12 research outputs found

    Polynomial Preserving Recovery For Weak Galerkin Methods And Their Applications

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    Gradient recovery technique is widely used to reconstruct a better numerical gradient from a finite element solution, for mesh smoothing, a posteriori error estimate and adaptive finite element methods. The PPR technique generates a higher order approximation of the gradient on a patch of mesh elements around each mesh vertex. It can be used for different finite element methods for different problems. This dissertation presents recovery techniques for the weak Galerkin methods and as well as applications of gradient recovery on various of problems, including elliptic problems, interface problems, and Stokes problems. Our first target is to develop a boundary strategy for the current PPR algorithm. The current accuracy of PPR near boundaries is not as good as that in the interior of the domain. It might be even worse than without recovery. Some special treatments are needed to improve the accuracy of PPR on the boundary. In this thesis, we present two boundary recovery strategies to resolve the problem caused by boundaries. Numerical experiments indicate that both of the newly proposed strategies made an improvement to the original PPR. Our second target is to generalize PPR to the weak Galerkin methods. Different from the standard finite element methods, the weak Galerkin methods use a different set of degrees of freedom. Instead of the weak gradient information, we are able to obtain the recovered gradient information for the numerical solution in the generalization of PPR. In the PPR process, we are also able to recover the function value at the nodal points which will produce a global continuous solution instead of piecewise continuous function. Our third target is to apply our proposed strategy and WGPPR to interface problems. We treat an interface as a boundary when performing gradient recovery, and the jump condition on the interface can be well captured by the function recovery process. In addition, adaptive methods based on WGPPR recovery type a posteriori error estimator is proposed and numerically tested in this thesis. Application on the elliptic problem and interface problem validate the effectiveness and robustness of our algorithm. Furthermore, WGPPR has been applied to 3D problem and Stokes problem as well. Superconvergent phenomenon is again observed

    Recovery Techniques For Finite Element Methods And Their Applications

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    Recovery techniques are important post-processing methods to obtain improved approximate solutions from primary data with reasonable cost. The practical us- age of recovery techniques is not only to improve the quality of approximation, but also to provide an asymptotically exact posteriori error estimators for adaptive meth- ods. This dissertation presents recovery techniques for nonconforming finite element methods and high order derivative as well as applications of gradient recovery. Our first target is to develop a systematic gradient recovery technique for Crouzeix- Raviart element. The proposed method uses finite element solution to build a better approximation of the exact gradient based on local least square fittings. Due to poly- nomial preserving property of least square fitting, it is easy to show that the new proposed method preserves quadratic polynomials. In addition, the proposed gra- dient recovery is linearly bounded. Numerical tests indicate the recovered gradient is superconvergent to the exact gradient for both second order elliptic equation and Stokes equation. The gradient recovery technique can be used in a posteriori error estimates for Crouzeix-Raviart element, which is relatively simple to implement and problem independent. Our second target is to propose and analyze a new effective Hessian recovery for continuous finite element of arbitrary order. The proposed Hessian recovery is based on polynomial preserving recovery. The proposed method preserves polynomials of degree (k + 1) on general unstructured meshes and polynomials of degree (k + 2) on translation invariant meshes. Based on it polynomial preserving property, we can able to prove superconvergence of the proposed method on mildly structured meshes. In addition, we establish the ultraconvergence result for the new Hessian recovery technique on translation invariant finite element space of arbitrary order. Our third target is to demonstrate application of gradient recovery in eigenvalue computation. We propose two superconvergent two-grid methods for elliptic eigen- value problems by taking advantage of two-gird method, two-space method, shifted- inverse power method, and gradient recovery enhancement. Theoretical and numer- ical results reveal that the proposed methods provide superconvergent eigenfunction approximation and ultraconvergent eigenvalue approximation. In addition, two mul- tilevel adaptive methods based recovery type a posterior error estimate are proposed

    A C0C^0 Linear Finite Element Method for a Second Order Elliptic Equation in Non-Divergence Form with Cordes Coefficients

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    In this paper, we develop a gradient recovery based linear (GRBL) finite element method (FEM) and a Hessian recovery based linear (HRBL) FEM for second order elliptic equations in non-divergence form. The elliptic equation is casted into a symmetric non-divergence weak formulation, in which second order derivatives of the unknown function are involved. We use gradient and Hessian recovery operators to calculate the second order derivatives of linear finite element approximations. Although, thanks to low degrees of freedom (DOF) of linear elements, the implementation of the proposed schemes is easy and straightforward, the performances of the methods are competitive. The unique solvability and the H2H^2 seminorm error estimate of the GRBL scheme are rigorously proved. Optimal error estimates in both the L2L^2 norm and the H1H^1 seminorm have been proved when the coefficient is diagonal, which have been confirmed by numerical experiments. Superconvergence in errors has also been observed. Moreover, our methods can handle computational domains with curved boundaries without loss of accuracy from approximation of boundaries. Finally, the proposed numerical methods have been successfully applied to solve fully nonlinear Monge-Amp\`{e}re equations

    Superconvergent postprocessing of C0C^0 interior penalty method

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    This paper focuses on the superconvergence analysis of the Hessian recovery technique for the C0C^0 Interior Penalty Method (C0IP) in solving the biharmonic equation. We establish interior error estimates for C0IP method that serve as the superconvergent analysis tool. Using the argument of superconvergence by difference quotient, we prove superconvergent results of the recovered Hessian matrix on translation-invariant meshes. The Hessian recovery technique enables us to construct an asymptotically exact aposteriori{\it a\, posteriori} error estimator for the C0IP method. Numerical experiments are provided to support our theoretical results