136 research outputs found

    Simple models of network access, with applications to the design of joint rate and admission control

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    At the access to networks, in contrast to the core, distances and feedback delays, as well as link capacities are small, which has network engineering implications that are investigated in this paper. We consider a single point in the access network which multiplexes several bursty users. The users adapt their sending rates based on feedback from the access multiplexer. Important parameters are the user's peak transmission rate p, which is the access line speed, the user's guaranteed minimum rate r, and the bound ε on the fraction of lost data. Two feedback schemes are proposed. In both schemes the users are allowed to send at rate p if the system is relatively lightly loaded, at rate r during periods of congestion, and at a rate between r and p, in an intermediate region. For both feedback schemes we present an exact analysis, under the assumption that the users' job sizes and think times have exponential distributions. We use our techniques to design the schemes jointly with admission control, i.e., the selection of the number of admissible users, to maximize throughput for given p, r, and ε. Next we consider the case in which the number of users is large. Under a specific scaling, we derive explicit large deviations asymptotics for both models. We discuss the extension to general distributions of user data and think times

    Resource allocation in stochastic processing networks : performance and scaling

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Operations Research Center, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 189-193).This thesis addresses the design and analysis of resource allocation policies in largescale stochastic systems, motivated by examples such as the Internet, cloud facilities, wireless networks, etc. A canonical framework for modeling many such systems is provided by "stochastic processing networks" (SPN) (Harrison [28, 29]). In this context, the key operational challenge is efficient and timely resource allocation. We consider two important classes of SPNs: switched networks and bandwidth-sharing networks. Switched networks are constrained queueing models that have been used successfully to describe the detailed packet-level dynamics in systems such as input-queued switches and wireless networks. Bandwidth-sharing networks have primarily been used to capture the long-term behavior of the flow-level dynamics in the Internet. In this thesis, we develop novel methods to analyze the performance of existing resource allocation policies, and we design new policies that achieve provably good performance. First, we study performance properties of so-called Maximum-Weight-[alpha] (MW-[alpha]) policies in switched networks, and of a-fair policies in bandwidth-sharing networks, both of which are well-known families of resource allocation policies, parametrized by a positive parameter [alpha] > 0. We study both their transient properties as well as their steady-state behavior. In switched networks, under a MW-a policy with a 2 1, we obtain bounds on the maximum queue size over a given time horizon, by means of a maximal inequality derived from the standard Lyapunov drift condition. As a corollary, we establish the full state space collapse property when [alpha] > 1. In the steady-state regime, for any [alpha] >/= 0, we obtain explicit exponential tail bounds on the queue sizes, by relying on a norm-like Lyapunov function, different from the standard Lyapunov function used in the literature. Methods and results are largely parallel for bandwidth-sharing networks. Under an a-fair policy with [alpha] >/= 1, we obtain bounds on the maximum number of flows in the network over a given time horizon, and hence establish the full state space collapse property when [alpha] >/= 1. In the steady-state regime, using again a norm-like Lyapunov function, we obtain explicit exponential tail bounds on the number of flows, for any a > 0. As a corollary, we establish the validity of the diffusion approximation developed by Kang et al. [32], in steady state, for the case [alpha] = 1. Second, we consider the design of resource allocation policies in switched networks. At a high level, the central performance questions of interest are: what is the optimal scaling behavior of policies in large-scale systems, and how can we achieve it? More specifically, in the context of general switched networks, we provide a new class of online policies, inspired by the classical insensitivity theory for product-form queueing networks, which admits explicit performance bounds. These policies achieve optimal queue-size scaling, in the conventional heavy-traffic regime, for a class of switched networks, thus settling a conjecture (documented in [51]) on queue-size scaling in input-queued switches. In the particular context of input-queued switches, we consider the scaling behavior of queue sizes, as a function of the port number n and the load factor [rho]. In particular, we consider the special case of uniform arrival rates, and we focus on the regime where [rho] = 1 - 1/f(n), with f(n) >/= n. We provide a new class of policies under which the long-run average total queue size scales as O(n1.5 -f(n) log f(n)). As a corollary, when f(n) = n, the long-run average total queue size scales as O(n2.5 log n). This is a substantial improvement upon prior works [44], [52], [48], [39], where the same quantity scales as O(n3 ) (ignoring logarithmic dependence on n).by Yuan Zhong.Ph.D

    Flow-level performance analysis of data networks using processor sharing models

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    Most telecommunication systems are dynamic in nature. The state of the network changes constantly as new transmissions appear and depart. In order to capture the behavior of such systems and to realistically evaluate their performance, it is essential to use dynamic models in the analysis. In this thesis, we model and analyze networks carrying elastic data traffic at flow level using stochastic queueing systems. We develop performance analysis methodology, as well as model and analyze example systems. The exact analysis of stochastic models is difficult and usually becomes computationally intractable when the size of the network increases, and hence efficient approximative methods are needed. In this thesis, we use two performance approximation methods. Value extrapolation is a novel approximative method developed during this work and based on the theory of Markov decision processes. It can be used to approximate the performance measures of Markov processes. When applied to queueing systems, value extrapolation makes possible heavy state space truncation while providing accurate results without significant computational penalties. Balanced fairness is a capacity allocation scheme recently introduced by Bonald and Proutière that simplifies performance analysis and requires less restrictive assumptions about the traffic than other capacity allocation schemes. We introduce an approximation method based on balanced fairness and the Monte Carlo method for evaluating large sums that can be used to estimate the performance of systems of moderate size with low or medium loads. The performance analysis methods are applied in two settings: load balancing in fixed networks and the analysis of wireless networks. The aim of load balancing is to divide the traffic load efficiently between the network resources in order to improve the performance. On the basis of the insensitivity results of Bonald and Proutière, we study both packet- and flow-level balancing in fixed data networks. We also study load balancing between multiple parallel discriminatory processor sharing queues and compare different balancing policies. In the final part of the thesis, we analyze the performance of wireless networks carrying elastic data traffic. Wireless networks are gaining more and more popularity, as their advantages, such as easier deployment and mobility, outweigh their downsides. First, we discuss a simple cellular network with link adaptation consisting of two base stations and customers located on a line between them. We model the system and analyze the performance using different capacity allocation policies. Wireless multihop networks are analyzed using two different MAC schemes. On the basis of earlier work by Penttinen et al., we analyze the performance of networks using the STDMA MAC protocol. We also study multihop networks with random access, assuming that the transmission probabilities can be adapted upon flow arrivals and departures. We compare the throughput behavior of flow-optimized random access against the throughput obtained by optimal scheduling assuming balanced fairness capacity allocation

    Steady-State Analysis of Load Balancing with Coxian-22 Distributed Service Times

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    This paper studies load balancing for many-server (NN servers) systems. Each server has a buffer of size b1,b-1, and can have at most one job in service and b1b-1 jobs in the buffer. The service time of a job follows the Coxian-2 distribution. We focus on steady-state performance of load balancing policies in the heavy traffic regime such that the normalized load of system is λ=1Nα\lambda = 1 - N^{-\alpha} for 0<α<0.5.0<\alpha<0.5. We identify a set of policies that achieve asymptotic zero waiting. The set of policies include several classical policies such as join-the-shortest-queue (JSQ), join-the-idle-queue (JIQ), idle-one-first (I1F) and power-of-dd-choices (Podd) with d=O(NαlogN)d=O(N^\alpha\log N). The proof of the main result is based on Stein's method and state space collapse. A key technical contribution of this paper is the iterative state space collapse approach that leads to a simple generator approximation when applying Stein's method