4 research outputs found

    Weighted Heuristic Ensemble of Filters

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    Feature selection has become increasingly important in data mining in recent years due to the rapid increase in the dimensionality of big data. However, the reliability and consistency of feature selection methods (filters) vary considerably on different data and no single filter performs consistently well under various conditions. Therefore, feature selection ensemble has been investigated recently to provide more reliable and effective results than any individual one but all the existing feature selection ensemble treat the feature selection methods equally regardless of their performance. In this paper, we present a novel framework which applies weighted feature selection ensemble through proposing a systemic way of adding different weights to the feature selection methods-filters. Also, we investigate how to determine the appropriate weight for each filter in an ensemble. Experiments based on ten benchmark datasets show that theoretically and intuitively adding more weight to ‘good filters’ should lead to better results but in reality it is very uncertain. This assumption was found to be correct for some examples in our experiment. However, for other situations, filters which had been assumed to perform well showed bad performance leading to even worse results. Therefore adding weight to filters might not achieve much in accuracy terms, in addition to increasing complexity, time consumption and clearly decreasing the stability

    Heuristic ensembles of filters for accurate and reliable feature selection

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    Feature selection has become increasingly important in data mining in recent years. However, the accuracy and stability of feature selection methods vary considerably when used individually, and yet no rule exists to indicate which one should be used for a particular dataset. Thus, an ensemble method that combines the outputs of several individual feature selection methods appears to be a promising approach to address the issue and hence is investigated in this research. This research aims to develop an effective ensemble that can improve the accuracy and stability of the feature selection. We proposed a novel heuristic ensemble of filters (HEF). It combines two types of filters: subset filters and ranking filters with a heuristic consensus algorithm in order to utilise the strength of each type. The ensemble is tested on ten benchmark datasets and its performance is evaluated by two stability measures and three classifiers. The experimental results demonstrate that HEF improves the stability and accuracy of the selected features and in most cases outperforms the other ensemble algorithms, individual filters and the full feature set. The research on the HEF algorithm is extended in several dimensions; including more filter members, three novel schemes of mean rank aggregation with partial lists, and three novel schemes for a weighted heuristic ensemble of filters. However, the experimental results demonstrate that adding weight to filters in HEF does not achieve the expected improvement in accuracy, but increases time and space complexity, and clearly decreases stability. Therefore, the core ensemble algorithm (HEF) is demonstrated to be not just simpler but also more reliable and consistent than the later more complicated and weighted ensembles. In addition, we investigated how to use data in feature selection, using ALL or PART of it. Systematic experiments with thirty five synthetic and benchmark real-world datasets were carried out

    Heuristic Ensemble of Filters for Reliable Feature Selection

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    Heuristic Ensemble of Filters for Reliable Feature Selection

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    Feature selection has become ever more important in data mining in recent years due to the rapid increase in the dimensionality of data. Filters are preferable in practical applications as they are much faster than wrapper based approaches, but their reliability and consistency vary considerably on different data and yet no rule exists to indicate which one should be used for a particular given dataset. In this paper, we propose a heuristic ensemble approach that combines multiple filters with heuristic rules to improve the overall performance. It consists of two types of filters: subset filters and ranking filters, and a heuristic consensus algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that our ensemble algorithm is more reliable and effective than individual filters as the features selected by the ensemble consistently achieve better accuracy for typical classifiers on various datasets