3 research outputs found

    Hidden Markov model and Chapman Kolmogrov for protein structures prediction from images

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    Protein structure prediction and analysis are more significant for living organs to perfect asses the livingorgan functionalities. Several protein structure prediction methods use neural network (NN). However,the Hidden Markov model is more interpretable and effective for more biological data analysis comparedto the NN. It employs statistical data analysis to enhance the prediction accuracy. The current workproposed a protein prediction approach from protein images based on Hidden Markov Model andChapman Kolmogrov equation. Initially, a preprocessing stage was applied for protein imagesbinarization using Otsu technique in order to convert the protein image into binary matrix. Subsequently,two counting algorithms, namely the Flood fill and Warshall are employed to classify the proteinstructures. Finally, Hidden Markov model and Chapman Kolmogrov equation are applied on the classifiedstructures for predicting the protein structure. The execution time and algorithmic performances aremeasured to evaluate the primary, secondary and tertiary protein structure prediction

    Medical cyber-physical systems: A survey

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    Medical cyber-physical systems (MCPS) are healthcare critical integration of a network of medical devices. These systems are progressively used in hospitals to achieve a continuous high-quality healthcare. The MCPS design faces numerous challenges, including inoperability, security/privacy, and high assurance in the system software. In the current work, the infrastructure of the cyber-physical systems (CPS) are reviewed and discussed. This article enriched the researches of the networked Medical Device (MD) systems to increase the efficiency and safety of the healthcare. It also can assist the specialists of medical device to overcome crucial issues related to medical devices, and the challenges facing the design of the medical device's network. The concept of the social networking and its security along with the concept of the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are addressed. Afterward, the CPS systems and platforms have been established, where more focus was directed toward CPS-based healthcare. The big data framework of CPSs is also included

    Hidden Markov model and Chapman Kolmogrov for protein structures prediction from images.

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    Protein structure prediction and analysis are more significant for living organs to perfect asses the living organ functionalities. Several protein structure prediction methods use neural network (NN). However, the Hidden Markov model is more interpretable and effective for more biological data analysis compared to the NN. It employs statistical data analysis to enhance the prediction accuracy. The current work proposed a protein prediction approach from protein images based on Hidden Markov Model and Chapman Kolmogrov equation. Initially, a preprocessing stage was applied for protein images' binarization using Otsu technique in order to convert the protein image into binary matrix. Subsequently, two counting algorithms, namely the Flood fill and Warshall are employed to classify the protein structures. Finally, Hidden Markov model and Chapman Kolmogrov equation are applied on the classified structures for predicting the protein structure. The execution time and algorithmic performances are measured to evaluate the primary, secondary and tertiary protein structure prediction