7 research outputs found

    Development, analysis and control of a spherical aerial vehicle

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    With the ability to provide close surveillance in narrow space or urban areas, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been of great interest to many scholars and researchers. The spherical aerial vehicle offers substantial design advantages over the conventional small aerial vehicles. As a new kind of small aerial vehicles, spherical aerial vehicle is presented in this paper. Firstly, the unique structure of spherical aerial vehicle is presented in detail. And then the dynamics theory based on this vehicle’s structure is analyzed, and the equations of force and moment acting on the aircraft were deduced. Based on the above, the dynamics model of spherical aerial vehicle is derived and the nonlinear state equation is established. The control system of the spherical aerial vehicle’s flight motion, including the hardware and software parts, is presented concretely. The backstepping control method is used in the state equation to get the stability of the spherical aerial vehicle’s motion. At last, the experimental results and simulation analysis are provided to confirm the feasibility of the spherical aerial vehicle’s flight movement in the air

    Agile load transportation systems using aerial robots

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    In this dissertation, we address problems that can occur during load transport using aerial robots, i.e., small scale quadrotors. First, detailed models of such transportation system are derived. These models include nonlinear models of a quadrotor, a model of a quadrotor carrying a fixed load and a model of a quadrotor carrying a suspended load. Second, the problem of quadrotor stabilization and trajectory tracking with changes of the center of gravity of the transportation system is addressed. This problem is solved using model reference adaptive control based on output feedback linearization that compensates for dynamical changes in the center of gravity of the quadrotor. The third problem we address is a problem of a swing-free transport of suspended load using quadrotors. Flying with a suspended load can be a very challenging and sometimes hazardous task as the suspended load significantly alters the flight characteristics of the quadrotor. In order to deal with suspended load flight, we present a method based on dynamic programming which is a model based offline method. The second investigated method we use is based on the Nelder-Mead algorithm which is an optimization technique used for nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. This method is model free and it can be used for offline or online generation of the swing-free trajectories for the suspended load. Besides the swing-free maneuvers with suspended load, load trajectory tracking is another problem we solve in this dissertation. In order to solve this problem we use a Nelder-Mead based algorithm. In addition, we use an online least square policy iteration algorithm. At the end, we propose a high level algorithm for navigation in cluttered environments considering a quadrotor with suspended load. Furthermore, distributed control of multiple quadrotors with suspended load is addressed too. The proposed hierarchical architecture presented in this doctoral dissertation is an important step towards developing the next generation of agile autonomous aerial vehicles. These control algorithms enable quadrotors to display agile maneuvers while reconfiguring in real time whenever a change in the center of gravity occurs. This enables a swing-free load transport or trajectory tracking of the load in urban environments in a decentralized fashion

    Hierarchical and hybrid model predictive control of quadcopter air vehicles

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    This paper proposes a hierachical hybrid MPC approach to design feedback control functions for stabilization and autonomous navigation of unmanned air vehicles. After formulating the nonlinear dynamical equations of a "quadcopter" air vehicle, a linear MPC controller is designed to stabilize the vehicle around commanded desired set-points. These are generated at a slower sampling rate by a hybrid MPC controller at the upper control layer, based on a hybrid dynamical model of the UAV and of its surrounding environment, with the overall goal of controlling the vehicle to a target set-point while avoiding obstacles. The performance of the complete hierarchical control scheme is assessed through simulations and visualization in a virtual 3D environment, showing the ability of linear MPC to handle the strong couplings among the dynamical variables of the quadcopter under various torque and angle/position constraints, and the flexibility of hybrid MPC in planning the desired trajectory on-line

    Commande référencée vision pour drones à décollages et atterrissages verticaux

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    La miniaturisation des calculateurs a permis le développement des drones, engins volants capable de se déplacer de façon autonome et de rendre des services, comme se rendre clans des lieux peu accessibles ou remplacer l'homme dans des missions pénibles. Un enjeu essentiel dans ce cadre est celui de l'information qu'ils doivent utiliser pour se déplacer, et donc des capteurs à exploiter pour obtenir cette information. Or nombre de ces capteurs présentent des inconvénients (risques de brouillage ou de masquage en particulier). L'utilisation d'une caméra vidéo dans ce contexte offre une perspective intéressante. L'objet de cette thèse était l'étude de l'utilisation d'une telle caméra dans un contexte capteur minimaliste: essentiellement l'utilisation des données visuelles et inertielles. Elle a porté sur le développement de lois de commande offrant au système ainsi bouclé des propriétés de stabilité et de robustesse. En particulier, une des difficultés majeures abordées vient de la connaissance très limitée de l'environnement dans lequel le drone évolue. La thèse a tout d'abord étudié le problème de stabilisation du drone sous l'hypothèse de petits déplacements (hypothèse de linéarité). Dans un second temps, on a montré comment relâcher l'hypothèse de petits déplacements via la synthèse de commandes non linéaires. Le cas du suivi de trajectoire a ensuite été considéré, en s'appuyant sur la définition d'un cadre générique de mesure d'erreur de position par rapport à un point de référence inconnu. Enfin, la validation expérimentale de ces résultats a été entamée pendant la thèse, et a permis de valider bon nombre d'étapes et de défis associés à leur mise en œuvre en conditions réelles. La thèse se conclut par des perspectives pour poursuivre les travaux.The computers miniaturization has paved the way for the conception of Unmanned Aerial vehicles - "UAVs"- that is: flying vehicles embedding computers to make them partially or fully automated for such missions as e.g. cluttered environments exploration or replacement of humanly piloted vehicles for hazardous or painful missions. A key challenge for the design of such vehicles is that of the information they need to find in order to move, and, thus, the sensors to be used in order to get such information. A number of such sensors have flaws (e.g. the risk of being jammed). In this context, the use of a videocamera offers interesting prospectives. The goal of this PhD work was to study the use of such a videocamera in a minimal sensors setting: essentially the use of visual and inertial data. The work has been focused on the development of control laws offering the closed loop system stability and robustness properties. In particular, one of the major difficulties we faced came from the limited knowledge of the UAV environment. First we have studied this question under a small displacements assumption (linearity assumption). A control law has been defined, which took performance criteria into account. Second, we have showed how the small displacements assumption could be given up through nonlinear control design. The case of a trajectory following has then been considered, with the use of a generic error vector modelling with respect to an unknown reference point. Finally, an experimental validation of this work has been started and helped validate a number of steps and challenges associated to real conditions experiments. The work was concluded with prospectives for future work.TOULOUSE-ISAE (315552318) / SudocSudocFranceF