3,748 research outputs found

    Generative and Contrastive Paradigms Are Complementary for Graph Self-Supervised Learning

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    For graph self-supervised learning (GSSL), masked autoencoder (MAE) follows the generative paradigm and learns to reconstruct masked graph edges or node features. Contrastive Learning (CL) maximizes the similarity between augmented views of the same graph and is widely used for GSSL. However, MAE and CL are considered separately in existing works for GSSL. We observe that the MAE and CL paradigms are complementary and propose the graph contrastive masked autoencoder (GCMAE) framework to unify them. Specifically, by focusing on local edges or node features, MAE cannot capture global information of the graph and is sensitive to particular edges and features. On the contrary, CL excels in extracting global information because it considers the relation between graphs. As such, we equip GCMAE with an MAE branch and a CL branch, and the two branches share a common encoder, which allows the MAE branch to exploit the global information extracted by the CL branch. To force GCMAE to capture global graph structures, we train it to reconstruct the entire adjacency matrix instead of only the masked edges as in existing works. Moreover, a discrimination loss is proposed for feature reconstruction, which improves the disparity between node embeddings rather than reducing the reconstruction error to tackle the feature smoothing problem of MAE. We evaluate GCMAE on four popular graph tasks (i.e., node classification, node clustering, link prediction, and graph classification) and compare with 14 state-of-the-art baselines. The results show that GCMAE consistently provides good accuracy across these tasks, and the maximum accuracy improvement is up to 3.2% compared with the best-performing baseline

    Autoregressive GNN-ODE GRU Model for Network Dynamics

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    Revealing the continuous dynamics on the networks is essential for understanding, predicting, and even controlling complex systems, but it is hard to learn and model the continuous network dynamics because of complex and unknown governing equations, high dimensions of complex systems, and unsatisfactory observations. Moreover, in real cases, observed time-series data are usually non-uniform and sparse, which also causes serious challenges. In this paper, we propose an Autoregressive GNN-ODE GRU Model (AGOG) to learn and capture the continuous network dynamics and realize predictions of node states at an arbitrary time in a data-driven manner. The GNN module is used to model complicated and nonlinear network dynamics. The hidden state of node states is specified by the ODE system, and the augmented ODE system is utilized to map the GNN into the continuous time domain. The hidden state is updated through GRUCell by observations. As prior knowledge, the true observations at the same timestamp are combined with the hidden states for the next prediction. We use the autoregressive model to make a one-step ahead prediction based on observation history. The prediction is achieved by solving an initial-value problem for ODE. To verify the performance of our model, we visualize the learned dynamics and test them in three tasks: interpolation reconstruction, extrapolation prediction, and regular sequences prediction. The results demonstrate that our model can capture the continuous dynamic process of complex systems accurately and make precise predictions of node states with minimal error. Our model can consistently outperform other baselines or achieve comparable performance

    An Approach for Link Prediction in Directed Complex Networks based on Asymmetric Similarity-Popularity

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    Complex networks are graphs representing real-life systems that exhibit unique characteristics not found in purely regular or completely random graphs. The study of such systems is vital but challenging due to the complexity of the underlying processes. This task has nevertheless been made easier in recent decades thanks to the availability of large amounts of networked data. Link prediction in complex networks aims to estimate the likelihood that a link between two nodes is missing from the network. Links can be missing due to imperfections in data collection or simply because they are yet to appear. Discovering new relationships between entities in networked data has attracted researchers' attention in various domains such as sociology, computer science, physics, and biology. Most existing research focuses on link prediction in undirected complex networks. However, not all real-life systems can be faithfully represented as undirected networks. This simplifying assumption is often made when using link prediction algorithms but inevitably leads to loss of information about relations among nodes and degradation in prediction performance. This paper introduces a link prediction method designed explicitly for directed networks. It is based on the similarity-popularity paradigm, which has recently proven successful in undirected networks. The presented algorithms handle the asymmetry in node relationships by modeling it as asymmetry in similarity and popularity. Given the observed network topology, the algorithms approximate the hidden similarities as shortest path distances using edge weights that capture and factor out the links' asymmetry and nodes' popularity. The proposed approach is evaluated on real-life networks, and the experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in predicting missing links across a broad spectrum of networked data types and sizes

    InSocialNet: Interactive visual analytics for role-event videos

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    Roleā€“event videos are rich in information but challenging to be understood at the story level. The social roles and behavior patterns of characters largely depend on the interactions among characters and the background events. Understanding them requires analysis of the video contents for a long duration, which is beyond the ability of current algorithms designed for analyzing short-time dynamics. In this paper, we propose InSocialNet, an interactive video analytics tool for analyzing the contents of roleā€“event videos. It automatically and dynamically constructs social networks from roleā€“event videos making use of face and expression recognition, and provides a visual interface for interactive analysis of video contents. Together with social network analysis at the back end, InSocialNet supports users to investigate characters, their relationships, social roles, factions, and events in the input video. We conduct case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of InSocialNet in assisting the harvest of rich information from roleā€“event videos. We believe the current prototype implementation can be extended to applications beyond movie analysis, e.g., social psychology experiments to help understand crowd social behaviors

    Automatic speech feature extraction using a convolutional restricted boltzmann machine

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science 2017Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are a statistical learning concept that can be interpreted as Arti cial Neural Networks. They are capable of learning, in an unsupervised fashion, a set of features with which to describe a data set. Connected in series RBMs form a model called a Deep Belief Network (DBN), learning abstract feature combinations from lower layers. Convolutional RBMs (CRBMs) are a variation on the RBM architecture in which the learned features are kernels that are convolved across spatial portions of the input data to generate feature maps identifying if a feature is detected in a portion of the input data. Features extracted from speech audio data by a trained CRBM have recently been shown to compete with the state of the art for a number of speaker identi cation tasks. This project implements a similar CRBM architecture in order to verify previous work, as well as gain insight into Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Generative Graphical Models, unsupervised pre-training of Arti cial Neural Networks, and Machine Learning classi cation tasks. The CRBM architecture is trained on the TIMIT speech corpus and the learned features veri ed by using them to train a linear classi er on tasks such as speaker genetic sex classi cation and speaker identi cation. The implementation is quantitatively proven to successfully learn and extract a useful feature representation for the given classi cation tasksMT 201

    Data Augmentation for Graph Neural Networks

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    Data augmentation has been widely used to improve generalizability of machine learning models. However, comparatively little work studies data augmentation for graphs. This is largely due to the complex, non-Euclidean structure of graphs, which limits possible manipulation operations. Augmentation operations commonly used in vision and language have no analogs for graphs. Our work studies graph data augmentation for graph neural networks (GNNs) in the context of improving semi-supervised node-classification. We discuss practical and theoretical motivations, considerations and strategies for graph data augmentation. Our work shows that neural edge predictors can effectively encode class-homophilic structure to promote intra-class edges and demote inter-class edges in given graph structure, and our main contribution introduces the GAug graph data augmentation framework, which leverages these insights to improve performance in GNN-based node classification via edge prediction. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks show that augmentation via GAug improves performance across GNN architectures and datasets.Comment: AAAI 2021. This complete version contains the Appendi
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