29,051 research outputs found

    A Bayesian alternative to mutual information for the hierarchical clustering of dependent random variables

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    The use of mutual information as a similarity measure in agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) raises an important issue: some correction needs to be applied for the dimensionality of variables. In this work, we formulate the decision of merging dependent multivariate normal variables in an AHC procedure as a Bayesian model comparison. We found that the Bayesian formulation naturally shrinks the empirical covariance matrix towards a matrix set a priori (e.g., the identity), provides an automated stopping rule, and corrects for dimensionality using a term that scales up the measure as a function of the dimensionality of the variables. Also, the resulting log Bayes factor is asymptotically proportional to the plug-in estimate of mutual information, with an additive correction for dimensionality in agreement with the Bayesian information criterion. We investigated the behavior of these Bayesian alternatives (in exact and asymptotic forms) to mutual information on simulated and real data. An encouraging result was first derived on simulations: the hierarchical clustering based on the log Bayes factor outperformed off-the-shelf clustering techniques as well as raw and normalized mutual information in terms of classification accuracy. On a toy example, we found that the Bayesian approaches led to results that were similar to those of mutual information clustering techniques, with the advantage of an automated thresholding. On real functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) datasets measuring brain activity, it identified clusters consistent with the established outcome of standard procedures. On this application, normalized mutual information had a highly atypical behavior, in the sense that it systematically favored very large clusters. These initial experiments suggest that the proposed Bayesian alternatives to mutual information are a useful new tool for hierarchical clustering

    Speaker segmentation and clustering

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    This survey focuses on two challenging speech processing topics, namely: speaker segmentation and speaker clustering. Speaker segmentation aims at finding speaker change points in an audio stream, whereas speaker clustering aims at grouping speech segments based on speaker characteristics. Model-based, metric-based, and hybrid speaker segmentation algorithms are reviewed. Concerning speaker clustering, deterministic and probabilistic algorithms are examined. A comparative assessment of the reviewed algorithms is undertaken, the algorithm advantages and disadvantages are indicated, insight to the algorithms is offered, and deductions as well as recommendations are given. Rich transcription and movie analysis are candidate applications that benefit from combined speaker segmentation and clustering. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Automatic post-processing for tolerance inspection of digitized parts made by injection moulding

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    This paper presents the advancements of an automatic segmentation procedure based on the concept of Hierarchical Space Partitioning. It is aimed at tolerance inspection of electromechanical parts produced by injection moulding and acquired by laser scanning. After a general overview of the procedure, its application for recognising cylindrical surfaces is presented and discussed through a specific industrial test case

    Multivariate Approaches to Classification in Extragalactic Astronomy

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    Clustering objects into synthetic groups is a natural activity of any science. Astrophysics is not an exception and is now facing a deluge of data. For galaxies, the one-century old Hubble classification and the Hubble tuning fork are still largely in use, together with numerous mono-or bivariate classifications most often made by eye. However, a classification must be driven by the data, and sophisticated multivariate statistical tools are used more and more often. In this paper we review these different approaches in order to situate them in the general context of unsupervised and supervised learning. We insist on the astrophysical outcomes of these studies to show that multivariate analyses provide an obvious path toward a renewal of our classification of galaxies and are invaluable tools to investigate the physics and evolution of galaxies.Comment: Open Access paper. http://www.frontiersin.org/milky\_way\_and\_galaxies/10.3389/fspas.2015.00003/abstract\>. \<10.3389/fspas.2015.00003 \&g

    On clustering procedures and nonparametric mixture estimation

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    This paper deals with nonparametric estimation of conditional den-sities in mixture models in the case when additional covariates are available. The proposed approach consists of performing a prelim-inary clustering algorithm on the additional covariates to guess the mixture component of each observation. Conditional densities of the mixture model are then estimated using kernel density estimates ap-plied separately to each cluster. We investigate the expected L 1 -error of the resulting estimates and derive optimal rates of convergence over classical nonparametric density classes provided the clustering method is accurate. Performances of clustering algorithms are measured by the maximal misclassification error. We obtain upper bounds of this quantity for a single linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm. Lastly, applications of the proposed method to mixture models involving elec-tricity distribution data and simulated data are presented

    Automated construction of a hierarchy of self-organized neural network classifiers

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    This paper documents an effort to design and implement a neural network-based, automatic classification system which dynamically constructs and trains a decision tree. The system is a combination of neural network and decision tree technology. The decision tree is constructed to partition a large classification problem into smaller problems. The neural network modules then solve these smaller problems. We used a variant of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network which can be trained much more quickly than traditional neural networks. The research extends the concept of self-organization from within the neural network to the overall structure of the dynamically constructed decision hierarchy. The primary advantage is avoidance of manual tedium and subjective bias in constructing decision hierarchies. Additionally, removing the need for manual construction of the hierarchy opens up a large class of potential classification applications. When tested on data from real-world images, the automatically generated hierarchies performed slightly better than an intuitive (handbuilt) hierarchy. Because the neural networks at the nodes of the decision hierarchy are solving smaller problems, generalization performance can really be improved if the number of features used to solve these problems is reduced. Algorithms for automatically selecting which features to use for each individual classification module were also implemented. We were able to achieve the same level of performance as in previous manual efforts, but in an efficient, automatic manner. The technology developed has great potential in a number of commercial areas, including data mining, pattern recognition, and intelligent interfaces for personal computer applications. Sample applications include: fraud detection, bankruptcy prediction, data mining agent, scalable object recognition system, email agent, resource librarian agent, and a decision aid agent

    Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images

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    This paper addresses the structure-and-motion problem, that requires to find camera motion and 3D struc- ture from point matches. A new pipeline, dubbed Samantha, is presented, that departs from the prevailing sequential paradigm and embraces instead a hierarchical approach. This method has several advantages, like a provably lower computational complexity, which is necessary to achieve true scalability, and better error containment, leading to more stability and less drift. Moreover, a practical autocalibration procedure allows to process images without ancillary information. Experiments with real data assess the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the method.Comment: Accepted for publication in CVI
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