37,312 research outputs found

    Renyi Differential Privacy

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    We propose a natural relaxation of differential privacy based on the Renyi divergence. Closely related notions have appeared in several recent papers that analyzed composition of differentially private mechanisms. We argue that the useful analytical tool can be used as a privacy definition, compactly and accurately representing guarantees on the tails of the privacy loss. We demonstrate that the new definition shares many important properties with the standard definition of differential privacy, while additionally allowing tighter analysis of composite heterogeneous mechanisms

    Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Privacy-Preserving Recommendation

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    Social networks are considered to be heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) with deep learning technological advances. HGNNs, compared to homogeneous data, absorb various aspects of information about individuals in the training stage. That means more information has been covered in the learning result, especially sensitive information. However, the privacy-preserving methods on homogeneous graphs only preserve the same type of node attributes or relationships, which cannot effectively work on heterogeneous graphs due to the complexity. To address this issue, we propose a novel heterogeneous graph neural network privacy-preserving method based on a differential privacy mechanism named HeteDP, which provides a double guarantee on graph features and topology. In particular, we first define a new attack scheme to reveal privacy leakage in the heterogeneous graphs. Specifically, we design a two-stage pipeline framework, which includes the privacy-preserving feature encoder and the heterogeneous link reconstructor with gradients perturbation based on differential privacy to tolerate data diversity and against the attack. To better control the noise and promote model performance, we utilize a bi-level optimization pattern to allocate a suitable privacy budget for the above two modules. Our experiments on four public benchmarks show that the HeteDP method is equipped to resist heterogeneous graph privacy leakage with admirable model generalization

    Learning from Data with Heterogeneous Noise using SGD

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    We consider learning from data of variable quality that may be obtained from different heterogeneous sources. Addressing learning from heterogeneous data in its full generality is a challenging problem. In this paper, we adopt instead a model in which data is observed through heterogeneous noise, where the noise level reflects the quality of the data source. We study how to use stochastic gradient algorithms to learn in this model. Our study is motivated by two concrete examples where this problem arises naturally: learning with local differential privacy based on data from multiple sources with different privacy requirements, and learning from data with labels of variable quality. The main contribution of this paper is to identify how heterogeneous noise impacts performance. We show that given two datasets with heterogeneous noise, the order in which to use them in standard SGD depends on the learning rate. We propose a method for changing the learning rate as a function of the heterogeneity, and prove new regret bounds for our method in two cases of interest. Experiments on real data show that our method performs better than using a single learning rate and using only the less noisy of the two datasets when the noise level is low to moderate

    Decentralized Matrix Factorization with Heterogeneous Differential Privacy

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    Conventional matrix factorization relies on centralized collection of users' data for recommendation, which might introduce an increased risk of privacy leakage especially when the recommender is untrusted. Existing differentially private matrix factorization methods either assume the recommender is trusted, or can only provide a uniform level of privacy protection for all users and items with untrusted recommender. In this paper, we propose a novel Heterogeneous Differentially Private Matrix Factorization algorithm (denoted as HDPMF) for untrusted recommender. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to achieve heterogeneous differential privacy for decentralized matrix factorization in untrusted recommender scenario. Specifically, our framework uses modified stretching mechanism with an innovative rescaling scheme to achieve better trade off between privacy and accuracy. Meanwhile, by allocating privacy budget properly, we can capture homogeneous privacy preference within a user/item but heterogeneous privacy preference across different users/items. Theoretical analysis confirms that HDPMF renders rigorous privacy guarantee, and exhaustive experiments demonstrate its superiority especially in strong privacy guarantee, high dimension model and sparse dataset scenario.Comment: Accepted by the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023

    Private Distribution Testing with Heterogeneous Constraints: Your Epsilon Might Not Be Mine

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    Private closeness testing asks to decide whether the underlying probability distributions of two sensitive datasets are identical or differ significantly in statistical distance, while guaranteeing (differential) privacy of the data. As in most (if not all) distribution testing questions studied under privacy constraints, however, previous work assumes that the two datasets are equally sensitive, i.e., must be provided the same privacy guarantees. This is often an unrealistic assumption, as different sources of data come with different privacy requirements; as a result, known closeness testing algorithms might be unnecessarily conservative, "paying" too high a privacy budget for half of the data. In this work, we initiate the study of the closeness testing problem under heterogeneous privacy constraints, where the two datasets come with distinct privacy requirements. We formalize the question and provide algorithms under the three most widely used differential privacy settings, with a particular focus on the local and shuffle models of privacy; and show that one can indeed achieve better sample efficiency when taking into account the two different "epsilon" requirements

    Cohere: Privacy Management in Large Scale Systems

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    The need for a privacy management layer in today's systems started to manifest with the emergence of new systems for privacy-preserving analytics and privacy compliance. As a result, we began to see many independent efforts emerge that try to provide system support for privacy. Recently, the scope of privacy solutions used in systems has expanded to encompass more complex techniques such as Differential Privacy (DP). The use of these solutions in large-scale systems imposes new challenges and requirements. Careful planning and coordination are necessary to ensure that privacy guarantees are maintained across a wide range of heterogeneous applications and data systems. This requires new solutions for managing shared application state and allocating scarce and non-replenishable privacy resources. In this paper, we introduce Cohere, a new data management system that simplifies the use of DP in large-scale systems. Cohere implements a unified interface that allows heterogeneous applications to operate on a unified view of users' data. Cohere further extends existing accounting systems with the ability to manage and optimally allocate shared privacy resources, i.e., budget, under complex preferences. We show that Cohere can effectively enable advanced privacy solutions in existing large-scale systems with minimal modifications to existing data management systems and with moderate overhead