501 research outputs found

    Quantitative Tverberg, Helly, & Carath\'eodory theorems

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    This paper presents sixteen quantitative versions of the classic Tverberg, Helly, & Caratheodory theorems in combinatorial convexity. Our results include measurable or enumerable information in the hypothesis and the conclusion. Typical measurements include the volume, the diameter, or the number of points in a lattice.Comment: 33 page

    The Complexity of Helly-B1B_{1} EPG Graph Recognition

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    Golumbic, Lipshteyn, and Stern defined in 2009 the class of EPG graphs, the intersection graph class of edge paths on a grid. An EPG graph GG is a graph that admits a representation where its vertices correspond to paths in a grid QQ, such that two vertices of GG are adjacent if and only if their corresponding paths in QQ have a common edge. If the paths in the representation have at most kk bends, we say that it is a BkB_k-EPG representation. A collection CC of sets satisfies the Helly property when every sub-collection of CC that is pairwise intersecting has at least one common element. In this paper, we show that given a graph GG and an integer kk, the problem of determining whether GG admits a BkB_k-EPG representation whose edge-intersections of paths satisfy the Helly property, so-called Helly-BkB_k-EPG representation, is in NP, for every kk bounded by a polynomial function of ∣V(G)∣|V(G)|. Moreover, we show that the problem of recognizing Helly-B1B_1-EPG graphs is NP-complete, and it remains NP-complete even when restricted to 2-apex and 3-degenerate graphs

    Combinatorial Problems on HH-graphs

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    Bir\'{o}, Hujter, and Tuza introduced the concept of HH-graphs (1992), intersection graphs of connected subgraphs of a subdivision of a graph HH. They naturally generalize many important classes of graphs, e.g., interval graphs and circular-arc graphs. We continue the study of these graph classes by considering coloring, clique, and isomorphism problems on HH-graphs. We show that for any fixed HH containing a certain 3-node, 6-edge multigraph as a minor that the clique problem is APX-hard on HH-graphs and the isomorphism problem is isomorphism-complete. We also provide positive results on HH-graphs. Namely, when HH is a cactus the clique problem can be solved in polynomial time. Also, when a graph GG has a Helly HH-representation, the clique problem can be solved in polynomial time. Finally, we observe that one can use treewidth techniques to show that both the kk-clique and list kk-coloring problems are FPT on HH-graphs. These FPT results apply more generally to treewidth-bounded graph classes where treewidth is bounded by a function of the clique number

    Quantitative combinatorial geometry for continuous parameters

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    We prove variations of Carath\'eodory's, Helly's and Tverberg's theorems where the sets involved are measured according to continuous functions such as the volume or diameter. Among our results, we present continuous quantitative versions of Lov\'asz's colorful Helly theorem, B\'ar\'any's colorful Carath\'eodory's theorem, and the colorful Tverberg theorem.Comment: 22 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1503.0611
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