70,840 research outputs found

    RHCO: A Relation-aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network with Contrastive Learning for Large-scale Graphs

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    Heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) have been widely applied in heterogeneous information network tasks, while most HGNNs suffer from poor scalability or weak representation when they are applied to large-scale heterogeneous graphs. To address these problems, we propose a novel Relation-aware Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network with Contrastive Learning (RHCO) for large-scale heterogeneous graph representation learning. Unlike traditional heterogeneous graph neural networks, we adopt the contrastive learning mechanism to deal with the complex heterogeneity of large-scale heterogeneous graphs. We first learn relation-aware node embeddings under the network schema view. Then we propose a novel positive sample selection strategy to choose meaningful positive samples. After learning node embeddings under the positive sample graph view, we perform a cross-view contrastive learning to obtain the final node representations. Moreover, we adopt the label smoothing technique to boost the performance of RHCO. Extensive experiments on three large-scale academic heterogeneous graph datasets show that RHCO achieves best performance over the state-of-the-art models

    Simple and Efficient Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network

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    Heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) have powerful capability to embed rich structural and semantic information of a heterogeneous graph into node representations. Existing HGNNs inherit many mechanisms from graph neural networks (GNNs) over homogeneous graphs, especially the attention mechanism and the multi-layer structure. These mechanisms bring excessive complexity, but seldom work studies whether they are really effective on heterogeneous graphs. This paper conducts an in-depth and detailed study of these mechanisms and proposes Simple and Efficient Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network (SeHGNN). To easily capture structural information, SeHGNN pre-computes the neighbor aggregation using a light-weight mean aggregator, which reduces complexity by removing overused neighbor attention and avoiding repeated neighbor aggregation in every training epoch. To better utilize semantic information, SeHGNN adopts the single-layer structure with long metapaths to extend the receptive field, as well as a transformer-based semantic fusion module to fuse features from different metapaths. As a result, SeHGNN exhibits the characteristics of simple network structure, high prediction accuracy, and fast training speed. Extensive experiments on five real-world heterogeneous graphs demonstrate the superiority of SeHGNN over the state-of-the-arts on both accuracy and training speed.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    Few-Shot Semantic Relation Prediction across Heterogeneous Graphs

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    Semantic relation prediction aims to mine the implicit relationships between objects in heterogeneous graphs, which consist of different types of objects and different types of links. In real-world scenarios, new semantic relations constantly emerge and they typically appear with only a few labeled data. Since a variety of semantic relations exist in multiple heterogeneous graphs, the transferable knowledge can be mined from some existing semantic relations to help predict the new semantic relations with few labeled data. This inspires a novel problem of few-shot semantic relation prediction across heterogeneous graphs. However, the existing methods cannot solve this problem because they not only require a large number of labeled samples as input, but also focus on a single graph with a fixed heterogeneity. Targeting this novel and challenging problem, in this paper, we propose a Meta-learning based Graph neural network for Semantic relation prediction, named MetaGS. Firstly, MetaGS decomposes the graph structure between objects into multiple normalized subgraphs, then adopts a two-view graph neural network to capture local heterogeneous information and global structure information of these subgraphs. Secondly, MetaGS aggregates the information of these subgraphs with a hyper-prototypical network, which can learn from existing semantic relations and adapt to new semantic relations. Thirdly, using the well-initialized two-view graph neural network and hyper-prototypical network, MetaGS can effectively learn new semantic relations from different graphs while overcoming the limitation of few labeled data. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets have demonstrated the superior performance of MetaGS over the state-of-the-art methods

    An Attention-based Graph Neural Network for Heterogeneous Structural Learning

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    In this paper, we focus on graph representation learning of heterogeneous information network (HIN), in which various types of vertices are connected by various types of relations. Most of the existing methods conducted on HIN revise homogeneous graph embedding models via meta-paths to learn low-dimensional vector space of HIN. In this paper, we propose a novel Heterogeneous Graph Structural Attention Neural Network (HetSANN) to directly encode structural information of HIN without meta-path and achieve more informative representations. With this method, domain experts will not be needed to design meta-path schemes and the heterogeneous information can be processed automatically by our proposed model. Specifically, we implicitly represent heterogeneous information using the following two methods: 1) we model the transformation between heterogeneous vertices through a projection in low-dimensional entity spaces; 2) afterwards, we apply the graph neural network to aggregate multi-relational information of projected neighborhood by means of attention mechanism. We also present three extensions of HetSANN, i.e., voices-sharing product attention for the pairwise relationships in HIN, cycle-consistency loss to retain the transformation between heterogeneous entity spaces, and multi-task learning with full use of information. The experiments conducted on three public datasets demonstrate that our proposed models achieve significant and consistent improvements compared to state-of-the-art solutions
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