11,373 research outputs found

    Heaps Simplified

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    The heap is a basic data structure used in a wide variety of applications, including shortest path and minimum spanning tree algorithms. In this paper we explore the design space of comparison-based, amortized-efficient heap implementations. From a consideration of dynamic single-elimination tournaments, we obtain the binomial queue, a classical heap implementation, in a simple and natural way. We give four equivalent ways of representing heaps arising from tournaments, and we obtain two new variants of binomial queues, a one-tree version and a one-pass version. We extend the one-pass version to support key decrease operations, obtaining the {\em rank-pairing heap}, or {\em rp-heap}. Rank-pairing heaps combine the performance guarantees of Fibonacci heaps with simplicity approaching that of pairing heaps. Like pairing heaps, rank-pairing heaps consist of trees of arbitrary structure, but these trees are combined by rank, not by list position, and rank changes, but not structural changes, cascade during key decrease operations

    Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Algorithms with Histories and Subjectivity

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    We present a lightweight approach to Hoare-style specifications for fine-grained concurrency, based on a notion of time-stamped histories that abstractly capture atomic changes in the program state. Our key observation is that histories form a partial commutative monoid, a structure fundamental for representation of concurrent resources. This insight provides us with a unifying mechanism that allows us to treat histories just like heaps in separation logic. For example, both are subject to the same assertion logic and inference rules (e.g., the frame rule). Moreover, the notion of ownership transfer, which usually applies to heaps, has an equivalent in histories. It can be used to formally represent helping---an important design pattern for concurrent algorithms whereby one thread can execute code on behalf of another. Specifications in terms of histories naturally abstract granularity, in the sense that sophisticated fine-grained algorithms can be given the same specifications as their simplified coarse-grained counterparts, making them equally convenient for client-side reasoning. We illustrate our approach on a number of examples and validate all of them in Coq.Comment: 17 page

    Structural Analysis: Shape Information via Points-To Computation

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    This paper introduces a new hybrid memory analysis, Structural Analysis, which combines an expressive shape analysis style abstract domain with efficient and simple points-to style transfer functions. Using data from empirical studies on the runtime heap structures and the programmatic idioms used in modern object-oriented languages we construct a heap analysis with the following characteristics: (1) it can express a rich set of structural, shape, and sharing properties which are not provided by a classic points-to analysis and that are useful for optimization and error detection applications (2) it uses efficient, weakly-updating, set-based transfer functions which enable the analysis to be more robust and scalable than a shape analysis and (3) it can be used as the basis for a scalable interprocedural analysis that produces precise results in practice. The analysis has been implemented for .Net bytecode and using this implementation we evaluate both the runtime cost and the precision of the results on a number of well known benchmarks and real world programs. Our experimental evaluations show that the domain defined in this paper is capable of precisely expressing the majority of the connectivity, shape, and sharing properties that occur in practice and, despite the use of weak updates, the static analysis is able to precisely approximate the ideal results. The analysis is capable of analyzing large real-world programs (over 30K bytecodes) in less than 65 seconds and using less than 130MB of memory. In summary this work presents a new type of memory analysis that advances the state of the art with respect to expressive power, precision, and scalability and represents a new area of study on the relationships between and combination of concepts from shape and points-to analyses

    New Algorithms for Position Heaps

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    We present several results about position heaps, a relatively new alternative to suffix trees and suffix arrays. First, we show that, if we limit the maximum length of patterns to be sought, then we can also limit the height of the heap and reduce the worst-case cost of insertions and deletions. Second, we show how to build a position heap in linear time independent of the size of the alphabet. Third, we show how to augment a position heap such that it supports access to the corresponding suffix array, and vice versa. Fourth, we introduce a variant of a position heap that can be simulated efficiently by a compressed suffix array with a linear number of extra bits

    The growth of a Super Stable Heap : an experimental and numerical study

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    We report experimental and numerical results on the growth of a super stable heap (SSH). Such a regime appears for flows in a thin channel and for high flow rate : the flow occurs atop a nearly static heap whose angle is stabilized by the flowing layer at its top and the side wall friction. The growth of the static heap is investigated in this paper. A theoretical analysis inspired by the BRCE formalism predicts the evolution of the growth process, which is confirmed by both experiments and numerical simulations. The model allows us to link the characteristic time of the growth to the exchange rate between the "moving" and "static" grains. We show that this rate is proportional to the height of the flowing layer even for thick flows. The study of upstream traveling waves sheds new light on the BCRE model

    The dynamics of correlated novelties

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    One new thing often leads to another. Such correlated novelties are a familiar part of daily life. They are also thought to be fundamental to the evolution of biological systems, human society, and technology. By opening new possibilities, one novelty can pave the way for others in a process that Kauffman has called "expanding the adjacent possible". The dynamics of correlated novelties, however, have yet to be quantified empirically or modeled mathematically. Here we propose a simple mathematical model that mimics the process of exploring a physical, biological or conceptual space that enlarges whenever a novelty occurs. The model, a generalization of Polya's urn, predicts statistical laws for the rate at which novelties happen (analogous to Heaps' law) and for the probability distribution on the space explored (analogous to Zipf's law), as well as signatures of the hypothesized process by which one novelty sets the stage for another. We test these predictions on four data sets of human activity: the edit events of Wikipedia pages, the emergence of tags in annotation systems, the sequence of words in texts, and listening to new songs in online music catalogues. By quantifying the dynamics of correlated novelties, our results provide a starting point for a deeper understanding of the ever-expanding adjacent possible and its role in biological, linguistic, cultural, and technological evolution

    Amortised resource analysis with separation logic

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    Type-based amortised resource analysis following Hofmann and Jost—where resources are associated with individual elements of data structures and doled out to the programmer under a linear typing discipline—have been successful in providing concrete resource bounds for functional programs, with good support for inference. In this work we translate the idea of amortised resource analysis to imperative languages by embedding a logic of resources, based on Bunched Implications, within Separation Logic. The Separation Logic component allows us to assert the presence and shape of mutable data structures on the heap, while the resource component allows us to state the resources associated with each member of the structure. We present the logic on a small imperative language with procedures and mutable heap, based on Java bytecode. We have formalised the logic within the Coq proof assistant and extracted a certified verification condition generator. We demonstrate the logic on some examples, including proving termination of in-place list reversal on lists with cyclic tails