1,455 research outputs found

    MolecularRift, a Gesture Based Interaction Tool for Controlling Molecules in 3-D

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    Visualization of molecular models is a vital part in modern drug design. Improved visualization methods increases the conceptual understanding and enables faster and better decision making. The introduction of virtual reality goggles such as Oculus Rift has introduced new opportunities for the capabilities of such visualisations. A new interactive visualization tool (MolecularRift), which lets the user experience molecular models in a virtual reality environment, was developed in collaboration with AstraZeneca. In an attempt to create a more natural way to interact with the tool, users can steer and control molecules through hand gestures. The gestures are recorded using depth data from a Mircosoft Kinect v2 sensor and interpreted using per pixel algorithms, which only focus on the captured frames thus freeing the user from additional devices such as cursor, keyboard, touchpad or even piezoresistive gloves. MolecularRift was developed from a usability perspective using an iterative developing process and test group evaluations. The iterations allowed an agile process where features easily could be evaluated to monitor behavior and performance, resulting in a user-optimized tool. We conclude with reflections on virtual reality's capabilities in chemistry and possibilities for future projects.Virtual reality Ă€r framtiden. Nya tekniker utvecklas konstant och parallellt med att datakapaciteten förbĂ€ttras finner vi nya sĂ€tt att anvĂ€nda dem ihop. Vi har utvecklat ett nytt interaktivt visualiserings verktyg (Molecular Rift) som lĂ„ter anvĂ€ndaren uppleva molekylĂ€ra modeller i en virtuell verklighet. I dagens medicinindustri Ă€r man i stĂ€ndigt behov av nya metoder för att visualisera potentiella lĂ€kemedel i 3-D. Det finns flera verktyg idag som anvĂ€nds för att visualisera molekyler i 3-D stereo. VĂ„ra nyframtagna tekniker inom virtuell verklighet presenterar möjligheter för medicinutvecklare att ”gĂ„ in” i de molekylĂ€ra strukturerna och uppleva dem pĂ„ ett helt nytt sĂ€tt

    Head-mounted display-based application for cognitive training

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has had significant advances in rehabilitation, due to the gamification of cognitive activities that facilitate treatment. On the other hand, Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) produces outstanding results due to the interactive features with the user. This work introduces a VR application for memory rehabilitation by walking through a maze and using the Oculus Go head-mounted display (HMD) technology. The mechanics of the game require memorizing geometric shapes while the player progresses in two modes, autonomous or manual, with two levels of difficulty depending on the number of elements to remember. The application is developed in the Unity 3D video game engine considering the optimization of computational resources to improve the performance in the processing and maintaining adequate benefits for the user, while the generated data is stored and sent to a remote server. The maze task was assessed with 29 subjects in a controlled environment. The obtained results show a significant correlation between participants’ response accuracy in both the maze task and a face–pair test. Thus, the proposed task is able to perform memory assessments

    Realidade aumentada para produção assistida em ambiente industrial

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    Smart factories are becoming more and more common and Augmented Reality (AR) is a pillar of the transition to Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. AR can improve many industrial processes such as training, maintenance, assembly, quality control, remote collaboration and others. AR has the potential to revolutionize the way information is accessed, used and exchanged, extending user’s perception and improving their performance. This work proposes a Pervasive AR tool, created in collaboration with industrial partners, to support the training of operators on industrial shop floors while performing production operations. A Human-Centered Design (HCD) methodology was used to identify operators’ difficulties, challenges, and define requirements. After initial meetings with stakeholders, an AR prototype was designed and developed to allow the configuration and visualization of AR content on the shop floor. Several meetings and user studies were conducted to evaluate the developed tools and improve their usability and features. Comparisons between the proposed Head Mounted Display (HMD) solution, the method currently being used in the shopfloor and alternative AR solutions (mobile based) were conducted. The results of user studies suggest that the proposed AR system can significantly improve the performance (up to 70% when compared with the method currently used in the shop floor) of novice operators.FĂĄbricas inteligentes estĂŁo a tornar-se cada vez mais comuns e a Realidade Aumentada (Augmented Reality) Ă© essencial para a transição para a IndĂșstria 4.0 e para a produção inteligente. A AR pode ser usada para melhorar muitos processos industriais, tais como treino, assistĂȘncia, montagem, controlo de qualidade, colaboração remota, entre outros. A AR tem potencial para revolucionar a maneira como a informação Ă© acedida, usada e partilhada, expandindo a perceção do utilizador e melhorando a sua performance. Este trabalho propĂ”e uma ferramenta de AR Pervasiva, criada em colaboração com parceiros da indĂșstria, para ajudar no treino de operadores de chĂŁo de fĂĄbrica em tarefas de produção fabril. Para identificar as dificuldades, desafios e definir requisitos, foi seguida uma metodologia de Desenho Centrada no Utilizador (HCD). Depois de vĂĄrios encontros com o pĂșblico-alvo, um protĂłtipo de AR foi desenhado e desenvolvido para permitir a configuração e visualização de conteĂșdo em AR na linha de montagem de uma fĂĄbrica. Diversas reuniĂ”es e testes com utilizadores foram realizados de modo a avaliar as ferramentas desenvolvidas e melhorar a usabilidade e as suas funcionalidades. Foram tambĂ©m realizadas comparaçÔes entre a solução de AR proposta, o mĂ©todo atualmente utilizado na linha de produção e uma solução alternativa de AR para dispositivos mĂłveis. Os resultados dos testes de utilizador realizados sugerem que a solução proposta pode melhorar substancialmente a eficiĂȘncia (atĂ© 70% quando comparado com mĂ©todo atualmente utilizado na linha de produção) de novos operadores.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemĂĄtic

    Improving everyday computing tasks with head-mounted displays

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    The proliferation of consumer-affordable head-mounted displays (HMDs) has brought a rash of entertainment applications for this burgeoning technology, but relatively little research has been devoted to exploring its potential home and office productivity applications. Can the unique characteristics of HMDs be leveraged to improve users’ ability to perform everyday computing tasks? My work strives to explore this question. One significant obstacle to using HMDs for everyday tasks is the fact that the real world is occluded while wearing them. Physical keyboards remain the most performant devices for text input, yet using a physical keyboard is difficult when the user can’t see it. I developed a system for aiding users typing on physical keyboards while wearing HMDs and performed a user study demonstrating the efficacy of my system. Building on this foundation, I developed a window manager optimized for use with HMDs and conducted a user survey to gather feedback. This survey provided evidence that HMD-optimized window managers can provide advantages that are difficult or impossible to achieve with standard desktop monitors. Participants also provided suggestions for improvements and extensions to future versions of this window manager. I explored the issue of distance compression, wherein users tend to underestimate distances in virtual environments relative to the real world, which could be problematic for window managers or other productivity applications seeking to leverage the depth dimension through stereoscopy. I also investigated a mitigation technique for distance compression called minification. I conducted multiple user studies, providing evidence that minification makes users’ distance judgments in HMDs more accurate without causing detrimental perceptual side effects. This work also provided some valuable insight into the human perceptual system. Taken together, this work represents valuable steps toward leveraging HMDs for everyday home and office productivity applications. I developed functioning software for this purpose, demonstrated its efficacy through multiple user studies, and also gathered feedback for future directions by having participants use this software in simulated productivity tasks
