain, using minimal sensor input. We analyze robot-human interaction and relate characteristics of our motion learning algorithm with recorded motion profiles. We discuss our results in the context of realistic motion generation and present a theoretical discussion of stylistic and affective motion generation based on, and motivating cross-disciplinary research in computer graphics, human motion production and motion perception

    Simulation and analysis of complex human tasks

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    We discuss how the combination of a realistic human figure with a high-level behavioral control interface allow the construction of detailed simulations of humans performing manual tasks from which inferences about human performance requirements can be made. The Jack human modeling environment facilitates the real-time simulation of humans performing sequences of tasks such as walking, lifting, reaching, and grasping in a complex simulated environment. Analysis capabilities include strength, reachability, and visibility; moreover results from these tests can affect an unfolding simulation

    Sticky Hands

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    Constraint-based motion adaptation

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    Wavelets in computer graphics

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